
"Joint Meeting for Cooperation of UNESCO Centres"

The UNESCO Associated Centre at Vilnius University had a two-day joint meeting of the newly-established UNESCO associated centres in basic sciences and science education. The main task of the meeting was to find out the best ways of development of the future cooperation of the centres.

The meeting was held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 24th-25th of March 2000.

The List

of invited participants to the Meeting of UNESCO associated science centres

(Vilnius, Lithuania, 2000 03 24-25)

  1. Australia: Prof. Hans Coster, UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology at the University of New South Wales, Kensington.
  2. Belarus: Prof. I. Zharsky, Rector Belarussian State Technological University, Centre for Chemical Education, Minsk.
  3. Czech Republic: Prof. J. Zima, UNESCO Laboratory of environmental electrochemistry, Charles University, Prague.
  4. France: Prof. G. Chazo, Trace Element Institute for UNESCO, Lyon.
  5. Kenya: Prof. S. Wandiga, Chairman of Kenyan National Academy of Sciences Centre on university science teaching and chemistry education, Nairobi.
  6. Lithuania: Prof. B. Juodka; President of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, UNESCO Associated Centre of Excellence for Research and Training in Basic Sciences, Vilnius.
  7. Republic of Moldova: Prof. P. Gaugas, Vice-Rector of Moldova State University, UNESCO-associated centre for university science teaching, Chisinau.
  8. Russian Federation: Academician P. Sarkisov Centre for Chemical Science and Education at D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow.
  9. South Africa: Prof. R. Sanderson, UNESCO associated Centre for macromolecules and materials, University of Stellenbosch.
  10. South Africa: Prof. J. Bradley, UNESCO associated Centre for Mathematics and Science Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits.
  11. UK: Dr. S. Walker, UNESCO-associated centre for IT in chemistry and science education, University of Liverpool.
  12. UK: R.Gladwin, UNESCO-associated centre for IT in chemistry and science education, University of Liverpool.

to the schedule of the Meeting

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