
On 14 May, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University will host a visit of international experts from Italian, Finnish and Lithuanian universities and companies, organised by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, for the external evaluation of the Self-Assessment of the Informatics field of studies. MIF has the highest number of studies in the field of Informatics of all study programmes:

  • First cycle: Bioinformatics, Information Technologies, Informatics;
  • Second cycle: Informatics, Computer Modelling.

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MIF. Photo by Justinas Auškelis.

Programme of the visit:

8:50-9:00 Arrival
9:00-10:00 Meeting with senior management and faculty administration staff
10:00-10:10 Break
10:10-11:10 Meeting with staff responsible for the preparation of the SER
11:10-11:25 Break
11:25-12:25 Meeting with teaching staff
12:25-13:25 Lunch
13:25-14:25 Meeting with students and members of Students’ Representation

14:25-14:40 Break
14:40-15:20 Discussion with representatives of the HEI regarding the Learning facilities and tour: classrooms, lecture halls, libraries, other facilities (studios, teaching spaces, computer rooms, etc.) and Students’ examination material and final papers (theses)
15:20-15:30 Break
15:30-16:30 Meeting with alumni, employers, social partners
16:30-17:00 Private Expert panel discussion and finalisation of the visit
17:00-17:15 Introduction of general remarks of the visit

The experts' visit will take place at 47 Didlaukis str., Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University.