
he Mathematics and Informatics Faculty of Vilnius University offers doctoral (PhD) studies in three areas: informatics, computer engineering, and mathematics. This section contains defended dissertations, which are grouped by year when they were defended. All dissertations defended at Vilnius University are available on the website of the Research Council of Lithuania.

All disertation can be searched and texts downloaded by using eLABa search engine.



Name, surname

Dissertation title


Saulius Tautvaišas Scalable Bayesian Global Optimization of Black-Box Functions Prof. Dr. Julius Žilinskas


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Dissertation title


Brigita Žemaitienė Joint Approximation of Analytic Functions by Certain Classes of Zeta-Functions Prof. dr. Roma Kačinskaitė, Prof. dr. Jonas Šiaulys, prof. dr. Jonas Šiaulys
Rūta Juozaitienė Triadic effects in dynamic networks modelling Prof. Dr. Ernst C.Wit., prof. dr. Jurgita Markevčiūtė




Name, surname

Dissertation title


Marta Karaliūtė Supervised Bayesian classification methods of Gaussian Spatio-temporal data based on generative machine learning models Prof. dr. Kęstutis Dučinskas, prof. dr. Gintautas Dzemyda


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Dissertation title


Ilona Veitaitė Enterprise Knowledge-Based UML Dynamic Models Generation Method Prof. dr. Audrius Lopata
Povilas Gudžius Automated Machine Learning for Accurate and Low-latency Object Recognition in Optical Satellite Imagery Prof. dr. Olga Kurasova, doc. dr. Ernestas Filatovas


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Dissertation title


Tadas Danielius Changepoint detection using p-variation of CUSUM process Prof. habil. dr. Alfredas Račkauskas, prof. dr. Osvaldas Rukšėnas
Saulius Paukštys Properties of Tail Moments of Heavy‐Tailed Distributions Prof. dr. Jonas Šiaulys
Aidas Medžiūnas Various Classes of Stochastic Differential Equations: Existence, Uniqueness, and Approximation prof. habil. dr. Kęstutis Kubilius





Name, surname

Dissertation title




Name, surname

Dissertation title


Violeta Lukšienė Approximation of analytic functions by shifts of certain zeta-functions Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Laurinčikas
Jonas Sprindys Asymptotic analysis of heavy tailed distributions Prof. dr. (HP) Jonas Šiaulys
Rita Juodagalvytė Multiscale Modelling of Viscous Flows in Domains of Complex Geometry Prof. habil. dr. Konstantinas Pileckas, Prof. habil. dr. Grigory Panasenko
Saulius Jokubaitis Sparse models: theory and applications Prof. habil. dr. Remigijus Leipus
Vytenis Šumskas Finite volume ADI schemes for hybrid dimension heat conduction models Prof. habil. dr. Raimondas Čiegis
Gabrielė Mongirdaitė Weak Approximations of the Wright–Fisher process and Related Problems Prof. habil. dr. Vigirdas Mackevičius



Name, surname

Dissertation title


Rokas Astrauskas Computer Modelling of Reaction-Diffusion Processes in Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy and in Cell Spheroids Prof. habil. dr. Feliksas Ivanauskas
Anatolij Nečiporenko Mathematical Modeling of Bioreactor Control Prof. habil. dr. Feliksas Ivanauskas
Linas Stripinis Improvement, development and implementation of derivate-free global optimizatio algorithms Prof. dr. Remigijus Paulavičius


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Dissertation title


Rokas Gylys Application of the Lee-Carter Mortality Projection Model and Its Modifications in the Modelling of an Insurance Company’s Solvency Capital Prof. habil. dr. Jonas Šiaulys
Adelė Vaiginytė Approximation of Analytic Functions by Shifts of Zeta-Functions of Certain Cusp Forms Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Laurinčikas
Gediminas Vadeikis Weighted Universality Theorems for the Riemann and Hurwitz Zeta-Functions Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Laurinčikas
Gediminas Bagdonas A class of bivariate copula mappings Assoc. prof. dr. Martynas Manstavičius
Gytenis Lileika Weak approximations of CKLS model by discrete random variables Prof. habil. dr. Vigirdas Mackevičius



Name, surname

Dissertation title


Andrius Vytautas Misiukas Misiūnas Investigation of automatic EEG analysis algorithms Prof. dr. Tadas Meškauskas
Linas Petkevičius Numerical and symbolic modeling of reaction-diffusion processes in bioreactors Prof. dr. Romas Baronas
Jūratė Vaičiulytė Study and Application of Hidden Markov Models to Online Analysis of Multivariate Sequence Data Prof. habil. dr. Leonidas Sakalauskas
Rima Kriauzienė Parallel algorithms for non-classical problems with big computational costs Prof. habil. dr. Raimondas Čiegis


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Dissertation title




Name, surname

Dissertation title


Andrius Buteikis   Multivariate copula‐basedinteger‐valued time series models:theory and applications  Prof. habil. dr. Remigijus Leipus



Name, surname

Dissertation title


Andrius Valatavičius Enterprise application interoperability evaluation using autonomic computing Dr. (HP) Saulius Gudas
Natalija Pozniak Study and application of Euclidean matrices to surrogate modelling Habil. dr. Leonidas Sakalauskas
Dovilė Stumbrienė Data envelopment analysis for effectiveness analysis of education systems Prof. dr. Audronė Jakaitienė
Giedrius Stabingis

Statistical decisions for spatial information in digital images.

Prof. habil. dr. Gintautas Dzemyda


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Dissertation title


Rokas Jurevičius Investigation of Particle Filter Based Visual Localization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flights at Low-Altitude Dr. Virginijus Marcinkevičius
Gabrielė Stupurienė

Concept-driven informatics education: extension of computational thinking tasks and educational platform for primary school

Prof. dr. Valentina Dagienė 
Daina Gudonienė Model and implementation of integrated e-learning objects in educational platform Prof. dr. Valentina Dagienė


Name, surname

Dissertation title


Alicija Eismontaitė

Singular solutions of Stokes systems in areas with taper

Prof. habil. dr. Konstantinas Pileckas
Kristina Bingelė Investigation of Spectrum for a Sturm–Liouville problem with Two-Point Nonlocal Boundary Conditions Prof. dr. Artūras Štikonas



Name, surname

Dissertation title


Kotryna Paulauskienė

Massive data visualization based on dimensionality reduction and projection error evaluation

Prof. dr. Olga Kurasova
Albertas Gimbutas

An algorithm of simplicial Lipschitz optimization with the bi-criteria selection of simplices for the bi-section

Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Žilinskas
Linas Litvinas

Computational modelling, signal analysis and optimisation of biosensors

Prof. dr. Romas Baronas
Mykolas Jurgis Bilinskas

Development and application of a mathematical model to parametrization and registration of breast area computed tomography

Prof. habil. dr. Gintautas Dzemyda


Name, surname

Dissertation title


Laurynas Dovydaitis

Research on the accuracy of Lithuanian speaker’s identification using recurrent neural networks

Doc. dr.Vytautas Rudžionis
Vladimiras Dolgopolovas

Software learning objects for scientific computing education: teaching scientific inquiry with recurrence based stochastic models

Prof. dr. Valentina Dagienė
Jevgenij Tichonov

Classification-based compression solutions of digital images

Prof. dr. Olga Kurasova
Vytautas Jakštys

Application of contour detection methods to lateral chromatic aberration reduction in eye fundus images and road surface defect detection

Dr. Virginijus Marcinkevičius


Name, surname

Dissertation title


Olga Navickienė

Recursive calculation of risk measures in discrete time risk model with inhomogeneous claims

Prof. habil. dr. Jonas Šiaulys
Eglė Jaunė

Tail asymptotics of a sum of heavy-tailed distributions with application to risk theory

Prof. habil. dr. Jonas Šiaulys
Svetlana Danilenko

Closure properties of randomly stopped sums

Prof. habil. dr. Jonas Šiaulys
Gailė Paukštaitė

Generalized Green‘s functions for problems with nonlocal conditions

Prof. dr. Arturas Štikonas
Dmitrij Mochov

Universality theorems for the periodic Hurwitz zeta–function

Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Laurinčikas
Gražvydas Šemetulskis

Variations on the problems of Erdős-Turán and Littlewood-Offord

Prof.habil.  dr. Arturas Dubickas
Rokas Tamošiūnas

Value distribution of Lerch and periodic Hurwitz zeta–functions

Prof. dr. Ramūnas Garunkštis

Audronė Rimkevičienė

Investigations of the asymptotic behaviour of periodic Hurwitz zeta-functions

Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Laurinčikas




Name, surname

Dissertation title


Edgaras Artemčiukas

Hybrid object tracking method for augmented reality systems using the Kalman filter

Prof. habil. dr. Leonidas Sakalaukas
Tatjana Liogienė

Hierarchical classification of speech emotions

Doc. dr Gintautas Tamulevičius
Gražina Gimbutienė

Algorithms for non-convex global optimization based on the statistical and Lipschitz objective function models

Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Žilinskas
Kliment Olechnovič

Methods for the analysis and assessment of the three-dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids: development and applications

Dr. Česlovas Venslovas


Name, surname

Dissertation title


Evaldas Žulkas

Development of energy consumption forecasting and autonomous management system in smart house environmentDevelopment of energy consumption forecasting and autonomous management system in smart house environment

Dr. Virginijus Marcinkevičius
Tomas Pranckevičius

Investigation of multi-class classification methods for textual data

Dr. Virginijus Marcinkevičius
Martynas Sabaliauskas

Computerized modelling technology of unique footwear surface manufacturing design

Dr. Virginijus Marcinkevičius


Name, surname

Dissertation title


Vytautas Stepas

Moments of additive functions defined on random assemblies

Prof. habil. dr. Eugenijus Manstavičius
Laura Žvinytė

Discrete uniform limit law for additive functions

Prof. habil. dr. Gediminas Stepanauskas
Ieva Grublytė

Modelling of nonlinear long memory

Prof. habil. dr. Donatas Surgailis
Vytautė Pilipauskaitė

Limit theorems for space-time models with long-term memory

Prof. habil. dr. Donatas Surgailis
Julius Damarackas

Spectral covariances and limit theorems for infinite-variance linear processes and fields

Prof. habil. dr. Vygantas Paulauskas
Laimonas Meška

Modified universality theorems for the Riemann and Hurwitz zeta-functions

Prof. habil. dr. Laimonas Laurinčikas
Laurynas Naruševičius

Econometric assessment of bank stability

Prof. habil. dr. Alfredas Račkauskas
Andrius Škarnulis

Quadratic ARCH models with long memory and QML estimation

Prof. habil. dr. Donatas Surgalis
Emilija Bernackaitė

Ruin probability for inhomogeneous renewal risk model

Prof. dr. Jonas Šiaulys





Name, surname

Dissertation title


Vytautas Valaitis

Neural networks based robot motion improvement

Prof. habil. dr. Šarūnas Raudys
Dalius Krunglevičius

SSTDP learning of spatial and spatiotemporal patterns

Prof. habil dr. Šarūnas Raudys
Vytautas Jančauskas

Evaluating the Performance of Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms

Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Žilinskas
Žilvinas Ledas

Computational modelling of the self-organization of luminous bacteria in liquid

Prof. dr. Romas Baronas


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Dissertation title


Mindaugas Kurmis

Development of heterogeneous services integration capabilities for changing topology vehicular communication networks

Prof. dr. Dalė Dzemydienė


Name, surname

Dissertation title


Agnė Reklaitė

Measuring the globalisation effect: the application of a dynamic hierarchical linear model

Prof. dr. Marijus Radavičius
Raivydas Šimėnas

On α-values of zeta-functions

Prof. dr. Ramūnas Garunkštis
Lina Dindienė

Asymptotic analysis of the sums of heavy-tailed random variables

Prof. habil. dr. Remigijus Leipus
Jurij Novickij

On the stability of finite difference schemes for hyperbolic equation with nonlocal integral boundary conditions

Prof. dr. Artūras Štikonas
Agnė Skučaitė

Investigation of the spectrum for Sturm–Liouville problem with a nonlocal integral boundary condition

Prof. dr. Artūras Štikonas
Robertas Petuchovas

Asymptotic analysis of the cyclic structure of permutations

Prof. habil. dr. Eugenijus Manstavičius
Antanas Lenkšas

A second-order weak approximation of Heston model by discrete random variables

Prof. habil. dr. Vigirdas Mackevičius
Agneška Korvel

Ruin probabilities of the discrete-time risk model with inhomogeneous claims

Prof. dr. Jonas Šiaulys
Jūratė Šliogerė

Discrete approximations for sums of weakly dependent variables

Prof. habil. dr.. Vydas Čekanavičius




Name, surname

Dissertation title


Aurimas Rapečka

Increase of the efficiency of recommender systems in social networks

Prof. habil. dr. Gintautas Dzemyda
Sandra Svanidzaitė

Spiral process model for capture and analysis of non-functional requirements of service-oriented enterprise systems

Prof. dr. Albertas Čaplinskas
Gediminas Gricius

Development of a multi-agent based methods for integration of small-scale embedded systems

Prof. dr. Dalė Dzemydienė
Pavel Stefanovič

Visualization of self-organizing maps and estimation of their quality

Doc. dr. Olga Kurasova
Irina Vinogradova

Distance course selection optimisation

Prof. habil. dr. Jonas Mockus


Name, surname

Dissertation title


Kęstutis Janulis

Mixed joint universality for Dirichlet L-functions and Hurwitz type zeta-functions

Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Laurinčikas
Jovita Atstopienė

Discrete universality theorems for the Riemann and Hurwitz zeta-functions

Prof. habil. dr. Antanas Laurinčikas
Raimondas Malukas

Limit theorems for H-variation of Gaussian processes

Prof. habil. dr. Rimas Norvaiša
Erikas Karikovas

Self-approximation of Hurwitz zeta-functions

Prof. dr. Ramūnas Garunkštis
Vaidotas Characiejus

Asymptotic behaviour of long memory functional linear processes

Prof. habil. dr. Alfredas Račkauskas