
2000 - 2001

  1. Publications of professors and other staff of the Department of Computer Science II, in the year 2000, may be found here
  2. Publications of professors and other staff of the Department of Computer Science II, in the year 2001, may be found here


  1. R. Baronas, F. Ivanauskas, J. Kulys./ Modelling a bionsensor based on the heterogeneous microreactor // Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (to be published in 1999, 8 p.).
  2. F. Ivanauskas, B. Kaulakys, T. Meskauskas. / Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Driven by Identical Noise. // Intern. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 9, Nr.3 (1999). 533-539 p
  3. F. Ivanauskas, M.Radziunas. / On Convergence and Stability of the Explicit Difference Method for Solution of Nonlinear Schrödinger equations. // SIAM J. of Numerical Analysis, (to be published in 1999, 17 p.).
  4. F. Ivanauskas, M. Radziunas. / The Convergence and Stability of splitting finite difference schemes for nonlinear evolutionary type equations // SIAM J. Num. Analysis, 20 psl. (to be published)
  5. F. Ivanauskas, M.Radziunas. / On convergence and stability of the explicit difference method for solution of nonlinear Schrödinger equations. // IMA J. App. Math ., 17 p. (to be published)
  6. A. Juozapavicius, R. Blake. Indices and Data Structures in Information Systems, "Informatica", Vilnius, 1999, v.10, No.1, pp.71-88 (in English)
  7. K. Karciauskas, Rational multisided Sabin and Hosaka-Kimura like surface patches, Preprint 99-31, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, 1999.
  8. K. Karciauskas, On five- and six-sided rational surface patches, Preprint 99-32, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, 1999.
  9. T. Meskauskas, B. Kaulakys. Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Driven by Identical Noise, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 9(3), pp.533-539, 1999.
  10. T. Meskauskas. The Solvability of Derivative Nonlinear Evolutionary Models, Doctoral thesis, Vilnius University, 1999.
  11. T. Meskauskas, B. Kaulakys. Models for Generation of 1/f Noise, In: Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations, Proc. 15th Intern. Confer., HongKong, China, August 23-26, 1999, (Ed. C.Surya), pp.375-378, 1999.
  12. T. Meskauskas. Sudden Cardiac Death from Ischemia and Possible Mathematical Methods for this Problem (with J.Bluzas, I.Bluzaite, et al.), Lithuanian Journal of Cardiology, 6(1), pp.157-160, 1999 (in Lithuanian).
  13. S. Zube. The n-sided toric patches and A-resultants (submitted for publication in Computer Aided Geometric Design)


  1. R. Baronas, F. Ivanauskas, J. Kulys / Modelling of a microreactor on heterogeneous surface and an influence of geometry to microreactor operation // Netiesiniai procesai, ju modeliavimas ir valdymas. Nonlinear analysis: modelling and control. ISSN 1392 - 5133. 1998. Nr. 3, p.19-31.
  2. F. Ivanauskas, M. Radziunas. / The stability conditions of finite difference schemes for Schrödinger, Kuramoto-Tsuzuki and heat equations // Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vilnius, 1998, V. 3, pp.177-194.
  3. F. Ivanauskas, T. Meskauskas. / Role of parabolic viscosity in numerical analysis of derivative nonlinear evolution equations. // Netiesiniai procesai, ju modeliavimas ir valdymas. Nonlinear analysis: modelling and control. ISSN 1392 - 5133. 1998. Nr. 2, p. 75 - 80.
  4. A. Juozapavicius. Symbolic Computation: Systems and Applications (Article). in "Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control", Vilnius, MII, 1998, No.3, pp.13-39 (in English)
  5. A. Juozapavicius. The Search and Retrieval of Scientific Information on Internet. Preprint nr. 98-17, Vilnius, MII, 1998, 39 pp. (in Lithuanian), and second part.
  6. K. Karciauskas, R. Krasauskas, Rational Biangle Surface Patches, Proc. VI Intern. Conf. Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization, Plzen, 1998, 165-170.
  7. C. Maeurer, R. Krasauskas, Joining Cyclide Patches along Quartic Boundary Curves, in: Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces II, M. Daelen, T. Lyche, and L.L. Schumaker, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 1998, 359-366.
  8. T. Meskauskas, B. Kaulakys. Modeling 1/f Noise, Physical Review E, 58(6), pp.7013-7019, 1998.
  9. T. Meskauskas. On Well Posedness of Initial Boundary Value Problem for Derivative Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation, Lith. Math. J., 38(3), pp.327-341, 1998.
  10. T. Meskauskas. Sudden Death, Atrial Fibrillation and Chaos (with J.Bluzas, R.Vaisnys, et al.), In: Abstracts 4th Biennial International Symposium "Heart Arrhythmias Around the Baltic Sea", Kaunas, Lithuania, September 25-26, 1998, Lithuanian Journal of Cardiology, 5 Suppl. A, pp.16-17, 1998.
  11. T. Meskauskas. On the Generation and Origin of 1/f Noise (with B.Kaulakys), In: Abstracts 22nd European Meeting Of Statisticians, 7th Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania, August 12-18, 1998, pp.265, 1998.
  12. S.Zube. Bidegree (2,1) parameterizable surfaces in projective 3-space. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1998, 38-3, pp. 379-402 (in English) the zipped postscript file of this article, 116Kb
  13. S.Zube. Real ruled degree four surfaces in projective 3 space. "Proceedings of 39th Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society", 1998, pp.191-195 (in English) the zipped postscript file of this article, 49Kb


  1. A. Bastys. "Orthogonal and Biorthogonal Scaling functions with good translation invariance characteristic", Proc. SAMTA, Portugal, 1997, 239-244.
  2. A. Dementjev, F. Ivanauskas, R. Vaicekauskas, M. Radavicius. / Problems of laser beam width measuring with CCD cameras. // Lietuvos matematiku draugijos XXXVIII konferencijos darbai. Vilnius, Technika, 1997, p. 255- 260.
  3. F. Ivanauskas, A. Juozapavicius, P. Kurlavicius. / Modelling of Lithuanian White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) population using graph theory and statistics methods Ciconia. // Vilnius 1997, T.7. , p. 32 - 40.
  4. F. Ivanauskas, T. Meskauskas. / Numerical methods for derivative nonlinear evolution equations // In Proc. of the Fifth annual Seminar: Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Minsk, February 12-15, 1996, Institute of Physics National Academy of Science, Belarus, p.173 - 178, 1997.
  5. F. Ivanauskas, V. Nedzinskas, M. Zalakevicius. / The Impact of global Warming upon Arrival of Birds. // Acta Zool. Lit., 1997. Vol. 6. P. 31 - 36.
  6. F.Ivanauskas, M.Radziunas. / The convergence and stability of the explicit difference scheme for nonlinear Schrodinger equation. // Mathematical Modelling and Complex Analysis Proceedings of the Conference MMCA-97 Vilnius, June 1997 Vilnius Technika , 1997, p. 66-74.
  7. F. Ivanauskas, T. Meskauskas. / Justification of difference schemes for derivative nonlinear evolution equations// In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1196 (Eds. L,Vulkov, J.Wasniewski and P.Yalamov), Springer, p.335--340, 1997.
  8. A. Juozapavicius "Data Structures and Algorithms" (Textbook), Vilnius, Vilnius University Press, 1997, 93 p. (in Lithuanian)
  9. A. Juozapavicius, M. Sapagovas "Modelling and Control of Nonlinear Processes" (Article), Mokslas ir Technika, No. 5, 1997, pp.6-7 (in Lithuanian)
  10. A. Juozapavicius "Activities of Nonlinear Analysts of Lithuania" (Information), The SAC Newsletter, Nr. 2, June 1997, 2 p., (in English)
  11. A. Juozapavicius "Research Information Systems" (Article), in "Nonlinear Processes: Modeling and Control", Vilnius, MII, 1997, No.1, pp.25-37, (in English)
  12. A. Juozapavicius, G.Specht. Concept-based Indexing in Multimedia Databases: Fundamentals - an Introduction (Article). "Proceedings of 8th Conference of Lithuanian Computer Society", 17-20 September, 1997, Birstonas, pp. 166-175.(in English)
  13. A. Juozapavicius, V.Mieliauskas. Hausdorff dimension of Lithuanian characters (Abstract). "Proceedings of 38th Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society", 18-19 June, 1997, Vilnius, p.5 (in English)
  14. R. Krasauskas, Universal Parameterizations of Some Rational Surfaces, in: Curves and Surfaces with Applications in CAGD, A. Le Mehaute, C. Rabut and L.L. Schumaker (eds.), Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 1997, 231-238.
  15. T. Meskauskas, B.Kaulakys. On the 1/f Fluctuations in the Nonlinear Systems Affected by Noise, In: Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations, Proc. 14th Intern. Confer., Leuven, Belgium, July 14-18, 1997, World Scientific, Singapore, pp.126-129, 1997.
  16. T. Meskauskas. Synchronizing Influence of Identical Noise in Chaotic Systems (with F.Ivanauskas and B.Kaulakys), In: Proc. 38th Conference of Lithuanian Math. Society, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 18-19, 1997, pp.268-273, 1997.
  17. T. Meskauskas. Synchronizing Influence of Identical Noise in Chaotic Systems (with F.Ivanauskas and B.Kaulakys), In: Abstracts 38th Conference of Lithuanian Math. Society, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 18-19, 1997, pp.57, 1997.
  18. T. Meskauskas. Solution of the Equations of Dynamical Chaos (with F.Ivanauskas and B.Kaulakys), In: New Trends in Probability and Statistics, 4, Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. in Honour of J.Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, September 23-27, 1996, (Eds. A.Laurincikas, E.Manstavicius and V.Stakenas), TEV/VSP, Vilnius/Utrecht, pp.467-474, 1997.
  19. 15. T. Meskauskas. Numerical Methods for Derivative Nonlinear Evolution Equations (with F.Ivanauskas), In: Proc. 5th Annual Seminar: Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Minsk, Belarus, February 12-15, 1996, Institute of Physics National Academy of Science of Belarus, Minsk, pp.173-178, 1997.
  20. S.Zube. Exceptional vector bundles on Enriques surfaces, Matematicheskije. zametky, 1997, v. 61, No.6, pp.825-834 (in Russian)
  21. S.Zube. Cubic surfaces,. (Textbook), Vilnius, Vilnius University Press, 1997, 54 p. (in Lithuanian)


  1. A. Bastys. "Periodic shift-invariant multiresolution analysis", Proc. IEEE Digital Signal Processing, Norway, 1996, 398-400.
  2. F. Ivanauskas, A. Juozapavicius, P. Kurlavicius. The Modeling of White Stork Population in Lithuania. (Article), CICONIA, v. 4, Vilnius, 1996, pp. 10-15 (in Lithuanian)
  3. A. Juozapavicius. New Information Systems - Impact to the Society. (Article), "Proceedings of the International Conference "Science in a Small State", Vilnius, 1996, 6 p. (in English)
  4. R. Krasauskas, Crossed simplicial groups of framed braids and mapping class groups of surfaces, Lith. J. Math. 36 (1996), 330-353.
  5. T. Meskauskas. On Convergence and Stability of Difference Schemes for Derivative Nonlinear Evolution Equations (with F.Ivanauskas), Lith. Math. J., 36(1), pp.10-20, 1996.
  6. T. Meskauskas. Synchronization in the Identically Driven Systems (with B.Kaulakys and F.Ivanauskas), In: Proc. Intern. Conf. on Nonlinearity, Bifurcation and Chaos: the Doors to the Future, Lodz-Dobieszkow, Poland, September 16-18, 1996, pp.145-148, 1996; ( e-print archives: )
  7. T. Meskauskas. Justification of Difference Schemes for Derivative Nonlinear Evolution Equations (with F.Ivanauskas), In: Abstracts 1st Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Applications, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 24-27, 1996, pp.34, 1996.
  8. T. Meskauskas. Asymptotic Convergence of Difference Schemes for Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger and Other Evolution Equations (with F.Ivanauskas), In: Abstracts 37th Conference of Lithuanian Math. Society, Kaunas, Lithuania, June 20-21, 1996, pp.57-59, 1996.


  1. A.Bastys, Z.Gimbutas. "I. Daubechies compactly supported wavelets with minimal Heizenberg boxes", Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 1995, 35(4), 343-362.
  2. A.Bastys, Z.Gimbutas. "Multiresolution analysis and translation defect", Proc. UK Symp. TFTS, 1995, 297-286.
  3. A. Bastys, Z. Gimbutas, "Scaling functions and wavelets optimal under translation", SPIE Proceedings, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing III, Vol. 2569, (1995).
  4. A. Juozapavicius. Reduction of Binary Quadratic Forms over Polynomials. (Abstract), "Proceedings of 32nd Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society", Vilnius, 1995, 1 p. (in English)
  5. T. Meskauskas. On Convergence and Stability of Difference Schemes for Derivative Nonlinear Evolution Equations (with F.Ivanauskas), In: Abstracts 36th Conference of Lithuanian Math. Society, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 22-23, 1995, pp.157-158, 1995.

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