
spalio 1 d. (antradienį), 14 val. Diferencialinių lygčių katedra organizuoja seminarą, kuris vyks 301 aud., VU Matematikos ir informatikos fakultete (Naugarduko g. 24).

Pranešėjas:  prof. Maria Specovius (Universität Kassel, Germany)

Tema: On the decomposition of vector fields

Pranešimo santrauka: The decomposition of vector fields into a solenoidal part and a gradient field is a crucial tool in various fields of continuum mechanics, in particular in fluid mechanics. Since Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand Helmholtz, a German physicist, physician and physiologist, published his famous paper in Crelle Journal, 1858, a veritable flood of papers was published on this topic, not only in mathematical journals, but even in Journals concerning vision and robotics or astrophysics, e.g. Apart from the classical existence and uniqueness results the mathematical theory also revolves around aspects like regularity or asymptotic behavior of the decomposition parts or the refinement of the decompositions. In this lecture a method based on duality arguments is explained which is useful while dealing with various classes of locally p-summable vector fields. It has to be emphasized that the main ideas were invented already in the 1960ties, but it looks that the potential of this method is somehow underestimated.

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