
2022 05 09 ISEP117x114Documents required for selection:

  1. Application onlineApplication is open until May 31st. 
  2. Transcript of Records (in English), (Master's students provide copy of BA diploma in English or with certified translation);
  3. Prepare a preliminary study plan for at least 4 institutions (for each institution complete a separate Learning Agreement sheet, all programs confirmed by the Faculty Coordinator).

International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP) is a student exchange program that boasts a partnership of more than 300 higher education institutions in over 50 countries worldwide.

Who can participate in ISEP exchange?

VU full-time students (bachelor's and master's, preference for graduate students);

Have completed 2 first cycle semesters at the time of application;

It is recommended that graduate students at VU have completed the first semester before the start of their exchange.

Please note: All communication is made through Vilnius University ISEP Coordinator only. Student requests sent directly to ISEP will not be answered.

Details of the program, selection process and criteria, registration procedure and deadlines
