
Data: spalio 30 d. 8.30-12 val.

Vieta: VU bibliotekos Mokslinės komunikacijos ir informacijos centro konferencijų salė (Saulėtekio al. 5)

Renginys vyks anglų kalba.

Seminaro programa:

08:45 – 09:00 Registration

09:00 – 10:15 Scopus: how to choose a good journal wisely?

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database containing information on peer-reviewed literature published by more than 5,000 international publishers. The purpose of this tailor-made training is to familiarize researchers, librarians and information specialists with the content, as well as with the available bibliometric parameters within Scopus. Attendees will also learn about the most useful tools and functions incorporated in Scopus, which allow them to make a fully informed and comprehensive choice of the journal in which they may publish. The training includes several on-line workflow examples and the participants are welcome to take active part.

10.15 – 10.30 Break

10:30 – 12:00 Good practices in scholarly publishing

This training is addressed to everyone interested in the intricacies of scholarly publishing. During this training the attendees will learn about the importance of academic publishing and maintaining its high quality through proper peer-review. Additionally, information on Open Access and how to recognize good journals will be provided, along with information on the importance of publishing data. The training will be concluded by an overview of ethics in publishing, which ought to be respected by all authors, editors and reviewers. The training is addressed primarily to young researchers, although senior academics are also welcome to attend.

Lektorė: Katarzyna Gaca-Zając, PhD Eng., Elsevier Customer Consultant for Central and Eastern Europe.


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