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MIF e-identity

MIF e-identity credentials are used to work with IT systems in computer classroom at the Faculty. Each MIF employee has a unique MIF username and password.

You can check your MIF username at The MIF username is created as follows:

  1. students - Name Surname, nasuxxxx, where x is a number;
  2. employees - mifxxxxx, where xxxxx is the employee's VU table number;

Once you are registered in the VU identity management system you can change your MIF e-identity password:

  1. In any computer classroom, by selecting the menu - Help or Change Password
  2. Via this link
  3. Visit DSCC Room 202 (Šaltinių str. 1A) or Room 304 (Didlaukis str. 47) with your ID.

It is recommended to change your password every 6 months. When changing your password, you must make sure that your new password is different from your previous ones, that it is no shorter than 8 characters, and that it consists of at least one lower case letter, an upper case letter and a number.

Ar MIF STSC keičia VU prisijungimo duomenis?


Jei pamiršote prisijungimo duomenis prie VU el.pašto ar VU informacinės sistemos, turite kreiptis čia: ir sekti instrukcijas.

MIF E. tapatybė svečiams

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en/mif_e_tapatybe.1649939286.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/14 12:28 by grikiete

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