
UNESCO Associated Centre of Excellence
for Research and Training in Basic Sciences
at Vilnius University

Meeting of UNESCO Associated Centres in Basic Science

FRIDAY, 24 MARCH, 2000

9:30 Opening ceremony

  • Address of Prof. R. PAVILIONIS, Rector of Vilnius University

  • Address of UNESCO

  • 9:45 Morning session. Chairman – Prof. Algis PISKARSKAS

  • 9:50 Prof. Alexandr POKROVSKY, Modality and Strategy for Common Cooperation between UNESCO Associated Centres, UNESCO

  • 10:10 Prof. Benediktas JUODKA, Cooperation of biochemists, laser physicists and mathematicians at Vilnius University, UNESCO associated centre of excellence for research and training in basic sciences at Vilnius University, Lithuania

  • 10:40 Prof. Shem O. WANDIGA, Teach basic sciences in Kenya: A need for innovation, Centre on university science teaching and chemistry education, Nairobi, Kenya

  • 11:15 Coffee break

  • 11:45 Acad. P.SARKISOV, Prof. N.TARASOVA, Dr. A.MALKOV, Regional programs of UNESCO associated center for chemical science and education, Centre for Chemical Science and education at D.Mendeleev University of chemical technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

  • 12:20 Prof. Hans G. L. COSTER, Development of laboratory based courses in Biophysical Science, UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, University of New South Wales, Australia

  • 13:00 Lunch

  • 14:00 Sightseeing at the old campus of Vilnius University

  • 15:00 Afternoon session. Chairman – Prof. Feliksas IVANAUSKAS

  • 15:05 Dr. Steve WALKER, The CTI Centre for Chemistry: past, present and future, UNESCO-associated centre for IT in chemistry and science education, University of Liverpool, UK

  • 15:40 Dr. Roger GLADWIN, Implementing computer aided learning into the curriculum: experiences and practical issues, UNESCO-associated centre for IT in chemistry and science education, University of Liverpool, UK

  • 16:15 Coffee break

  • 16:40 Prof. Ron SANDERSON, Macromolecular chemistry education by multimedia, UNESCO associated centre for macromolecules and materials, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

  • 17:15 Prof. John BRADLEY, The UNESCO associated centre for mathematics and science education at Wits: Current activities and future perspectives, UNESCO associated centre for mathematics and science education, University of the Witwaterstrand, Wits, South Africa

  • 18:30 Reception at the Vilnius University

    SATURDAY, 25 MARCH, 2000

    9:00 Morning session. Chairman – Prof. Benediktas JUODKA

  • 9:05 Prof. I. M. ZHARSKYI, UNESCO asociated centre for chemical education and science at Belarussian State Technological University: Perspectives of development and the main directions of the activities, UNESCO associated centre for chemical education and science at Belarussian State Technological University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

  • 9:40 Dr. Svetlana KUDRITSKAYA, The role of the UNESCO associated centre at Moldova State University in developing the real science education in the Republic of Moldova, UNESCO-associated centre for university science teaching, Moldova State University, Moldova

  • 10:15 Prof. Jiri ZIMA, UNESCO laboratory of environmental electrochemistry and UNESCO Trace Element Centre – Research, training and international cooperation, UNESCO laboratory of environmental electrochemistry, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

  • 10:50 Dr.Michel DUBOIS, Presentation of the Trace Element-Institute for UNESCO, Lyon, Trace Element Institute for UNESCO, Lyon, France

  • 11:25 Coffee break

    11:45 Discussion

    13:00 Lunch

    17:00 Visiting the Evening Performance at Vilnius Opera

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