
2023 03 22 Knygos880x582

Students are invited to apply for the Prof. Jonas Kubilius nominal scholarship. The scholarship was established in 2014 by the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (VU MIF) and the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University (VU MIF ALUMNI). The scholarship aims to encourage talented and active VU MIF students. A scholarship of at least EUR 150 is awarded to at least two students in the spring semester.

Applications should be sent to no later than 10 April.

The student applying for the Scholarship must apply by 10 of April. The following documents must be submitted online to the VU MIF Studies Office ( -> eapplications -> Application for nominal scholarship (please specify the type of scolarship in the application):

- application for the prof.J. Kubilius Scholarship (Best Student or Most Active Student).

- a description of the activities carried out;

- references (optional);

- other factual information.


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