
Recipients of the Lithuanian Science Prize

Year Name, surname Work / Series of works
2023 Antanas Žilinskas Innovative algorithms for difficult problems of global optimization
2022 Konstantinas Pileckas Investigation and applications of mathematical models of fluid flow (2007-2021)
2021 Gintautas Dzemyda, Olga Kurasova From data science to artificial intelligence technologies
2019 Jonas Šiaulys, Kęstutis Kubilius Analysis of stochastic differential equations and insurance models
2017 Mifodijus Sapagovas, Raimondas Čiegis (VGTU), Artūras Štikonas Non-classical differential problems and methods of their solution (2002–2016)
2015 Julius Žilinskas Development, parallelization and application of global optimization algorithms (2000-2014)
2014 Ramūnas Garunkštis, Antanas Laurinčikas Zeta functions. Universality, zeros and moments (1999-2013)
2012 Romas Baronas, Feliksas Ivanauskas

Mathematical modelling of nonlinear processes and systems in nonhomogeneous environments (1997-2011)

2006 Artūras Dubickas Distribution of algebraic numbers (1986-2005)
2006 Konstantinas Pileckas Mathematical modelling of viscous liquid flow in infinite areas (1977-2005)
2005 Vilijandas Bagdonavičius, Vydas Čekanavičius

Asymptotic analysis of compound and survival statistical models and their application in reliability theory (1998-2004)

2004 Remigijus Leipus (kartu su Liudu Giraičiu ir Donatu Surgailiu)

Long memory: models, limit distribution and statistical conclusions (1985-2003)

2002 Mindaugas Bloznelis, Vigirdas Mackevičius, Eugenijus Manstavičius

Limit theories and modelling of stochastic, arithmetic and combinatorial processes (1978-2001)

1998 Vygantas Paulauskas, Alfredas Račkauskas, Vidmantas Bentkus

Asymptotic analysis of Banach space distributions (1987-1997)

1995 Feliksas Ivanauskas

Numerical methods for solving nonlinear differential equations and their application

1994 Antanas Laurinčikas

A study of Riemann zeta function and other Dirichlet distributions

Year Name, surname
2022 Antanas Laurinčikas Approximations by zeta functions and polynomials
2018 Vygantas Paulauskas, Donatas Surgailis Works on the theory of random processes
2014 Eugenijus Manstavičius Works on probabilistic number theory and combinatorics