Dr. Kačinskaitė Roma
Naugarduko g. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius 217 kab.
Pareigos: | Docentė |
- University of Würzburg (Germany), Giovanni Prodi professor (Giovanni Prodi chair); 2/10/2017 – 14/02/2018
- Nagoya University (Japan), 19/08–7/09/2017
- University of Würzburg (Germany), 5–13/05/2016, 30/04–27/05/2013
- Nagoya University, Kyoto University (RIMS) (Japan), 20/10–2/11/2011
- University of Würzburg (Germany), 05/2009
- Eőtvős Loránd University (Hungary), 05/2007
- A. Rényi Institute of Mathematics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary), 04–05/2003
Narystė akademinių žurnalų redakcinėse kolegijose
- Topical Advisory Member of journal “Mathematics” (ISSN 2227-7390), since 2020
- Member of Editor board of journal “Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys / Proceedings of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society“ (ISSN 0132-2818, 2335-898X/e), since 2018
- Member of Editorial Board of journal “Professional Studies: Theory and Practice” (ISSN 1822-3648), since 2005
- Managing Editor of journal “Šiauliai Mathematical Seminar” (ISSN 1822-511X, 2335-8688/e) 1999–2016, Member of Editorial Board 2017–2019
Dalyvavimas darbo grupėse, komisijose, komitetuose ir kita ekspertinė veikla
- Data base MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews); reviewer, since 2005
- Data base zbMATH (ZentralblattMATH); reviewer, since 2006
- The Austrian Science Fund // Der Wissenschaftsfonds FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung); expert, 2021–2022
- German Academic Exchange Service // Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD); expert, 2019
- National Science Centre Poland // Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN); expert, 2018
- Lithuanian Academy of Sciences; expert, 2015
- Lithuanian Foundation of Studies and Science; expert, 2008–2009
- Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education; expert, 2012–2013, 2014–2015
- Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers, Competition for the best PhD Thesis; expert, since 2017
- Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers, Competition for the best Master Thesis; expert, 2019
Pranešimai konferencijose ir seminaruose
- R. Kačinskaitė, Apie dzeta funkcijas nuo pradžios (About Zeta Functions from the Beginning) // Lietuvos matematikų draugijos seminaras, 2023 m. kovo 27 d.
- R. Kačinskaitė, Remarks on simultaneous approximation by the classes of zeta-functions // 26th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2023), May 30 – June 2, 2023, Jūrmala, Latvia.
- R. Kačinskaitė, Pastaba apie diskretų aproksimavimą dzeta funkcijų klasėmis (Remark on Discrete Approximation by Classes of Zeta-Functions) // Lietuvos matematikų draugijos LXIV konferencija, 2023 m. birželio 22–23 d., Vilnius.
- R. Kačinskaitė, One more case of discrete universality for the classes of zeta-functions // Workshop „Universality, zeta-functions, and chaotic operators“, 7–11 August, 2023, The Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), France. 5)
- R. Kačinskaitė, Remarks on discrete value distribution of the classes of zeta-functions // International conference on probability theory and number theory 2023, September 11—15, 2023, Palanga. - 2022
- R. Kačinskaitė. On discrete universality in the Selberg-Steuding class // Elementary and Analytic Number Theory (ELAZ), August 22-26, 2022, Poznań, Poland.
- R. Kačinskaitė, J. Šiaulys. Lietuvos universiteto ištakos (The Origins of Lithuanian University) // Lietuvos tikimybių teorijos ir skaičių teorijos konferencija, 2022 m. rugsėjo 5 –10 d., Palanga.
- R. Kačinskaitė. Apie L funkcijų iš Selbergo-Štoidingo klasės universalumą (On Universality of L-Functions from Selberg-Steuding Class) // Lietuvos tikimybių teorijos ir skaičių teorijos konferencija, 2022 m. rugsėjo 5 –10 d., Palanga.
Organizuotos mokslinės konferencijos
- Lietuvos matematikų draugijos LXIV konferencija, 2023 m. birželio 22–23 d., Vilnius; member of programme committee
- Lietuvos matematikų draugijos LXIII konferencija, 2022 m. birželio 16–17 d., Kaunas; member of programme and organizing committees
Mokslo populiarinimas
- pamokos mokiniams pagal projektą “Pamoka su universiteto dėstytoju” (lessons to school students in frame of the project „Lesson with University Lecturer“):
- Ar visada 2+2=4? (Does 2+2=4 always work?)
- Kas bendro tarp vinies, buožgalvio ir šiuolaikinių technologijų? (What do a nail, a blunt and modern technology have in common?)
- pamokos 1-4 kl. mokiniams Vilniaus universiteto Vaikų universitete (lessons at Child University of Vilnius University) „Karalienė ir jos palyda“ (The Queen and her Entourage)
- Lithuanian Mathematical Society, since 1999 (Head of Revision’s Commission, since 2021)
- American Mathematical Society, since 2005
- Lithuanian Scientists Society, since 2002
- International Association “Women in Number Theory”, since 2014
- The Council of Informatics Faculty of Vytautas Magnus University; since 2020
- 2018. The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. The appreciation for the scientific and pedagogical work.
- 2017. University of Würzburg (Germany). Giovanni Prodi professorship.
- 2015. Šiauliai University. Šiauliai University Science Award for the contribution to sustainable development of the country and the region and the progress of science in Šiauliai University (the scientists’ group category). Scientists’ group: prof. dr. habil. A. Laurinčikas, prof. dr. R. Macaitienė, prof. dr. R. Kačinskaitė, prof. dr. D. Šiaučiūnas, doc. dr. V. Garbaliauskienė, E. Buivydas.
- 2007. Education Exchanges Support Foundation. The appreciation for active participation in the Erasmus program and the contribution to the development of Lithuanian higher education internationalization.
- 2003. Vilnius University. The appreciation and medal of VU for the early and successful completion of doctoral studies and defence of doctoral dissertation.
- 2003. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Appreciation for the cycle of papers „Matsumoto zeta-function. Discrete limit theorems“.
- 2020–2022. European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania, project No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0056 “Creation of an advanced IT monitoring and information analysis platform”. Researcher.
- 2012–2014. “Developing of Studies Regulating Descriptor System (SKAR-2)”, No. VP1-2.2-MES-01-V-01-002, implemented in 2007-2013. Human Resources Development Priority 2 “Lifelong Learning” VP1-2.2-MES-01-V “Creating or Renewing of Studies Regulating Descriptions, According to the New Quality Requirements” implemented by Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. Researcher.
- 2011–2015. European Commission 7 FP project “INTEGER: INstitutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research”; ID: 266638. Researcher, expert, institutional implementation team member, researcher, expert.
- 2010–2012. “Systematic development of lecturers’ competence for the purpose of educational innovation of studies (EDUKOM)”. No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-01-088. Participant.
- 2005. “Analytical and Computational Aspects in Number Theory” (Analiziniai ir skaičiuojamieji skaičių teorijos aspektai) (scientific research work, carried out in 2005-04-11–12-10, supported by the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation; application for registration No. T-05259, contract No. T-27/05). Head of group, manager.
- 2003. Project “Mathematics in Information Society”, carried out by Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Part of “Confirming the International Role of Community Research” program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Participant.
Paskutinė atnaujinimo data 2023-12-29