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Tarptautinės matematikų sąjungos laiškas

International Mathematical Union June 6, 2014 IMU AO Circular Letter 6/2014 To: IMU Adhering Organizations and all Delegates and Observers of the IMU General Assembly in Gyeongju From: Martin Grötschel, IMU Secretary Dear colleagues, According to the IMU Statutes, the Adhering Organizations and Delegates of the General Assembly (GA) have to be informed two months in advance of the meeting of the GA about all candidates for positions within IMU committees and commissions to be elected at the next General Assembly. This letter provides complete information about the persons running for the various IMU offices. According to the "Procedures for the Election...", see http://www.mathunion.org/organization/ec/procedures-for-election/, the IMU Nominating Committee has the task to select, from all persons nominated, see my Circular Letters 10/2012 and 02/2013 which can be found at http://www.mathunion.org/Publications/cl/, the slates to be considered at the GA meeting. The IMU Nominating Committee consists of &no.8210; Ragni Piene, Norway (chair) &no.8210; Ingrid Daubechies, USA &no.8210; Michel Jambu, France &no.8210; Masaki Kashiwara, Japan &no.8210; Gaven Martin, New Zealand &no.8210; M S Raghunathan, India &no.8210; Joan Sol&no.224;-Morales Rubió, Spain This Nominating Committee has selected (from all nominations received, making use of its right to search for potential candidates on its own, and taking into account regional distribution, adequate representation of mathematical fields, etc.) slates for &no.8210; the IMU Executive Committee (EC), &no.8210; the Commission for Developing Countries (CDC), and &no.8210; the International Commission on the History of Mathematics (ICHM), following the rules defined in the Procedures for Election. According to item 5. a. of the Procedures for Election the chair of the Election Committee (who will be elected on the first day of the GA meeting) will present the slates at the GA in Gyeongju. You find the lists of nominated persons in the appendix below and as a PDF file in the attachment. At the end of each slate, persons who have been nominated but have not been chosen by the Nominating Committee are listed. These (not selected) persons, if the General Assembly wishes so, can be added to the slates at the General Assembly according to item 5.c. of the Procedures for Election. All candidates have declared their willingness to serve on the commissions or committees for which they have been nominated. All candidates have also provided a two pages curriculum vitae (CV). In order not to overload this e-mail with attachments, we have made the CVs available on the IMU GA 2014 Web site at http://www.mathunion.org/GA2014/ with the user name and password distributed to all GA participants and all IMU Adhering Organizations. We urge all delegates of the General Assembly to make themselves familiar with the candidates and their CVs. Not all candidates will actually be present at the GA for personal discussion. Considering the large number of candidates, the time available at the GA will not suffice to discuss the qualifications of all the persons in too much detail. So, please try to make up your mind about the candidates before the GA. If you feel you need additional information you are, of course, free to contact the candidates directly. Best regards

Eugenijus Manstavičius 2014 06 07 09:38

Geriausias darbas JAV - matematiko

JAV tinklapis www.careercast.com sureitingavo darbus, atsižvelgiant į įvairius parametrus(pvz. darbo aplinka, streso lygis, atlyginimas, ateities persperktyvos ir kt.) Reitingo lyderiai: 1. Matematikas 3. Statistikas 4. Aktuaras Pilną straipsnį galite rasti čia: http://www.careercast.com/jobs-rated/jobs-rated-2014-ranking-200-jobs-best-worst

Aurelijus Tamulis 2014 05 29 08:34

Matematikas vadovauja Europos mokslo tarybai

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon new president of the European Research Council Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, the 2nd president of the European Mathematical Society (1995-98), will be the next president of the European Research Council (ERC). Professor Bourguignon was nominated for this position by the EMS to a search committee set up by the European Commission. Since 2007, the ERC has funded European top researchers through grants (ERC starting grants, consolidator grants, advanced grants, proof of concept and synergy grants) given on the base of applications that are evaluated by expert panels. In Horizon 2020, the ERC appears as a crucial component in the EU long-term research strategy to support the most talented and creative scientists in blue-sky research. As a mathematician, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon is well known for his contributions to modern differential geometry. He was the president of the French Mathematical Society SMF (1990-1992). Since 1994, and until his retirement in August 2013, he has served mathematicians and physicists all over the world as director of the prestigious research centre Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques at Bures-sur-Yvette close to Paris. Through his remarkable activity, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon has promoted collaboration between mathematicians and researchers from other sciences. He also has been enthusiastically involved in activities raising the public awareness of mathematics, like films and exhibitions. The EMS congratulates him very warmly for this achievement and looks forward with great pleasure to good benefits for the ERC and for science in Europe under his leadership. The European Mathematical Society (This e-mail was sent by the EMS Office)

Eugenijus Manstavičius 2013 11 16 17:19

Europos matematikų draugijos renginys

Šiemet Danijos matematikų draugija (DMD) švenčia savo 140-ies metų jubiliejų. Ta proga Arhuus'o universitete ji rengia nacionalinių matematikos draugijų vadovų eilinį kasmetinį pasitarimą ir bendrą Europos matematikų draugijos ir DMD matematinį savaitgalį. Informacija apie juos pasiekiama adresais: http://projects.au.dk/presidents-ems/ http://projects.au.dk/emsweekend/ Pasitarimai ir savaitgaliai buvo pradėti 2008 m. Luminy (Prancūzija) ir toliau rengiami vis kitose šalyse. Jūsų nuolankus tarnas vyksta į Arhuus'ą perduoti Lietuvos matematikų linkėjimus. Už paramą tariu ačiū VU Matematikos ir informatikos fakultetui. Linksmų artėjančių Šv. Velykų, Eugenijus M.

Eugenijus Manstavičius 2013 03 23 20:25

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