=== ==> Updates during the semester only in exceptional cases <== === ==== MIF Computer Classes ==== Šaltinių st. 1A: * Terminals: S-101, S-102, S-103, S-203, S-204, S-205, S-206, S-207 Didlaukio st. 47: * Windows only: D-303 * Terminals: D-307, D-308, D-310, D-316, D-317, D-318, D-319, D-321, D-323 Didlaukio st. 47: * D-303 Classroom is prepared for teaching robotics, smart circuits, etc. (with Arduino, ARM, RPi and other equipment). The following operating systems are available on terminals: * Linux VDI and Linux server * Windows 10 VDI ---- ==== Linux Environments Have ==== **Software environments:** - PyCharm (community edition), IntelliJ IDEA (community edition), TOra, pgAdmin, Boa constructor (Python), Bluefish, Eclipse, Lazarus, CodeBlocks, IDLE (Python 2.7; Python 3.5), PyCrust\\ **Plain text editors:** - SciTE, (g)Vim, Emacs, gedit, Leafpad\\ **Debuggers:** - Data Display Debugger, The GNU Debugger\\ **Text editors:** - LibreOffice Writer\\ **Spreadsheets:** - LibreOffice Calc\\ **Graphic applications:** - Dia (diagrams), LibreOffice Draw, ImageMagick, GIMP, Inkscape, mtPaint, xfig, PyMOL, RasMol, Qgis, Grass gis, Avogadro\\ **Mathematics:** - wxMaxima, R, Octave, weka\\ **Browsers:** - Firefox ESR, Links 2, Chromium\\ **Email:** - Icedove(Thunderbird), mutt (tekstinė)\\ **Documents:** - Ghostscript, LyX, Texmaker, xdvi, xCHM\\ **Network** - WireShark, Remmina\\ **Sound and image** - VLC Player\\ ---- ==== Windows Environments Have ==== Anaconda3: SPIDER, JupyterLab, Orange. Jet Brains: PyCharm, PhpStorm, DataGrip, CLion, RubyMine, WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, Rider. MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Project, Visio. Alkonas, Axure RP Pro, Cisco Packet Tracer, CodeBlocks, Dev-C++, Dia, DOSBox, Git GUI, GitHub, Lazarus, LibreOffice, Magic Draw UML, Matlab, Maxima, MS Visual Studio, NetBeans, Notepad++, Python, R, Rstudio, SWI-Prolog, SPSS, Texmaker, VS-Code, Weka, WinSCP. ---- **Didlaukio st. 47, in D-303 classroom computers are installed:** 7Zip, Alkonas, Cortona 3d viewer, DevC++ (wxDev), Foxit Reader(PDF reader), Ghostscript, Git, Java, LibreOffice, Maxima, Mozilla Firefox, MS Office, Notepad++, Putty, Python (2.7), VLC(Audio/Video Player), Google Chrome, SumatraPDF Cisco Packet Tracer, Flash player plugin, GNS3, SWI-Prolog, Unity, WinSCP, NetBeans IDE, CodeBlocks, XPS Viewer ----