How to create a virtual machine (VM) with the Centos OS 7 template
Select, mark or enter:
Open the virtual machine which you created:
Launch the Putty app and add your private key. More about Putty and private keys read here
Copy the login credentials from the server control panel CONNECT_INFO1. In Putty app enter the SSH key keyword as shown in the example and press Open.
On the command line, write the commands in order. Sometimes you will need to press „y „. You must wait until the command you have previously typed has been executed before typing another command.
sudo yum check-update sudo yum update sudo yum localinstall sudo yum localinstall
After the installation, which may take some time, you need to enter the configuration command, set the password and wait for the configuration to finish.
sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe-21c configure
How to connect to the Oracle database
Register and download SQL DEVELOPER. Unzip the files and run the application.
At the top right with the right mouse button, click on Oracle Connections and select New Connection. In the window that appears, in the appropriate fields, type:
NOTE: If no new users can be created, enter alter session set „_ORACLE_SCRIPT“=true;