
2020 09 24 Cyber Security LabMadalina, Robert, doc. dr. Agne Brilingaite

Erasmus+ traineeship is a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant organization in the Erasmus+ programme country.

Madalina Mariana, a student from Romania (University of Pitęsti) done Erasmus+ traineeship at Vilnius university Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Cyber Security Lab. She told about the traineeship, Vilnius university and the city of Vilnius.

Traineeship experience and supervisors at VU MIF

Madalina said that Erasmus+ experience was full of challenges. “First three weeks or so felt like being thrown in the sea without knowing how to swim. The people would tell you what to do and you would struggle to make it work, but this is all it is in the beginning. This is generally true when you try to learn something new. And that is the best part of it. Even with the struggle and the self-doubt, you know that at the end of it, something amazing awaits you.

The team work was great. The teachers’ guidance was great. But the things I enjoyed the most were the things I learned about and the world I discovered through them,”– Madalina shares her experience.

Madalina M. says that teachers at VU MIF also not just guided through each step of the project, but they were really interested in sharing with students more and more of their knowledge and wisdom. “Teachers tried to know who we are and what we are capable of, so they can get the best of our abilities”.

Impressions about Lithuania, Vilnius and national cuisine

“I think the perception of the city depends on the place you are coming from. For me, the city used to release an amazing amount of energy with each new place I would discover. But at the same time, it made me feel at ease. And I think this is coming from its people, beyond the cold that seems specific for them. It’s been a once in a life time experience to live in Vilnius, so I can’t wait to go back even just as a tourist,”– said Madalina M.

Madalina’s favourite dishes – pink cold beetroot soup (“Šaltibarščiai”) and sweet mushroom biscuits “Grybukai”. “Being in Vilnius meant facing the international cuisine as much as the national one. There are a bunch of restaurants and food festivals that made the experience truly educational.

From the traditional dishes, I really enjoyed the Šaltibarsčiai soup and those Grybukai biscuits, but, honestly, from time to time, the thing I miss the most is Hesburger,” – said student.

Erasmus+ traineeship in Vilnius university – every students should try it

„I would definitely recommend it and, in fact, I did it. After I returned home, my Erasmus+ coordinator asked me to talk with potential Erasmus students about my experience in Vilnius. I think this kind of experience is something any student should try at least once in their life, even for a short period”.

More information about Erasmus+ traineeship can be found here