
On December 8th, the establishment contract of the “Bebras International” was signed at Vilnius University (VU). The establishment of the association was endorsed by representatives of institutions who met in person and signed the document. These representatives included VU Rector Prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas, Professor Javier Jesus Bilbao Landache from University of the Basque Country, Eljakim Schrijvers, Director of the Computer Science Olympiad Foundation in the Netherlands (Stichting Informatica Olympiade), Prof. Sébastien Combéfis, Founder of the organisation “Computer Science and IT in Education ASBL”, and Professor Jiří Vaníček from the South Bohemian University.

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Heads of institutions sign the "Bebras International" Association Agreement

The signing ceremony also included the participation of VU Professor Valentina Dagienė, who is actively involved in the activities of “Bebras International” VU Faculty of Philosophy Vice-Dean Dr. Vytis Silius, and the Executive Director of the The German Informatics Society, Dr. Wolfgang Pohl.

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Prof. Valentina Dagienė

“Bebras International” is an international association of organisations in the field of computer science. Its goal is to promote computer science and computational thinking among youth, teachers, and the general public. To achieve this goal, association members organize accessible and motivating challenges in their respective countries.

One such initiative is the computer science and computational thinking competition called “Bebras” founded in Lithuania in 2004 and later becoming international. New countries join the competition each year. “Bebras” aims to develop students’ engineering, logical, algorithmic, analytical, and procedural thinking. The competition's goal is to engage students (and teachers) in computer science, attract their attention, introduce them to fundamental concepts in computer science and information technology, and motivate them to delve into modern decision-making methods in computer science and engineering. The playful and clearly formulated tasks cover all fundamental areas of computer science, highlighting their importance and harmony with other sciences.

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Members of "Bebras International"
