Congratulations for joining the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (MIF) of Vilnius University (VU). An interesting period is in front of you - the beginning of studies. Prospective students often ask where to look for exact information about their studies, how everything will start in the first few weeks. Here are the key steps to successfully prepare for the new academic year.
Classes start:
- 6th of September (for first-year bachelor students);
- 2nd of September (for II-IV year bachelor students; for master students).
It is planned that the majority of classes will be held remotely, in compliance with all mandatory security and virus prevention requirements specified by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Contact (mixed / hybrid) activities can take place, but only if the safety of the participants and equal study opportunities for all students are ensured.
More detailed information will be published on the website ( Please follow the information constantly.
Autumn semester schedule
VU MIF autumn semester schedule is published here (
1. Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle - ). This platform gives students access to semester subject courses, which include learning materials, subject content, assessment table, communication with students, tasks, tests, etc.
2. Microsoft Office 365 / Microsoft Teams ( – online sessions (lectures, seminars, exercises, etc.) of subjects (modules) are broadcast live on this platform.
We invite you to get acquainted with the description of the procedure of academic classes in the electronic space.
Every VU student must register for studies from 1st until 30th of September. Registration is done in the identity management system at . A student number is required to log in to the system. You can find it out from the study administrator or when creating your Lithuanian student card.
After registering in the e-identity management system, the login name and password are provided. They are used for these services:
- VU el. mail address. Please constantly check your e-mail for important information;
- access to VU information system - eStudent ( Read more
- permission to connect to VU VPN;
- allow connection to the wireless internet network - eduroam.
After registering with VU in the identity management system you can connect to:
1. Vilnius University information systems.
Using your VU login name and password until 30th of September it is necessary to connect to the VU information system - eStudent. It is an online repository of all study information related to a particular student. After connecting to the system, you will be able to:
- see personal data, study program plan, course descriptions, session schedule, session results, information about received benefits (scholarships), etc .;
- to order the necessary certificates, to submit various requests related to studies;
- print receipts for tuition fees;
- choose optional courses;
- to place written works/thesis in the Electronic Document Information System (ETD).
2. Microsoft Office 365 ( environment, where you can use e-mail and Microsoft Office software package necessary for online studies.
It is not enough to be a VU IS user in order to use MIF IT resources. This requires becoming a user of MIF IT resources!
The VU IS user and the MIF IT resource user have different logins. All MIF students must create mIF user account. Otherwise, you will not be able to use MIF IT resources during lectures or for independent work. Steps to create account:
1. Check your username and / or register here: (username may match VU IS username **) to become a user of MIF IT resources.
2. During the first session in computer classes, after entering your MIF IT username, you must change your password*.
* If you have forgotten the MIF user password, you can change it here: (you will need to use the VU IS login).
** If you have forgotten the VU IS user password, you can change it only through VU IS at
When a student concludes a contract with a university, the information is transferred to the institution responsible for the production of Lithuanian student identity cards (LSIC) within 2-3 weeks from the date of concluding the contract. After a couple of weeks, it is possible to start checking the system (, whether the data has already been uploaded and order your LSIC.
To order a Lithuanian identity student card (LSIC), the following steps are performed:
1. Registration in the LSIC system ( and ordering a new LSP;
2. After selecting the delivery address, you need to receive a courier call and coordinate the LSIC delivery time.
LSIC is produced within 1-2 weeks from the submission of the order and confirmation of the photo's suitability for LSIC production.
When the LSIC is produced, a notification is sent to the e-mail address specified during registration. It is also possible to connect to your environment in the system and see the state of the LSIC.
In the autumn, LSIC production may take longer than expected.
Have questions? Contact the VU Student Representative Office (, which takes care of the LSIC ordering and return process.
International Student Card (ISIC) ISIC (International Student Identity Card) is an international student card issued to full-time students, recognized and sponsored by UNESCO, officially valid in Lithuania and 130 other countries around the world. The certificate is an official document confirming the student's status and granting the right to use public transport and other benefits provided to students. Production time is usually 1-5 working days. More information:
Certificates confirming student status can be used instead of LSIC and are valid for the first month of the studies. Certificates are ordered through the Vilnius University Information System (VU IS) from your eStudent account (
Students can collect these certificates at the study office (Naugarduko str. 24, room 106) from 7th of September.
If you are studying in a place not funded by the state, you should pay the tuition fee during the first month of study.
The payment receipt will be submitted by logging into the VU IS eStudent environment from September 14.
Please note that this payment may be deferred or divided into installments each semester. It can also apply for state-sponsored loans. More information about VU financial benefits can be found here.
We invite all freshmen to participate in integration events #StudentAUK ( organized by Vilnius University.
You can get acquainted with the services offered by the university by watching videos. Here you will find the most important information about the VU Library, Cultural Center, Sports and Health Center, VU Student Representation, VU Student Services and Career Department, how to find psychological help, where to apply if you have a disability or if you want to volunteer both inside and outside the university.
We encourage all freshmen to participate in all parts of the program, as this is an exceptional opportunity to get to know the whole large family of Vilnius University in a very short time.
To contact a lecturer or another member of the academic community, it is convenient to use the contact search ( by clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top right).
Do not forget to use the VU provided e-mail in all your academic conversations.
If you have specific questions related to your study subjects, want to consult general questions about the study process, need an individual consultation please contact us by e-mail or call tel. +370 5 219 3055.
Throughout your study period, Study Office team takes care of all student’s issues. Consultations take place in Naugarduko str. 24, room 106 and 108