Katedra Naujienos Mokslas Studijos Studentai Doktorantai LEMM EFDRA


Gintaras Bakštys
Danutė Jonutienė
Aldona Juozapavičienė
Almantas Juozulynas
Kęstutis Liubinskas
Antanas Lenkšas
Vigirdas Mackevičius
Martynas Manstavičius
Edvardas Misevičius
Vygantas Paulauskas
Aleksandras Plikusas
Aldona Skučaitė
Donatas Surgailis
Jonas Šiaulys

Vilniaus universiteto
profesoriaus habil. dr. Vyganto PAULAUSKO
publikacijų sąrašas
Disertacijos Monografijos Straipsniai Preprintai
Moksliniai pranešimai (tezės)


Matematikos daktaro: "Liekamojo nario įvertinimas centrinėje daugiamatėje ribinėje teoremoje" (1969);

Matematikos habil. daktaro: "Nepriklausomų atsitiktinių dydžių Banacho erdvėse ribinės teoremos" (1978).


V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, Exactness of the Approximation in Central Limit Theorem in Banach Spaces, Vilnius, Mokslas, 1987, 184 p. (in Russian);
Approximation theory in the central limit theorem. Exact results in Banach spaces, Kluwer, Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1989, 153 p. (English translation)



106. V. Paulauskas, On Beveridge–Nelson decomposition and limit theorems for linear random fields. Journal of multivariate analysis. 2010, vol. 101, iss. 3. ISSN 0047-259X p. 621-639.(pdf)
105. P. Banys, Y. Davydov, V. Paulauskas, Remarks on the SLLN for linear random fields. Statistics & probability letters. 2010, vol. 80, no. 5-6. ISSN 0167-7152 p. 489-496.(pdf)


104. V. Paulauskas, On the rate of convergence to bivariate stable laws. Lithuanian mathematical journal. 2009, vol. 49, no. 4. ISSN 0363-1672 p. 426-445. (pdf)


103. Y. Davydov, V. Paulauskas, On estimation of parameters for spatial autoregressive model, Stat. Infer. Stoch. Process., (2008), 11, 237-247.(pdf)


100. V. Paulauskas, R. Zovė, A note on self-normalization for a simple spatial autoregressive model, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. ISSN 0132-2818. 2007, t. 47, nr. 2, p. 220-233.(pdf)
101. V. Paulauskas and D. Surgailis. On the rate of approximation in limit theorems for sums of moving averages // Teor. Veroyatn. Primen., 2007, 52, 405-414. (pdf)
102. V. Paulauskas. On unit roots for spatial autoregressive models // Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98(2007), p. 209-226.(pdf)

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98. R. Leipus, V. Paulauskas, D. Surgailis. On a random-coefficient AR(1) process with heavy-tailed renewal switching coefficient and heavy-tailed noise // Journal of Applied Probability, ISSN: 0021-9002. 2006, 43, p. 421-440. (pdf)
99. M. Bloznelis, V. Čekanavičius, V. Paulauskas, Tikimybių teorijos ribinės teoremos Lietuvoje, Matematika Lietuvoje po 1945 metų. ISBN 9986-680-32-8. Vilnius, 2006, p. 201-210.

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95. R. Leipus, V. Paulauskas, D. Surgailis, Renewal regime switching and stable limit laws, Journal of Econometrics, ISSN 0304-4076, 129, 2005, p. 299 - 327.(pdf)
96. C. Cabrelli, U. Molter, Vygantas Paulauskas, R. Shonkwiler, Hausdorff measure of p-Cantor sets, Real Analysis Exchange, ISSN 0147-1937, 2005, 30(2), p. 413 - 434.(pdf)
97. K. Gadeikis, V. Paulauskas, On the estimation of a changepoint in a tail index, Lithuianian Mathematical Journal, ISSN 0132-2818, 45(3), 2005, p. 333-348.(pdf)

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92. V. Paulauskas, On operator-norm approximation of some semigroups by quasi-sectorial operators, Journal of Functional Analysis, ISSN:0022-1236, 2004, 207, p. 58-67.(pdf)
93. V. Bentkus, V. Paulauskas, Optimal Error Estimates in Operator-Norm Approxi-mations of Semigroups, Letters in Mathematical Physics, ISSN: 0377-9017, 2004, 68(3), p. 131-138.(pdf)
94. Yu. Davydov, V. Paulauskas, Recent results on p-stable convex compact sets with applications, Fields Institute Communications, 2004, Vol. 44, p. 127-139.

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88. V. Paulauskas, R. Zovė, On Hausdorff dimension of some Cantor random sets, Liet. Matem. Rink., 2003, 43(2), p. 227-239.
89. V. Paulauskas, S.T. Rachev, Maximum likelihood estimators in regression models with infinite variance innovations, Statistical Papers, 2003, 44, p. 47-65.
90. V. Paulauskas, A. Skučaitė, Some asymptotic results for one-sided large deviation probabilities, (Некоторые аимптотические результаты для вероятностей односторонних больших уклонений), Liet.matem.rink., 2003, 43(3), p.384-395, English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 2003, 43(3), p.384-395.
91. V. Paulauskas, A new estimator for tail index, Acta Appicandae Mathematicae, ISSN: 0167-8019, 2003, 79, p. 55-67. (pdf)

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87. V. Paulauskas, Some comments on deviation inequalities for infinitely divisible random vectors, Liet.matem.rink., 2002, 42(4), p. 494-517, English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 2002, 42(4), p. 394-410.

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85. S. Mittnik, V. Paulauskas, S. T. Rachev, Statistical inference in regression with heavy-tailed integrated variables, Math. Comput. Model, 2001, 34(9-11), P. 1145-1158.(pdf)
86. V. Bentkus, A. Juozulynas, V. Paulauskas, Levy-LePage series representation of stable vectors. Convergence in variation, J. Theoretical Probab., 2001, 14(4) p.949-978.

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80. Yu. Davydov, V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, More on P-Stable Convex Sets in Banach Spaces, J. Theoretical Probability, 2000, 13(1), p. 39-64. (pdf)
81. P. Lachout, V. Paulauskas, On the second-order asymptotic distribution of M-estimators, Statistics & Decisions, 2000, 18, p. 231-257.
82. V. Bentkus, A. Juozulynas, V. Paulauskas, Bounds for stable measures of convex shells and stable approximations, Annals of Probability, 2000, 28(3), p. 1280-1300. (pdf)
83. V. Bentkus, F. Götze, V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, The accuracy of Gaussian Approximation in Banach spaces, In Limit Theorems of Probability Theory, ed. Yu.V. Prokhoerov and V. Statutlevicius, 2000, Springer, p. 25-113.
84. M.Bloznelis, V.Paulauskas, Central Limit Theorem in D[0,1]. In: Skorokhod's Ideas in Probability Theory, Eds. V. Korolyuk, N. Portenko, H. Syta, Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv, 2000. (pdf)

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77. Yu. Davydov, V. Paulauskas, On the Estimation of the Parameters of Multivariate Stable Distributions, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 1999, 58, p. 107-124.
78. V. Paulauskas, On some new results for cointegrated processes with infinite va-riance innovations, Prob. Theory and Math. Stat. (Eds B. Grigelionis et al.), 1999, VSP/TEV, p. 553-570.
79. V. Paulauskas, J. W. Lindeberg and the central limit theorem, In: Statistics, Re-gistries, and Science, (ed. by Juha Alho), 1999, p.111-122.

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75. A. Juozulynas, V. Paulauskas, Some remarks on the rate of convergence to stable laws, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1998, 38(4), p. 439-455 (in Russian), Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1998, 38(4), p. 335-347.
76. V. Paulauskas, S.T. Rachev, Cointegrated processes with infinite variance innovations, The Annals of Applied Probability, 1998, 8(3), p. 775-792.(pdf)

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72. V. Paulauskas, Rates of convergence in the asymptotic normality for some local maximum estimators, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1996, 36(1), p. 85-114, English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1996, 36(1), p. 68-91.
73. M. Ledoux, V. Paulauskas, A rate of convergence in the Poissonian represen-tation of stable distributions, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1996, 36(4), p. 486-500, English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1996, 36(4), p. 388-399.
74. V. Bentkus, F. Götze, V. Paulauskas, Bounds for the accuracy of Poissonian approximation of stable lews, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1996, 65, p. 55-68.

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69. M. Bloznelis, V. Paulauskas, On the central limit theorem for stochastically continuons processes, Stoch. Processes Appl., 1994, 53(2), p. 351-361.
70. M. Bloznelis, V. Paulauskas, A note on the central limit theorem for multiparameter stochastically continuous processes, Probability in Banach spaces, 9 Proc. of Conf. Birkhauser, Eds. J. Hoffman-Jorgensen, M. Markus, J. Kuelbs, 1994, p. 155-172. (pdf)
71. M. Bloznelis, V. Paulauskas, Central limit theorem in Skorohod spaces and asymptotic strength distribution of fiber bundle, Proc. of Sixth International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Staistics, June 28-July3, 1993. Eds. B. Grigelionis, J. Kubilius, H. Pragarauskas, and V. Statulevicius, VSP/TEV, Utrecht/Vilnius, Vilnius, 1994, p. 75-87.

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66. M. Bloznelis, V. Paulauskas, On the central limit theorem in D[0,1], Statistics and Probab. Letters, 1993, 17, p. 105-111.
67. M. Bloznelis, V. Paulauskas, Central limit theorem in the space D[0,1]. I, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1993, 33(1), p. 233-252, (In Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1993, 33(1), p. 181-195.
68. M. Bloznelis, V. Paulauskas, Central limit theorem in the space D[0,1]. II, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1993, 33(4), p. 395-416, (In Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1993, 33(4), p. 307-323.

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65. V. Paulauskas, A note on the rate of convergence in the CLT for empirical processes, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1992, 32(3), p. 397-403, English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1992, 32(3), p. 312-316.

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62. R. Norvaiša, V. Paulauskas, Rate of Convergence in the Central limit Theorem for Empirical Processes, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 1991, 4, Nr. 3, p. 511-534.
63. V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, Non-uniform estimate in the CLT in a Banach space, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1991, 31(3), p. 483-496, English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1991, 31(3), p. 335-344.
64. V. Bentkus, F. Götze, V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, The accuracy of Gaussian approximation in Banach spaces, in book: Itogi nauki i techniki, Moscow 1991, 81, p. 39-139. (in Russian).

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58. V. Paulauskas, D. Juknevičienė, On the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem in D[0,1], Dokl. AN SSSR, 1989, 307(3), p. 545-547 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1990(40), 1, p. 119-121.
59. V. Paulauskas, On the Rate of Convergence for the Weighted Empirical Process, Probability in Banach Spaces VII, proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, Birkhauser, 1990, p. 147-158.
60. V. Paulauskas, A note on Gaussian measure of balls in Banach space, Teor. Verojat. i primen., 1990, 35(4), p. 784-787 (in Russian).
61. V. Paulauskas, Ch. Stieve, On the Central Limit Theorem in D[0,1] and D([0,1],H), Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1990, 30(3), p. 567-579, English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1990, 30(3), p. 267-276.

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57. V. Paulauskas, D. Juknevičienė, On the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem in D[0,1], Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1988, 28(3), p. 507-519 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1989, 28(3), p. 229-238.

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54. G. Bakštys, V. Paulauskas, An approach of distributions of sums of Banach-valued random elements with infinitely divisible laws. II, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1987, v. 27(2), p. 224-235 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1987, 27(2), p. 106-113.
55. R. Norvaiša, V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, An operator approach in limit theorems for sums of the type n-1/8Sn in Banach spaces, Proc. of Vilnius conf. “Probability theory and math. Statistics”, Vol II, VNU Sci. Press, Utrecht, 1987, p. 409-420.
56. G. Bakštys, V. Paulauskas, On the approach of distributions of sums of independent Banach-valued random elements to infinitely divisible laws, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1987, 5, p. 1036-1038 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1987(35), 2, p. 387-389.

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52. V. Paulauskas, Estimates of the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem in Banach spaces, Proc. Of V Japan-USSR Symposium on Probab. Theory, 1986, p.
53. G. Bakštys, V. Paulauskas, An approach of distributions of sums of Banach-valued random elements with infinitely divisible laws.I, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1986, 26(3), p. 403-414 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1986, 26(3), p. 207-215.

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51. D. Pap, V. Paulauskas, Remark on the distribution of the norm of a Gaussian vector in Banach space co, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1985, 25(4), p. 112-117 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1985, 25(4), p. 359-362.

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49. V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, On operators of stable type, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1984, 275(2), p. 306-309 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet Math. Dokl., 1984(29), 2, p. 216-219.
50. V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, On operators of stable type, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1984, 24(2), p. 145-159 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1984, 24(2), p. 160-171.

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47. V. Bentkus, V. Paulauskas, Rates of convergence in the central limit theorem for Gaussian mixtures in infinite-dimensional spaces, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1983, 23(1), p. 17-25 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1983, 23(1), p. 9-18.
48. V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, V. Sakalauskas, CLT in the space of sequences converging to zero, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1983, 23(1), p. 163-174 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1983, 23(1), p. 87-97.

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43. V. Paulauskas, On the central limit theorem in Banach space co, Probab. and Math. Stat., 1982, 3(2), p. 127-141.
44. V. Paulauskas, On the density of the norm of Gaussian vector in Banach spaces, Lecture Notes in Math., 1982, 990, p. 179-197.
45. V. Paulauskas, On the distribution density of the norm of a Gaussian vector in a Banach space, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1982, 266(6), p. 1301-1302 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet. Math. Dokl., 1982(26), 2, p. 499-500.
46. V. Paulauskas, Convergence to stable laws and generating of stable random variables, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1982, 22(3), p. 146-156 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1982, 22(3), p. 319-326.

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40. V. Paulauskas, Estimate of the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem in lp spaces, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1981, 21(1), p. 109-119 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1981, 21(1), p. 55-62.
41. V. Paulauskas, On the central limit theorem in the Banach space c0, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1981, 254(2), p. 286-288 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet. Math. Dokl., 1980(22), 2, p. 349-351.
42. V. Paulauskas, On the approximation of indicator functions by smooth functions in Banach spaces, 1981, In: Funct. analysis and Appl., Proc. of the Confer. in Oberwolfach, 1980, Birkhauser, 1981, p. 385-394.

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39. V. Paulauskas, A. Račkauskas, Infinitely divisible and stable laws in separable Banach spaces. II, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1980, 20(4), p. 97-113 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1980, 20(4), p. 305-316.

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37. V. Bernotas, V. Paulauskas, Non-uniform estimatein the central limit theorem in some Banach spaces, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1979, 19(2), p. 23-44 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1979, 19(2), p. 177-190.
38. V. Paulauskas, The rates of convergence in the CLT in Banach spaces, Proceeding of the 2nd conference “Probab. On Vector spaces”, Lecture Notes in Math., 1979, 829, p. 234-243.

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35. V. Paulauskas, On a distance in variation and pseudomoments in a Hilbert space, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1978, 18(1), p. 139-146 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1978, 18(1), p. 94-99.
36. V. Paulauskas, On infinitely divisible and stable laws in separable Banach spaces. I, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1978, 18(4), p. 101-114 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1978, 18(4), p. 517-527.

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29. V. Paulauskas, Some remarks on multivariate stable distributions, Journal of Multivar. Anal., 1976, Vol. 6, Nr. 3, p. 356-368.
30. V. Paulauskas, Non-uniform estimate in the central limit theorem in a separable Hilbert space, Proc. of the Third Japan-USSR symp. on Probab. Lecture Notes in Math., v. 550, 1976, p. 475-499.
31. V. Paulauskas, On the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem in some Banach spaces, Theor. verojat. i primen., 1976, 21(4), p. 775-791 (in Russian).
32. V. Paulauskas, On the rate of convergence of some functionals of sums of independent random variables in a Banach spaces, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1976, 16(3), p. 103-121 (in Russian).
33. V. Paulauskas, Estimates of the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem in C(S), Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1976, 16(4), p. 168-201 (in Russian).
34. V. Paulauskas, Infinitely divisible and stable probability measures on separable Banach spaces, Univ. of Göteborg Depart. of Math., Nr. 15, 1976, 35 p.

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24. V. Paulauskas, On the convergence in the multidimensional limit theorem with a stable limiting law, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1975, 15(1), p. 207-228 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1975, 15(1), p. 168-184.
25. V. Paulauskas, Two nonuniform estimates of the remainder term in the closeness of distributions of two sums of independent random variables, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1975, 15(2), p. 77-91 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1975, 15(2), p. 254-263.
26. V. Paulauskas, An estimate of the remainder term in the multidimensional limit theorem, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1975, 15(3), p. 163-176 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal , 1975, 15(3), p. 484-493.
27. V. Paulauskas, On the closeness of distributions of sums of independent random variables with values in Hilbert space, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1975, 15(3), p. 177-200 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1975, 15(3), p. 494-508.
28. V. Paulauskas, A non-uniform estimate in the central limit theorem in a Hilbert space, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1975, 15(4), p. 177-190 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1975, 15(4), p. 649-658.

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21. V. Paulauskas, An estimate of the rate of convergence in a multidimensional limit theorem in the case of a stable limit law, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1974, 219(1), p. 43-45 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet. Math. Dokl., 1974(15), 6, p. 1536-1538.
22. V. Paulauskas, Estimates of the remainder term in a limit theorem with a stable limiting law, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1974, 14(1), p. 165-187 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1974, 14(1), p. 127-146.
23. V. Paulauskas, Uniform and nonuniform estimates of the remainder term in a limit theorem with a limiting stable law, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1974, 14(4), p. 171-185 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1974, 14(4), p. 661-672.

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16. V. Paulauskas, Concentration function of finite-dimensional and infinite-dimen-sional random vectors, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1973, 13(1), p. 137-157 (in Russian).
17. V. Paulauskas, On the distribution of the maximum of cumulative sums of inde-pendent identically distributed random vectors, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1973, 13(2), p. 133-138 (in Russian).
18. V. Paulauskas, S. Steišiunas, On the rate of convergence of the distribution of a maximum of partial sums of independent nonidentically distributed random vectors to a limit law, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1973, 13(2), p. 139-147 (in Russian).
19. V. Bernotas, L. Beržnickas, V. Paulauskas, Estimates of the rate of convergence in limit theorems for a sum of a random number of independent random vectors, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1973, 13(3), p. 53-61 (in Russian), English translation: Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1973, 13 (3), p. 385-391.
20. V. Paulauskas, Some nonuniform estimates in limit theorems of probability theory, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1973, 211(4), p. 791-794 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet. Math. Dokl., 1973(14), 4, p. 1125-1127.

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12. V. Paulauskas, A multivariate inequality of large deviations, Lietuvos Matema-tikos Rinkinys, 1972, 12(1), p. 207-212 (in Russian).
13. V. Paulauskas, On sums of a random number of random multivariate vectors, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1972, 12(2), p. 109-131 (in Russian).
14. V. Paulauskas, An estimate of the rate of convergence in CLT for non-identically distributed summands, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1972, 12(4), p. 183-194 (in Russian).
15. V. Paulauskas, On concentration functions of random vectors, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1972, 204(44), p. 791-794 (in Russian), English translation: Soviet. Math. Dokl., 1972(13), 3, p. 751-755.

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8. V. Paulauskas, Theorem on the rate of convergence in central limit theorem, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1971, 11(1), p. 173-179 (in Russian).
9. V. Paulauskas, An estimate of the rate of convergence by means of pseudomoments, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1971, 11(2), p. 317-327 (in Russian).
10. V. Paulauskas, On estimates of the rate of convergence in limit theorems by means of pseudomoments, Soviet. Math. Dokl., 1971, 199(1), p. 26-29, English translation: Soviet. Math. Dokl., 12(1972), 4, p. 1021-1025.
11. V. Paulauskas, On smoothing inequality, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1971, 11(4), p. 861-866 (in Russian), English translation: Selected Transl. In Math. Stat. And Probab., 1972, 14, p. 7-12.

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7. V. Paulauskas, On the multivariate central limit theorem, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1970, 10(4), p. 783-789 (in Russian).

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3. V. Paulauskas, On the reinforcement of the Lyapunov theorem, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1969, 9(2), p. 323-328 (in Russian).
4. V. Paulauskas, On the estimate of the rate of convergence in multidimensional central limit theorem. I, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1969, 9(2), p. 329-343 (in Russian).
5. V. Paulauskas, On the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1969, 9(4), p. 815-825 (in Russian).
6. V. Paulauskas, On the estimate of the rate of convergence in multidimensional central limit theorem. II, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1969, 9(4), p. 791-815 (in Russian).

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2. V. Paulauskas, A. Slušnys, Estimate of the rate of convergence in two dimensional central limit theorem, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, 1968, 8(3), p. 591-595 (in Russian).

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1. V. Paulauskas, Central limit theorem for non-homogeneous Markov Processes, Proc. Of the conference of young scientists of Lithuania, Mokslas, Vilnius, 1967, p. 30-35 (in Russian).

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1. V. Paulauskas, Infinitely divisible and stable probability measures on separable Banach spaces, University of Goteborg, Preprint, 1976, 15, 41 p.
2. V. Paulauskas, The rates of convergence to stable laws and the law of the iterated lo-garithm in Hilbert space, Univ. of Goteborg Preprint, 1977, 5, 35 p.
3. V. Paulauskas, A Note on the Distribution of Supremum of some Gaussian Processes, University. of Goteborg Preprint, 1988, 13, 8 p.
4. V. Paulauskas, V. Bentkus, F. Gotze, A. Račkauskas, The Accuracy of Gaussian Approximation in Banach Spaces, Univ. Bielefeld Preprint, 1992, 90 p.
5. V. Paulauskas, Rates of convergence in the asymptotic normality for some local ma-ximum estimations, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 94-8.
6. V. Paulauskas, Rates of convergence in the asymptotic normality for some local maximum estimators. II, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 95-5.
7. V. Paulauskas, M. Ledoux, A rate of convergence in the Poissonian representa-tion of stable distributions, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 95-20.
8. V. Paulauskas, P. Lachout, A rate of convergence in the second order asymptotic dis-tributional representation of M-estimators, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 95-21.
9. S. Mittnik, V. Paulauskas, S.T. Rachev, Statistical inference in regression with heavy-tailed integrated variables, University of California, Santa Barbara, Preprint 346, 1998.
10. Ch. Houdre, V. Paulauskas, Correlation identity and large deviations for infinite-ly divisible laws, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 2000-12.
11. C. Cabrelli, U. Molter, V. Paulauskas, R. Shonkwiler, The Hausdorf dimension of p-Cantor sets, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 2000-15.
12. V. Paulauskas, A new estimator for tail index, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 2002-20.
13. V. Paulauskas, R. Zovė, On Hausdorff dimension of some Cantor random sets, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 2002-21.
14. Y. Davydov, V. Paulauskas, On estimation of parameters for spatial autoregression model, Vilnius Univ. Preprint 2005-31.

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Moksliniai pranešimai (tezės)

1. V. Paulauskas, Еще раз о неравенстве Эссеена, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, Vilnius, 1971, 11(2), p. 443.
2. V. Paulauskas, Обобщение одной теоремы Ю. В. Прохорова, Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys, Vilnius, 1973, 13(2), p. 235-236.
3. V. Paulauskas, On sums of a random multi-dimensional vectors, I Europos statistikų konferencija, Budapeštas, 1972, p. 615-618.
4. V. Paulauskas, Об оценке скорости сходимости в предельной теореме в случае устойчивого предельного закона, Intern. Vilnius Conf. Probab. Theory Math. Stat., Abstracts, Vilnius, 1973.
5. V. Paulauskas, Об устойчивых мерах в сепарабельных банаховых прос-транствах, Intern. Vilnius Conf. Probab. Theory Math. Stat., Abstract, Vilnius, 1977.
6. V. Paulauskas, О плотности нормы гауссовского вектора в банаховом пространстве co, и сб. Зузюьу доклю IV Советско-Японского симп. По теории вер. И мат. Стат., Тбилиси, 1982.
7. V. Paulauskas, Rates of convergence in the Central limit theorem in Banach spaces, Abstracts of communications V Japan-USSR Symposium on Probab. Theory, Kyoto, 1986.
8. V. Paulauskas, Одно свойство гауссовской меры на шарах банахова прост-ранства, 29-oji Lietuvos matematikų draugijos konferencija, 1988, 1.
9. V. Paulauskas, Konvergavimo greičio įvertis empiriniams procesams su svoriais, 30-oji Lietuvos matematikų draugijos konferencija, Vilnius, 1989, 1.
10. V. Paulauskas, M. Bloznelis, On the Central Limit Theorem in D[0,1], 33-oji Lietuvos matematikų draugijos konferencija, Vilnius, 1992, 1.
11. A. Juozulynas, V.Paulauskas, Some remarks on the rate of convergence to stable laws, 7th Vilnius Conf. Prob. Th. Math. Stat., Vilnius, 1998, p. 258.
12. V. Paulauskas, S.T. Rachev, Limit theorems for stable Paretian models in econometrics, 7th Vilnius Conf. Prob. Th. Math. Stat., Vilnius, 1998, p. 73.
13. V. Paulauskas, Lindeberg's CLT in multidimensional and Banach spaces, 52nd Session of the Inter. Statistical Institute, August 10-18, 1999, Helsinki, Finland, 1999, 58, p. 503-506.
14. V. Paulauskas, On some new results for multivariate stable laws, 8th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, June 23-29, 2002. Abstracts of Communications, TEV, Vilnius, 2002, p. 247.
15. V. Paulauskas, Some recent results for multivariate stable laws, International Gnedenko conference, June 3-7, 2002, Kyiv, Abstracts, Kyiv, 2002, p. 22.
16. V. Paulauskas, Error estimates in approximation of some semigroups by quasi-sectorial operators, Intern. Conf. “Kolmogorov and contemporary mathematics”, Moscow, June 16-21, 2003, Abstracts, 2003, p. 531-532.
17. V. Paulauskas, V. Statulevičius - a teacher, scientist, and organizer - a man of great talent, 9th international Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics = 9-oji tarptautinė Vilniaus tikimybių teorijos ir matematinės statistikos konferencija : abstracts of communications. ISBN 9955-680-34-2. Vilnius, 2006, p. 8.
18. V. Paulauskas, On some problems connected with spatial autoregression, 9th international Vilnius conference on probability theory and mathematical statistics = 9-oji tarptautinė Vilniaus tikimybių teorijos ir matematinės statistikos konferencija: abstracts of communications. ISBN 9955-680-34-2. Vilnius, 2006, p. 258.

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