
2021 11 08 Studentas vienai dienai642x410

Registration for the annual event Student for a Day organized by Vilnius University (VU) has begun. This year, the event will take place on 15-26 November and continue for two weeks. All those interested and curious will get the chance to see how lectures at higher education institutions work, learn more about the study programmes of interest and the admission procedures.

Due to the epidemiological situation in the country, the event will take place online, which allows to expand the number of participants in the event. This year, for the first time, lectures at the Faculty of Philology will be conducted not only in English and Lithuanian but also in Polish, Russian, German, and French.

This year, the university offers the participants of the event to join the current students of the university in attending more than 70 lectures in 12 faculties. Pupils who register for the two-week event will be able to attend seminars, lectures, consultations and special classes, which will provide valuable information and allow them to feel like real VU students for a short time.

In addition to regular scheduled lectures, pupils in the role of university students will get to attend special lectures exclusively for them, where they will learn about the faculties and study programmes and experiences of current VU students, as well as get to experience what it means to study at Vilnius University.

Last year, over 10,000 participants registered for the online event. The participants of the VU activities are not only pupils but also older, working persons, graduates or current students. Therefore, this year as well, everyone who is considering studying at VU or just wants to expand their knowledge in the disciplines that interest them is welcome to join.

All those looking to participate in the Student for a Day event must register.

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics events.
