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Artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, electromobiles or quantum computers are the next generation technology innovations the world is focusing on today. They change not only industry, but also the lives of each of us and future generations. The need for specialists able to operate in the dynamic business environment and implement research-based innovations is growing. To this end Vilnius University (VU) Business School in conjunction with the European Nuclear Research Organization (CERN), one of the world’s largest scientific research organizations, will offer Deeptech Entrepreneurship, a unique Master’s Degree programme in the Baltic countries, in the next academic year.

VU Business School, together with CERN, scientists in the field of physics, mathematics and computer science, and business professionals, open up new perspectives. Our aim is to transform the traditional mindset and build an innovative culture that combines business, technology and leadership. VU is just the place where a culture of innovation based on values marries entrepreneurship and leading technological solutions. I believe that it is in this programme that the future business unicorns will start their rich and exciting journey,” Programme Manager Prof. Saulė Mačiukaitė-Žvinienė, said.

This programme combines the fields of technology, entrepreneurship and strategic leadership. The programme has been jointly developed and implemented with VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, VU Faculty of Physics, CERN, and lecturers from abroad. Students who establish start-ups during their studies will have an opportunity to test their business project at CERN.

“From a global network to a PET scanner for cancer therapy or simply a touch screen – these are the various types of applied research carried out by CERN, which have helped to change the world we live in. Today, every smartphone relies on the knowledge of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Such famous scientists as Max Planck or Albert Einstein could never have imagined these innovations. These are disruptive innovations which depend on fundamental research where results may take decades or even centuries. CERN invites entrepreneurs who share the same vision and are not only interested in the existing CERN technologies, but are also able to understand original ideas and transform them into new products – unknown today, but required tomorrow,” Prof. Christoph Schäfer, CERN advisor and lecturer in the programme, said.

The world is changing, so traditional ways of investing or recovery from an economic crisis are no longer effective. The Deeptech Entrepreneurship programme is tailored to those who project themselves or operate in the fields of both business and technology. After the start of Industry 5.0 all countries must invest in science-based innovation and take advantage of the unique opportunities they offer. According to the 2016–2018 statistics, 45.3% of all companies implemented innovations in Lithuania, however in 2020, Lithuania ranked only 40th in the Global Innovation Index. Lithuania therefore needs highly qualified specialists who understand two different worlds – science and business – and whose creativity and competence of entrepreneurship will open up ways for new technological solutions.

“The breakthrough countries, international organizations, technology parks, business clusters and companies are looking for entrepreneurs, developers and leaders able to combine technology with future solutions. The new study programme is offered at the intersection of science and business, implementing the knowledge and practices of technology, data science, innovation management and entrepreneurship. The Deeptech Entrepreneurship Master’s Degree programme brings together different sectors to better prepare students to become the next generation technology entrepreneurs able to combine technological and entrepreneurial experiences, thus perfectly complementing and enriching the portfolio of international master’s programmes of VU Business School,” Dr Birutė Miškinienė, director of VU Business School, said.