Lithuanian Mathematical Society and Young Mathematicians Meeting awards
The award is given for the best scientific paper of a PhD student in a field of mathematics.
Year | Name, surname | Paper |
2020 | Rasa Giniūnaitė (kartu su Ruth E. Baker, Paul M. Kulesa, Philip K. Maini) | "Modelling collective cell migration: neural crest as a model paradigm". Journal of Mathematical Biology 80 (2020), 481–504. |
2020 | Gytis Kulaitis (kartu su Axel Munk, Frank Werner) | "What is resolution? A statistical minimax testing perspective on super-resolution microscopy". Statistics Theory (2020) |
2019 | Tadas Telksnys (with Z. Navickas, I. Timofejeva, R. Marcinkevičius, M. Ragulskis) | "Symmetry Breaking in Solitary Solutions to the Hodgkin–Huxley Model". Nonlinear Dynamics 97 (2019), 571-582. |
2019 | Žymantas Darbėnas (with M. Oliver) | "Uniqueness of Solutions for Weakly Degenerate Cordial Volterra Integral Equations". Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 3 (2019), 307-327. |
2018 | Gražvydas Šemetulskis (with T. Juškevičius) | "Optimal Littlewood-Offord inequalities in groups". Combinatorica. 39 (2019), 911-921. |
2018 | Gediminas Bagdonas (with M. Manstavičius) | "A class of bivariate copula mappings". Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 354 (2019), 48-62. |
2017 | Robertas Petuchovas (with E. Manstavičius) | "Local probabilities and total variation distance for random permutations". The Ramanujan Journal, 43 (2017), 679–696. |
2017 | Julius Damarackas (with V. Paulauskas) | "Spectral covariance and limit theorems for random fields with infinite variance". Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 153 (2017), 156–175. |
2016 | Vytautė Pilipauskaitė (with D. Surgailis) | "Anisotropic scaling of the random grain model with application to network traffic". Journal of Applied Probability, 53 (2016), 857–879. |
Recipients of student research awards
Year | Name, surname | Work |
2024 | Lukas Kuzma | Efficient algorithms for the visualization of Mandelbulbs associated with the Riemann zeta function |
2017 | Ieva Marija Andrulytė | Randomly stopped maximum and maximum of sums with consistently varying distributions |
2016 | Edita Kizinevič, Jonas Sprindys | Randomly stopped sums with consistently varying distributions |
2013 | Gražvydas Šemetulskis | The height of a polynomial square |
2011 | Raimondas Malukas | Limit theorems for variance of squared Gaussian processes |
2009 | Tomas Juškevičius | Conservative probabilistic domination inequalities |
2008 | Donata Puplinskaitė (kartu su Ieva Masiulyte) | Test for the volatility of financial returns |
2006 | Jonas Jankauskas | On the reduced height of a polynomial |
2003 | Paulius Drungilas | On the subfields of a field generated by two conjugate algebraic numbers |
2002 | Giedrius Alkauskas | Dirichlet series associated with strongly q -multiplicative functions |
Recipients of young scientist research awards
Year | Name, surname | Work / Series of works |
2014 | Klimentas Olechnovičius | Methods for the analysis and assessment of the three-dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids |
2013 | Jonas Jankauskas | Heights of polynomials |
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Young Scientist and Doctoral Students Research Awards
Year | Name, surname | Work / Series of works |
2024 | Linas Stripinis | Development, Analysis, and Application of Derivative-Free Global Optimization DIRECT-Type Algorithms |
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Scholarship
Year | Name, surname | Work / Series of works |
2024 | Linas Stripinis | Development of machine learning-based global optimization hyper-algorithms for automatic algorithm design, tuning, and hybridization |
Best dissertations defended
Metai | Vardas Pavardė |
2012 | Jonas Jankauskas, Aivaras Novikas |
2009 | Giedrius Alkauskas (also awarded a special prize for the originality of a dissertationą) |
2008 | Paulius Drungilas, Vaidotas Zemlys |