Matematikos ir informatikos fakultetas kviečia rugsėjo 26 dieną, 14 val., sužinoti apie tai daugiau Latvijos mokslininko Dr. Gatis Krūmiņš nuotoliniame seminare „Science Communication: Representing a Small Country Abroad and for Local Society“:
In 2018-2022, a study of science communication target groups was carried out in Latvia. As a result, Latvian society was segmented according to the attitude towards science, as well as the main target groups of science communication were identified. The strategic positioning of Latvian science (internationally and for local society) was developed, as well as strategic narratives and messages corresponding to them. In the seminar, the lecturer will share his practical experience of how to represent a small country abroad, as well as communicate about science with specific target groups.
Seminaras vyks nuotoliniu būdu per MS Teams.
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