
Important information for all study program students:

General information


Research Work

Here is the list of Master Thesis Research topics for 2022-2023 study year. You must register the MTRT.

The Master Thesis Research Topic (shortly - MTRT) registration process:

1. Select the topic of interest for your research work;
2. Contact the MTRT supervisor by email and discuss, if he or she agrees to be your supervisor;
3. Send an email to the study administrator with the following information:

  • Subject of the email must be called “MTRT Registration”
  • Supervisor’s name and surname
  • Topic in Lithuanian and English
  • Your name, surname, study program and course

4. Add supervisor’s email address in the carbon copy field (CC) of your registration email.

After supervisor’s agreement to work with you on the research work, the topic be registered in the VU student system. You will be informed about the successful registration by email in person.


  • If the topic is not selected by the deadline, the supervisor is assigned randomly if the student applies to the study administrator before the middle of the spring semester.
  • Please use VU email address, otherwise the faculty members are not able to recognize you and can’t provide information to unidentified individuals.


Upload to VLE*:


Master‘s Thesis TBA in VLE 17th January, 2024 from 9 a.m. Room No 421, Didlaukio str. 47

 *VLE - virtual learning environment 

Dates for exams and retakes can be found here

For any questions regarding the study program, please contact the Study Administrator who is in charge of the program. 

General information


Research Work

  • Master theses topics suggested by the supervisors will be available at VU IS (or VLE).
  • Students can choose the Master's Thesis topic at VU IS (or VLE).
  • Students can also suggest their own topics. If this topic is agreed with a supervisor, the study administrator must be informed.
  • Master theses and Drafts of Master theses must be uploaded to VU IS.

Guidelines for writing Master's Thesis

VU MIF templates for Master's Thesis and Presentation of Master's Thesis


Upload to VU IS and VLE


 Master‘s Thesis 6 January, 9 a.m. 15-17 January, 9 a.m. in 201 room


Dates for exams and retakes can be found here

For any questions regarding the study program, please contact the Study Administrator who is in charge of the program. 

General information


Research Work

Here is the list of Master Thesis Research topics 2024-2025. The topic must be registered. Here is the Master Thesis Research Topic (shortly - MTRT) registration process:

1. Select the topic of interest for your research work;
2. Contact the MTRT supervisor by email and discuss, if he or she agrees to be your supervisor;
3. Send an email to the study administrator with the following information:

  • The subject of the email must be called “MTRT Registration”
  • Supervisor’s name and surname
  • Topic in Lithuanian and English
  • Your name, surname, study program and course

4. Add supervisor’s email address in the carbon copy field (CC) of your registration email.

After supervisor’s agreement to work with you on the research work, the topic be registered in the VU student system. You will be informed about the successful registration by email in person.


  • If the topic is not selected by the specified deadline, the supervisor can be appointed in random order.
  • Please use VU email address, otherwise the faculty members are not able to recognize you and can’t provide information to unidentified individuals.

Paper Work

Upload to VLE until

Defense will be on

Research Work p. 2  ------  -------
RW (part 1) / RW (part 3) by February 11th 09:00 (a.m.) February 18th, 2025, from 9:00 (a.m.) via MS Teams

Research Work p. 2 should be sent to the supervisor, reviewer and study administrator ( until Semptember 14th, 2023 14:00 in a single message.

VLE - virtual learning environment 

MIF Drive - is directory for student to upload the research paper. The link to directory is sent to student personally by VU email a few days before the submission deadline.

Dates for exams and retakes can be found here

Period of Internship* Duration of practice*

*Change of the period of practice available only in exceptional cases. If you would like to change it – please contact our office.

For any questions regarding the study program, please contact the Study Administrator who is in charge of the program. 

General information

Introduction to Probability, Statistics, and Programming for Master Studies

Research Work

  • Master's Thesis topics suggested by the supervisors will be available at VU IS (or VLE).
  • Students can choose the Master's Thesis topic at VU IS (or VLE).
  • Students can also suggest their own topics. If this topic is agreed with a supervisor, the study administrator must be informed.
  • Master theses and Drafts of Master theses must be uploaded to VU IS.

Guidelines for writing Master's Thesis

VU MIF templates for Master's Thesis and Presentation of Master's Thesis


Upload to VU IS and VLE


 Master‘s Thesis 6 January, 9 a.m. 15-17 January, 9 a.m. in 201 room


Dates for exams and retakes can be found here

For any questions regarding the study program, please contact the Study Administrator who is in charge of the program. 

General information

1. Provisions for preparing software engineering master’s thesis

2. Structure of the final master’s thesis

3. VU MIF Templates for paperwork and slides

Research Work

Here you find the list of topics for Master‘s Theses (2024-2025).

Please select the topic of your interest, discuss it with professor who proposed the topic and ask for an agreement to supervise your thesis project.

Upon receipt of a written agreement from the professor, please forward it to by October 31, 2024.

Add to the letter:

  • Supervisor’s name and surname and his / her e-mail to Carbon copy,
  • Topic in English and Lithuanian,
  • Your name, surname



Upload to VLE


Interim defense of Master‘s Thesis* May 13, 2025 by 10:00 (AM) May 20th, 2025 from 16:00, Didlaukio 47
Master‘s Thesis* ---- June 3rd, 2025 from 09:00 (AM), in Room 103, Didlaukio 47
MT - Literature Review / MT – Key Decisions* June 19, 2025 by 10:00 (AM) June 26th, 2025 from 16:00, Didlaukio 47

*Master‘s Thesis for interim defense should be sent until 10:00 AM of June 19th 2025 to supervisor, reviewer and study administrator ( in a single message.

*Master‘s Thesis by May 27th 04:00 (PM) should be uploaded a. to VU IS and ETD via VUSIS b. should be sent to supervisor, reviewer and study administrator ( in a single message.

*MT - Literature Review / MT - Key Decisions should be sent until 10:00 AM of June 19th 2025 to supervisor, reviewer and study administrator ( in a single message.

Period of Internship* Duration of practice*

*Change of the period of practice available only in exceptional cases. If you would like to change it – please contact our office

For any questions regarding the study program, please contact the Study Administrator who is in charge of the program. 

Detailes study information is available here.

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