
2021 08 20 Integracija900x389

The VU freshmen integration program, which will take place throughout September, is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the entire VU community in a short time.

Students will have the opportunity to take part in excursions organized by VU Museum and VU Library throughout the month, visit an Integration Space located at VU Central Library, and Scientific Communication and Information Center. Students will also be able to find out more about separate departments, such as VU Library, Culture Center, Sports, and Health Center, VU Student Representation, VU Student services, and career department, and to discover interesting people, inspiring places, and much more.

Student integration #StudentAUK will begin on August 31st. 10 a.m. in the Grand Courtyard of VU.

Here the freshmen will be greeted by a full-day integration event:
10.00 - 12.00 Integration of foreign students
13.00 - 16.00 Discussion festival "Ad Astra"
16.00 - 18.00 Contact fair of VU student clubs and activities
19.00 - 20.00 Baltic Balcan concert and performance of VU Culture Center groups

Following the requirements established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, all participants of the event must have an Opportunity Passport; registration:

#StudentAUK program and key links:

"Student Life Guidebook":
VUSA discussion festival Ad astra:
Registration to #FindVU tours:
Freshman Video Guide: VU video guide - orientationweek
