
UNESCO Associated Centre of Excellence
for Research and Training in Basic Sciences
at Vilnius University

Program of the Collaboration Meeting


9:30 Opening ceremony

      Address of R. PAVILIONIS, Rector of Vilnius University

      Address of L. JEKENTAITE-KUZMICKIENE, General Secretary of Lithuanian National Commision for UNESCO

9:45      Morning session. Chairman – Algis PISKARSKAS

9:50     Alexandr POKROVSKY, Modality and strategy for common cooperation between UNESCO associated centres

10:10     Benediktas JUODKA, Cooperation of biochemists, laser physicists and mathematicians at Vilnius University

UNESCO associated centre of excellence for research and training in basic sciences at Vilnius University,Lithuania

10:40     Shem O. WANDIGA, Teach basic sciences in Kenya; A need for innovation

Centre on university science teaching and chemistry education, Nairobi,Kenya

11:15     Coffee break

11:45     Svetlana KUDRITSKAYA, The role of the UNESCO associated centre at Moldova State University in developing the real science education in the Republic of Moldova

UNESCO-associated centre for university science teaching, Moldova State University,Moldova

12:20     Hans G. L. COSTER, Development of laboratory based courses in

Biophysical Science

UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, University of New South Wales,Australia

13:00      Lunch

14:00     Sightseeing at the Downtown Campus of Vilnius University

15:00 Afternoon session. Chairman – Feliksas IVANAUSKAS

15:05     Steve WALKER, The CTI Centre for Chemistry: past, present and future

UNESCO-associated centre for IT in chemistry and science education, University of Liverpool,UK

15:40     Roger GLADWIN, Implementing computer aided learning into the curriculum: experiences and practical issues

UNESCO-associated centre for IT in chemistry and science education,

University of Liverpool,UK

16:15     Coffee break

16:40     Ronald SANDERSON, Macromolecular chemistry education by multimedia

UNESCO associated centre for macromolecules and materials, University of Stellenbosch,South Africa

17:15     John BRADLEY, The UNESCO associated centre for mathematics and science

Education at Wits: Current activities and future perspectives

UNESCO associated centre for mathematics and science education, University of the Witwaterstrand, Wits,South Africa

18:30     Reception at Vilnius University


9:00      Morning session. Chairman – Benediktas JUODKA

9:05     Ivan ZHARSKYI, UNESCO asociated centre for chemical education and science at Belarussian State Technological University: Perspectives of development and the main directions of the activities

UNESCO associated centre for chemical education and science at Belarussian State Technological University, Minsk,Republic of Belarus

9:40     Acad. P.SARKISOV, Natalia TARASOVA, Alexandr MALKOV, Regional programs of UNESCO associated center for chemical science and education

Centre for Chemical Science and education at D.Mendeleev University of chemical technology of Russia, Moscow,Russia

10:15     Jiri ZIMA, UNESCO laboratory of environmental electrochemistry and UNESCO Trace Element Centre – Research, training and international cooperation

UNESCO laboratory of environmental electrochemistry, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

10:50     Dr.Michel DUBOIS, Presentation of Trace Element - Institute for UNESCO,

Lyon, France

     Trace Element Institute for UNESCO, Lyon, France      

11:25     Coffee break

11:45     Discussion

13:00     Lunch

17:00      Performance at Vilnius Opera

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