
We invite graduates to a graduation ceremony on 3 February at 11:00 am at St. St. John's Church! The ceremony will include the awarding of diplomas to MIF graduates, congratulatory speeches and a musical performance. The ceremony will end at 2 pm. If you are not planning to attend the award ceremony, please inform the MIF Studies Department by 27 January ( Graduates who will not attend the ceremony will be able to pick up their diploma from the MIF Study Office from 5 February by prior arrangement. Diplomas will be kept at the Faculty for one year.

mif winter graduation

The ceremony welcomes not only graduates, faculty, distinguished guests, but also family and friends of graduates, who can gather from 10:30.


10:30-11:00 Welcome reception for participants and guests 11:00-14:00 Graduation ceremony for graduates of the following study programmes in Lithuanian/English:

  • Information Technology (bachelor)
  • Data Science (master)
  • Modelling and Data Analysis (master)
  • Mathematics of Finance and Insurance (master)
  • Computer Modelling (master)

Important! Graduates will be required to sign the diploma award register at the ceremony. Graduates have until 27 January to settle their accounts with the University.


After successful completion of studies and in order to obtain a diploma and diploma supplement confirming the studies, it is necessary to settle with the University.

The procedures for settlement with the University are defined in this document.

University units with which University graduates and discontinuing students must settle:

  • University Library (return books, etc.);
  • University Dormitory Centre (to account for accommodation in VU dormitory);
  • Vilnius University Students` Representation (there is no need to return a Lithuanian Student Identity Card (LSIC), a card will be invalid upon graduation of studies. This settlement takes place automatically – no additional action is required);
  • International Relations Office at the Central Administration (if you went on a study exchange and haven’t settled yet);
  • Student Services and Career Department (if you went on an Erasmus internship and you haven’t settled yet);
  • Faculty Administration (to fulfill financial and academic obligations if you haven't settled yet. This settlement takes place automatically after all other settlements are done – no additional action is required).

Graduates who are in arrears must pay their debts to the University no later than 27 January. Graduates who have not settled their accounts with the University may not be awarded a diploma.


Your opinion is important to us! You have a distinguished academic career, you have your own opinions and experiences, and we invite you to share them with us. And to give you more motivation to complete the survey, we will give away MIF merchandise to four lucky winners, who will be selected by lottery. Please complete the survey by 27 January.

You can find the survey here.