
The speaker: Professor Andrea Cianchi (University of Florence).

Title of the talk:  “Distortion of Hausdorff measures under Orlicz-Sobolev maps”.

Time: Thursday, 4 of May, 16:00 - 17:00.

Abstract: A comprehensive theory of the effect of Orlicz-Sobolev maps, between Euclidean spaces, on subsets with zero or finite Hausdorff measure is offered. Arbitrary Orlicz-Sobolev spaces embedded into the space of continuous function and Hausdorff measures built upon general gauge functions are included in our discussion. An explicit formula for the distortion of the relevant gauge function under the action of these maps is exhibited in terms of the Young function defining the Orlicz-Sobolev space. New phenomena and features, related to the flexibility in the definition of the degree of integrability of weak derivatives of maps and the notion of measure of sets, are detected. Classical results, dealing with standard Sobolev spaces and Hausdorff measures, are recovered, and their optimality is shown to hold in a refined stronger sense. Special instances available in the literature, concerning Young functions and gauge functions of non-power type, are also reproduced and, when not sharp, improved. This is joint work with M.V.Korobkov and J.Kristensen.

ZOOM link:

ZOOM Id: 836 7313 8944

Passcode: 808818

We are pleased to inform you that the information on previous talks is available on the seminar web page See Past Talks section.

Organizing Committee: Professors Zhen Lei, Mikhail Korobkov, Adele Ferone, Remigio Russo and Konstantin Pileckas.

This seminar is organized by Fudan University (Shanghai, China) with the collaboration of Universita degli studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Caserta, Italy) and Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lithuania). This seminar is meant to gather renowned experts working on Geometric and Real Analysis with applications to PDEs and Mathematical Physics and represents an opportunity for presenting high-impact research, as well as facilitating the exchange of ideas between researchers.
