
Are you a Master's student, or have you already completed your Master's degree? Would you like to present your Master's thesis research to colleagues from other universities? Participate in the scientific conference "Lithuanian MSc Research in Informatics and ICT", which will take place on May 10, 2023, at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (Gedimino pr. 3, Vilnius). The conference is open to the presentation of a wide range of research and applications in the field of informatics and IT.

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The conference is organised by the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University and by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

What should you do? Please submit your paper to by March 31. There are two types of papers accepted: a full paper of 4-6 pages, or a short paper of 2 pages. Papers may be written in either English or Lithuanian. The paper template can be downloaded from here. Conference proceedings will be published before the conference. This could be your first published scientific paper. Previous conference proceedings can be found here.

What are the benefits? Firstly, it's great to feel you can do a lot. Secondly, you will be able to state in your Master's thesis that the research results were presented at the conference and published in the conference proceedings. This can be considered when the thesis is assessed.

What next? If you enjoy tackling and solving interesting scientific problems, then a PhD is for you. When applying for a PhD, applicants are often assessed on whether they have published scientific work. Attending a conference and publishing a paper can be proof that you are ready for PhD studies.
The conference is open to first- and second-year Masters’ students and undergraduates who wish to attend and present their research results.

How much will it cost you? There is no conference registration fee.

Important dates:
March 31, 2024: Submission of papers;
April 25, 2024: Notification of acceptance;
May 02, 2024: Announcement of the conference programme;
May 10, 2024: Conference.

Any questions? Contact the organisers.
Olga Kurasova
Jolita Bernatavičienė
Gintautas Dzemyda
Julius Žilinskas










