
The documents regulating study process at VU

Other Documents, Applications, Certificates, etc.:



Autumn sem.


Spring sem.

Where to apply?

Paying tuition fee by instalments

Up to 1st of October

 Up to 1st of March

VU IS e-applications

Postponing payment of tuition fee

Up to 1st of October

 Up to 1st of March

VU IS e-applications

For reduced tuition fee

Up to 1st of October

 Up to 1st of March

VU IS e-applications

For one-off social scholarship



VU IS e-applications

For one-off earmark scholarship

Up to 25th  of October

 Up to 25th of March

VU IS e-applications

For nominal scholarship

According to the nominal scholarship

 According to the nominal scholarship

VU IS e-applications

Registering a bank account

Up to 15th of October

 Up to 15th of March

VU IS e-applications




Autumn sem.


Spring sem.

Where to apply?

For a repeated retaking of an examination

Up to 15th of September

 Up to 15th of February

VU IS e-applications

For repeating subjects (modules)

Up to 17th of August

Up to 20th of January

VU IS e-applications

For changing subject to another Up to 17th of August Up to 20th of January VU IS e-applications

For recognition of subjects (modules)

Up to 15th of August

 Up to 15th of January

VU IS e-applications

For selecting subjects (modules) as an unclassified student

Up to 15th of September

 Up to 15th of February

VU IS e-applications

For taking examinations as an external student*

Up to 30th of September

Up to 28th of February

VU IS e-applications

* When applying for an external examination, you must check the course description to see if the course can be considered an external examination. If the course description does not contain this information, it is necessary to coordinate the issue with the lecturer and to forward his/her permission to take the course externally to, informing the Study Department that the course description does not contain any information about the possibility of taking the exam externally.



Autumn sem.


Spring sem.

Where to apply?

For academic leave

Anytime (except exam session)

 Anytime (except exam session)

VU IS e-applications

For extending academic leave

Up to 31st of August

Up to 3rd of February

VU IS e-applications

For permission to resume studies (after academic leave / suspension of studies)

Up to 28th of August

Up to 1st of February

VU IS e-applications

For suspension of studies

Up to 1st of December

Up to 1st of May

VU IS e-applications

For permission to make changes in studies

Up to 15th of August

Up to 15th of January

VU IS e-applications

For an individual plan of studies

Up to 15th of August

Up to 15th of January

VU IS e-applications



Where to apply?

For changing personal data in the university records

VU IS e-applications

For official Transcript of Records

VU IS e-applications

To allocate a room

VU IS e-applications


VU IS e-applications

Travel request

VU IS e-applications


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