
The speaker: Professor Stefano Modena (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Italy)

Title of the talk:  “Non-uniqueness for the transport equation with Sobolev vector fields”.

Time: Thursday, 3 of November, 15:00 - 16:00.

Abstract: One of the main questions in the theory of the linear transport equation is whether uniqueness of weak solutions to the Cauchy problem holds in the case the given vector field is not smooth. In the talk I will provide an overview on some results obtained in the last few years, showing that even for incompressible, Sobolev (thus quite “well-behaved”) vector fields, uniqueness of solutions can drastically fail. This result can be seen as a counterpart to DiPerna and Lions' well-posedness theorem.

ZOOM link:

ZOOM Id: 836 7313 8944

Passcode: 808818

We are pleased to inform you that the information on previous talks is available on the seminar web page See Past Talks section.

We sincerely hope you will be able to participate.

Organizing Committee: Professors Zhen Lei, Mikhail Korobkov, Adele Ferone, Remigio Russo and Konstantin Pileckas.

This seminar is organized by Fudan University (Shanghai, China) with the collaboration of Universita degli studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Caserta, Italy) and Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lithuania). This seminar is meant to gather renowned experts working on Geometric and Real Analysis with applications to PDEs and Mathematical Physics and represents an opportunity for presenting high-impact research, as well as facilitating the exchange of ideas between researchers.
