
2020 05 12 Erasmus380x250Sergey is Economics and Mathematics bachelor student from American University in Bulgaria. He chose to study in Vilnius University (VU), Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. We talked with him about studies, Vilnius city and study experience.

What have you enjoyed most about studying at MIF?

The variety of courses offered during my exchange semester was really fascinating. I got a chance to complement my studies at home university with courses that were of great interest to me yet were not available at home university. I took the Financial Mathematics as well as the Risk Management courses that introduced me to the field of quantitative finance. This experience completely changed my perspective on what I want to study in the graduate school.

What is your opinion about the teachers at MIF?

In fact, both of the courses I took at MIF were taught by the same professor – dr. Martynas Manstavičius. All material was presented in a rigorous and professional manner. Also, the professor was always available for consultation both online and at his office. At the end of the course, he advised me on my future career path and proposed some tentative topics for my research.

What’s it like studying in Vilnius?

Vilnius is a student-friendly city with convenient public transportation and an abundance of landmarks to see. It offers a variety of places to go out, ranging from cute little cafes where you can enjoy your reading to fascinating restaurants with wonderful meals. The university also provides a lot of facilities for students, including its state-of-the-art library and gym. On the weekends, I really liked just walking around the city, enjoying its fabulous architecture.

What do you consider are the most important aspects of your experience?

The most important aspect of my experience was definitely the cultural diversity that I was exposed to during my exchange. I made plenty of friends that came from different countries around Europe and I still keep in touch with most of them, even today. Apart from that, the quality of education at Vilnius University made my stay enjoyable as I got a chance to learn from the best in the field.

Would you recommend Erasmus+ exchange in Lithuanian to your friends? Why?

I would recommend Erasmus exchange to my friends, because it is a great chance to broaden your horizon and meet new people. Besides, it is once-in-a-lifetime experience that can enrich your studies by offering courses that are not available at your home university. After all, although I believe that Erasmus exchange is a unique experience for everybody, one’s life will definitely never be the same after you decide to go on this journey.