
Erasmus+ is a great program that allows both University students and employees visit institutions abroad and acquire new experiences and contacts. Jaroslava is a 3rd year PhD student of Vilnius Univercity and works half-time in Vilnius University's Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies. Jaroslava mentions being an exchange student before but recently her position allowed her to explore the other side of the spectrum.

She started thinking about this opportunity in the summer of this year when her acquaintance Patriks Morevs from Liepoja’s University came with a staff exchange trip to VGTU. He, being the head of International Affairs department, motivated Jaroslava to visit the University is Liepoja. At first, she was a little bit unsure because of the pandemic going on however everyone involved was very encouraging and surprisingly the work trip finally happened in November 2020. Luckily in the case of a work trip self-isolation upon arriving to Latvia is not necessary.

2021 01 04 Liepaja university600x450Jaroslava (right) shadowing Marija Šnaidere (left) 

Since Jaroslava was going with a visit to the International Affairs department the purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with internalization strategies of the receiving institution and how their personnel manage the situation in the current pandemic. At the time Jaroslava arrived all students and most employees have been suggested to work from home however Marija Šnaidere and Partiks Morevs showed her around, introduced their colleagues present at the University and filled Jaroslava in on their duties.

Turned out that the International Affairs department of Liepoja University has done a very good job so far establishing international mobility projects not only with European countries but also with Philippines, Russia, Dominican Republic and others. After the project is made between two countries a double-degree program is developed so participating students can have 2 diplomas and study in any of the two countries. In the current situation students have the opportunity to get enrolled and finish the first semester online from their home country and only then travel to the other institution in Latvia. Also opportunities for international internships are being actively sought out by employees of the department and an agreement established between the University and the company providing the internship.

2021 01 04 Liepaja university600x450 2Jaroslava in Liepoja University International Affairs department

Overall this was a very pleasant experience and Jaroslava definitely can recommend it to everyone. Visiting another institution not only can provide valuable insight on how thing are handled in another place but also provide valuable work contacts. Although it might have been easier for Jaroslava because she already knew someone from the receiving University, in case someone has a will to go to a specific institution they can email the person responsible for staff mobility from that institution and things can be arranged.

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