
Lithuanian Mathematical Society and Young Mathematicians Meeting awards

The award is given for the best scientific paper of a PhD student in a field of mathematics.

Year Name, surname Paper
2020 Rasa Giniūnaitė (kartu su Ruth E. Baker, Paul M. Kulesa, Philip K. Maini) "Modelling collective cell migration: neural crest as a model paradigm". Journal of Mathematical Biology 80 (2020), 481–504.
2020 Gytis Kulaitis (kartu su Axel Munk, Frank Werner) "What is resolution? A statistical minimax testing perspective on super-resolution microscopy". Statistics Theory (2020)
2019 Tadas Telksnys (with Z. Navickas, I. Timofejeva, R. Marcinkevičius, M. Ragulskis) "Symmetry Breaking in Solitary Solutions to the Hodgkin–Huxley Model". Nonlinear Dynamics 97 (2019), 571-582.
2019 Žymantas Darbėnas (with M. Oliver) "Uniqueness of Solutions for Weakly Degenerate Cordial Volterra Integral Equations". Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 3 (2019), 307-327.
2018 Gražvydas Šemetulskis (with T. Juškevičius) "Optimal Littlewood-Offord inequalities in groups". Combinatorica. 39 (2019), 911-921.
2018 Gediminas Bagdonas (with M. Manstavičius) "A class of bivariate copula mappings". Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 354 (2019), 48-62.
2017 Robertas Petuchovas (with E. Manstavičius) "Local probabilities and total variation distance for random permutations". The Ramanujan Journal, 43 (2017), 679–696.
2017 Julius Damarackas (with V. Paulauskas) "Spectral covariance and limit theorems for random fields with infinite variance". Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 153 (2017), 156–175.
2016 Vytautė Pilipauskaitė (with D. Surgailis) "Anisotropic scaling of the random grain model with application to network traffic". Journal of Applied Probability, 53 (2016), 857–879.


Year Name, surname Work
2024 Lukas Kuzma Efficient algorithms for the visualization of Mandelbulbs associated with the Riemann zeta function
2017 Ieva Marija Andrulytė Randomly stopped maximum and maximum of sums with consistently varying distributions
2016 Edita Kizinevič, Jonas Sprindys Randomly stopped sums with consistently varying distributions
2013 Gražvydas Šemetulskis The height of a polynomial square
2011 Raimondas Malukas Limit theorems for variance of squared Gaussian processes
2009 Tomas Juškevičius Conservative probabilistic domination inequalities
2008 Donata Puplinskaitė (kartu su Ieva Masiulyte) Test for the volatility of financial returns
2006 Jonas Jankauskas On the reduced height of a polynomial
2003 Paulius Drungilas On the subfields of a field generated by two conjugate algebraic numbers
2002 Giedrius Alkauskas Dirichlet series associated with strongly q -multiplicative functions



Year Name, surname Work / Series of works
2014 Klimentas Olechnovičius Methods for the analysis and assessment of the three-dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids
2013 Jonas Jankauskas Heights of polynomials


Year Name, surname Work / Series of works
2024 Linas Stripinis Development, Analysis, and Application of Derivative-Free Global Optimization DIRECT-Type Algorithms



Year Name, surname Work / Series of works
2024 Linas Stripinis Development of machine learning-based global optimization hyper-algorithms for automatic algorithm design, tuning, and hybridization


Metai Vardas Pavardė
2012 Jonas Jankauskas, Aivaras Novikas
2009 Giedrius Alkauskas (also awarded a special prize for the originality of a dissertationą)
2008 Paulius Drungilas, Vaidotas Zemlys



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