
2021 06 01 Diplomu teikimas800x444

The Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics will take place on the 29th of June, in the Grand Courtyard of Vilnius University ensemble located in the Old Town.

If you do not plan to attend the Graduation Ceremony - be sure to notify the Studies Office by June 25 ( Graduates who did not attend the ceremony might collect their diploma from the Studies Office a pre-agreed time starting from 30th of June.

We kindly invite you to take part in the solemn graduation ceremony on the 29th  in the Great Courtyard of St. John's Church (Universiteto str. 3, Vilnius)

During the celebration, graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics will be greeted by university and faculty leaders, lecturers, alumni, students.

Graduates will be awarded bachelor's and master's degree diplomas.

9 a.m–10.30 a.m. Diploma award ceremony for graduates of these study programmes:

  • Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (Master)
  • Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (Bachelor)
  • Software Engineering (Master)
  • Software Engineering (Bachelor)

11 a.m.–12.30 p.m. Diploma award ceremony for graduates of these study programmes:  

  • Mathematics (Master)
  • Modeling and Data Analysis (Master)
  • Econometrics (Bachelor)
  • Statistics (Bachelor)
  • Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics (Bachelor)
  • Informatics (Master)
  • Bioinformatics (Bachelor)
  • Information System Engineering (Bachelor)
  • Information Technologies (Bachelor)
  • Informatics (Bachelor)


  • After receiving the diploma, graduates will be required to sign in the diplomas’ registration journal. Graduates must to settle with the University by 25th of June.
  • Entrance of graduates and guests to the Great Courtyard will be available only through the gate from St. John Street. At the end of the ceremony, the graduates and guests will be invited to go to the courtyard of M. K. Sarbievijus for the additional greetings and photos. Graduates and guests leaves the university through the gate to the Library courtyard.
  • Each graduate can invite 2 persons to the Graduation Ceremony. Individuals may enter the event area only if accompanied by a graduate. Pre-registration is not required.
  • All the participants of ceremony must wear face masks.
  • The event will take place in the open air, so we recommend arranging appropriate clothing and umbrellas in case of rain.

Ceremony will be filmed and broadcasted live at Vilnius University Facebook account. For those who cannot take part at the live ceremony, we kindly invite you to watch the broadcast!

We invite you to celebrate together with the graduates!


After successful completion of studies and in order to obtain a diploma and diploma supplement confirming the studies, it is necessary to settle with the University.

The procedures for settlement with the University are defined in this document.

University units with which University graduates and discontinuing students must settle:

  • University Library (return books, etc.);
  • University Dormitory Centre (to account for accommodation in VU dormitory);
  • Vilnius University Students` Representation (there is no need to return a Lithuanian Student Identity Card (LSIC), a card will be invalid after graduation. This settlement is automatic – no additional action is required);
  • International Relations Office at the Central Administration (only if you went on a study exchange and haven’t settled yet);
  • Student Services and Career Department (only if you went on an Erasmus internship and you haven’t settled yet);
  • Faculty administration (to fulfill financial and academic obligations if you haven't settled yet. This settlement is automatic – no additional action is required).

Graduates must settle with the University units no later than 5 days before the scheduled date of graduation ceremony.

A diploma cannot be issued to those who have not settled with the University departments.

If you have any questions, please contact the MIF Studies Office by phone +370 5 219 3055 or e-mail

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Studies Office
