Achievement of Outcomes
(one table per outcomes as per your RBAP)

Ref. No:1

Outcome Foreseen Deadline foreseen
Outcome Achieved Date of Achievement
The processes of planning, monitoring and administration of the project. 1.9.1996 - 31.8.1997
Activities Carried Out Dates of Activities
  1. Organisational meeting of project partner representatives at Vilnius University. Two West-East short visits T3: G. Strobl and J. Stage.
  1. A visit of project administrator to the University of Twente. Aim of the visit: to aid the Contractor in the preparation of the Annual Report and Statement of Expenditure 1995/96 and the RBAP 1996/97.
  1. A visit of Coordinator to the Technische Universität München, 4 weeks T3/T4.
  1. Planning, monitoring and administrating the project activities. Communication via e-mail, mail, phone and fax. Meetings of Lithuanian members of Steering Committee. Preparing documents.
1.9.1996 - 31.8.1997
  1. Arranging the contractorship change from the University of Twente to Aalborg University.
  1. A visit of assistant professor to the Tempus validation seminar "Sustainability through Dissemination. Handbook on TEMPUS outputs" in Riga, Latvia.

Ref. No:2

Outcome Foreseen Deadline foreseen
Outcome Achieved Date of Achievement
Development of requirements for curricula in order to shift their orientation from computer science to information systems 1.9.1996 - 31.8.1997
Activities Carried Out Dates of Activities
  1. Courses for Lithuanian teachers and students given by professors from western universities, 2 one week teaching visits T1:
  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Ehrich and Dr. Grit Denker, Technische Universität Braunschweig "Information Systems Design"
  • Dr. Günter Specht, Technische Universität München "Multimedia Database Systems"
  1. Development of requirements for curricula at Lithuanian partner universities.

Ref. No:3

Outcome Foreseen Deadline foreseen
Outcome Achieved Date of Achievement
Purchase of computers, software and books for Vilnius University and Vilnius Technical University 1.12.1996-31.8.1997
Activities Carried Out Dates of Activities
  1. Purchase of equipment for Vilnius University: computers, software, a printer, etc. Installation of hardware and software.
  1. Purchase of equipment for Vilnius Technical University: computers, software, etc. Installation of hardware and software.
  1. Purchase of books for Vilnius University and Vilnius Technical University.
  1. A visit of a lecturer and computer network administrator to the University of Twente, T4 stay.
  1. In order to purchase equipment, the following tasks were accomplished: the specification of equipment was developed, computer sellers were chosen, documents prepared, tax exemption formalities accomplished, money transfers from Aalborg University to Vilnius were accomplished, hardware installed, cabling provided, computers connected into the network, software installed, etc.
  2. Books were purchased in the Netherlands, in Denmark and in Lithuania. The books are kept at the library of the Faculty of Mathematics of Vilnius University and at the teaching laboratories at Vilnius University and Vilnius Technical University.
  3. Purchased computers support all the project activities and outcomes. Computers are used for organisational tasks, for e-mail communication, for teaching and learning, for writing textbooks, for the development of WWW based information system, etc.

Ref. No:4

Outcome Foreseen Deadline foreseen
TEXTBOOK 31.8.1997
Outcome Achieved Date of Achievement
Collecting materials and writing parts of books that will be published in 1997/98 31.8.1997
Activities Carried Out Dates of Activities
  1. Distribution to Lithuanian universities of books written in 1995/96:
    • A. Caplinskas "Fundamentals of Software Engineering", Part 1
    • A. Juozapavicius "Data Structures and Algorithms"
  1. Writing separate chapters of textbooks, that are planned to be published in 1997/98.

Ref. No:5

Outcome Foreseen Deadline foreseen
Outcome Achieved Date of Achievement
A summer school was organised as the Seventh Advanced Course in Artificial Intelligence, ACAI-97, 23-28.6.1997. It was organised under auspices of European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI). 23-28.6.1997
Activities Carried Out Dates of Activities
  1. Preparing, advertising, organising and reporting ACAI-97. Communication with invited lecturers and ECCAI.
  1. From the Tempus Mobility Grant four lectures were invited to give invited talks: Dr. Finn V. Jensen (Aalborg University), Bertram Ludäscher (Universität Freiburg, Germany), Dr. Robert L.W. van de Weg (University of Twente), and Prof. Matthias Jarke (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany).
  1. The idea to combine a summer school with ACAI-97 was proposed by initial contractor and former ECCAI chairman Prof. Nicolaas Mars. This idea was also supported by ECCAI and its chairman Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster. Thus for the first time ACAI was organi sorganised in Eastern Europe. The idea was very good.
  2. Organising a summer school as an international event was very positive. It served to the dissemination of Tempus experience.
  3. ECCAI provided 1000 ECU for a travel grant programme for doctoral students. Four non-Tempus students from non-partner universities were supported.
  4. Lithuanian Science and Study Foundation provided 6000 Litas. This money was used for travel grants of invited lecturers E.Z. Lyubimskii (Moscow) and G.L. Perevozchikova (the Ukraine) and for organisational expenses.
  5. Dr. Finn V. Jensen arranged a donation from Aalborg University of 30 books. The books were used initially by course participants and then distributed to eligible universities. Money for books was from Aalborg University, but not from the Tempus budget.
  6. ACAI-97 was a non profit event, and no financial surplus was received. Most participants were from Lithuania, from Tempus partner universities.

Ref. No:6

Outcome Foreseen Deadline foreseen
Outcome Achieved Date of Achievement
Design and the pilot implementation of the information system of the Tempus project S_JEP-09752-95. The information system is based on the World Wide Web.
Activities Carried Out Dates of Activities
  1. The development of the information system was continued from 1995/96.
  1. The course of Dr. Günter Specht (TUM) "Multimedia Database Systems" contributes to the outcome.
  1. Stays of Lithuanian teachers at Western universities contribute to the outcome.
  1. Purchase computers, that are mentioned in Activity No. 3, contributes essentially to the outcome.
  1. The development of the information system at the Faculty of Mathematics of Vilnius University is a continuos process. It is continued from 1995/96 and will be continued in 1997/98 .
  2. The implementation and maintenance of the information system is being done by a student team at the computer laboratory. The students are supervised by teachers. The aim of this Activity is the learning process of Lithuanian students and their supervisors (teachers).
  3. A home page of the Tempus project is at the URL
    projects/jep09752.htm .

  1. Project Coordination

2.1. The day-to-day management of coordinating the project activities was provided by Lithuanian members of Steering Committee: (1) administrator - docent Dr. Vytautas Cyras and assistant professor Ms. Kristina Lapin, (2) coordinator, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics - docent Dr. Ricardas Kudzma, (3) local coordinator for Vilnius Technical University - docent Dr. Olegas Vasilecas, (4) local coordinator for the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - docent Dr. Albertas Caplinskas, and (5) Head of t he Department of Informatics at MaF - docent Dr. Antanas Mitasiunas. The communication with Western local coordinators was permanent - they were informed about major events. In order to run the project, the communication via e-mail, mail and fax with con tact persons at Western partner universities was essential: secretary Ms. Els Bosch and finance officer Mr. Mark Kroep at the University of Twente, secretary Ms. Vivian Jonassen at Aalborg University, and researcher Dr. Georg Strobl at the Technische Uni versitaet Muenchen. Communication via e-mail was essential in order to run the project.

Organisational meeting of project partner representatives on 4-6.10.1996 in Vilnius was very worthy.

2.2 Reduction of teaching duties for some of the key persons of the project was very positive for the coordination of the project. This should be also the case in 1997/98.

The average duration of teacher stays East-West and West-East was shorter than planned in the original proposal. Eastern teachers prefer to stay abroad for about a month. The main reason are teaching duties at home. Western teachers can not afford to sta y longer than a week.

Inviting lecturers from Western universities that are not project partners was very worthy. A written consent from ETF on 28.8.1996 reached project administrator directly. Such a consent from ETF to invite 4 lecturers in 1997/98 is needed once again.

2.3. Bank transfers from the contracting university to partner universities was not so smooth and fast as expected. The reason is a very long chain of stages in communication: administrator - contractor - finance officer - finance office of the contracti ng university - a bank - a recipient's bank - the bank account of the partner university - Tempus recipient.

  • Functioning of the Network
  • The partner network is functioning well. Each partner acts in the role he can do the best. This ensures, that the project meets the needs of the partner country participants. The roles of partners in 1996/97 can be described as follows:

    1. Vilnius University - general coordination and administration, providing place for the courses and a summer school ACAI-97, major part of a teaching laboratory, selecting students for teaching periods T1 abroad;

    2. Vilnius Technical University - organising the tax exemption, part of teaching laboratory;

    3. Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - writing a textbook, selecting a doctoral student for T1 teaching period abroad, proposing lecturers for a summer school ACAI-97;

    4. University of Twente - Contractor (until the contractorship change in spring 1997), accepting Eastern teachers;

    5. Aalborg University - Contractor (after the contractorship change in spring 1997), accepting Eastern teachers and students (Aalborg agreed to accept more than planned in RBAP 1996/97 !);

    6. Technische Universitaet Muenchen - accepting Eastern teachers and students, finding lecturers to give courses of excellent quality in Vilnius (thanks to Prof. Eike Jessen !).

  • Activities and Outcomes
  • 4.1 Restructuring/creation of unit/institution
    The teaching laboratory that was created in 1995/96 was enlarged with computers, software and books. The laboratory is within the Faculty of Mathematics of Vilnius University. The teaching laboratory provides computer facilities for students. The laborat ory provided computer facilities during a summer school ACAI-97. The laboratory serves also as a classroom.

    All the equipment that is purchased for Vilnius Technical University is installed there at one unit - Information Systems Laboratory at the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences. The laboratory provides computer facilities for students. The support of a newly introduced master programme is emphasised.

    4.2 Curriculum Development
    The extent of the academic and institutional support for the curriculum development activities was good. New/restructured courses are recognised at the level of institutions (Vilnius University, Vilnius Technical University, and Institute of Mathematics and Informatics). About 300 students are targeted at VU, about 150 at VTU, and about 10 at IMI. The new/restructured courses are delivered in Lithuanian. They can be delivered in English, but currently no need exists. In case the exchange of students gro ws, the restructured courses will be delivered in English.

    4.3 Teaching materials
    Two original textbooks in Lithuanian are in the stage of development. They will be finished in 1997/98. Staff costs for academic tasks will be paid when the textbooks are in print. A. Caplinskas continued to write the second part of the book "Fundamental s of Software Engineering". Teachers from VU and VTU continued to prepare a textbook on Information Systems. Some materials for the textbooks were adapted during T4 stays of authors at partner universities.

    Aalborg University donated 30 copies of the book by Finn V. Jensen "Introduction to Bayesian Networks". These books were purchased from other sources than Tempus. The books were used during the summer school ACAI-97 and are distributed to eligible instit utions.

    4.4 Staff development
    The teachers for retraining/updating T4 were selected, who deliver the courses targeted to restructure in the Tempus project. The outcome of staff retraining was very positive. The staff obtained experience in many aspects: international cooperation, lan guage development, work in operating system UNIX, etc. The retraining/updating stays were combined with the staff retraining plans of beneficiary institutions (VU, VTU, IMI). Thanks to the Tempus project, the staff of beneficiary institutions obtained a possibility for retraining at western partner universities. Benefits derived from staff retraining are disseminated as follows:
    - retrained teachers disseminate their experience among their colleagues;
    - teaching materials are distributed to other institutions;
    - talks at the Tempus validation seminar in Riga, Latvia; new international events were organised.

    4.5 Student Mobility
    Students for East-West mobility were selected in accordance to the following criteria: (1) knowledge of Danish or German, (2) earlier visits to Roskilde Computer Science College, (2) good academic achievements in carrying out group work projects that wer e delivered in Vilnius by lecturers from Aalborg University, (3) academic recognition by Lithuanian universities of courses to be undertaken at Aalborg University and TU Muenchen.

    Agreements between project partners are at the verbal level. Academic recognition in Vilnius was based on exam marks obtained by Lithuanian students at Aalborg University and TU Muenchen.

    Students involved in the mobility were really good students and surely above the average level. Exam marks prove this fact. Three students, who stayed at Aalborg University, extended their stay there in 1997/98, but from other sources than Tempus. One of these students plans Ph.D. studies at AAU.

    4.6 Equipment
    Equipment purchased is appropriate to the needs of the beneficiary institutions - Vilnius University and Vilnius Technical University. No special training was needed. The principal equipment items were personal computers. VU and VTU installed the equipme nt without the aid of external organisations. Seller "Informacines Technologijos" aided the installment of software from Oracle. Staff of VU and VTU maintains the equipment. Equipment purchased is registered in inventory lists. The main part of books pur chased is registered and kept at the library of MaF VU. Photocopying machines and printers are especially appropriate to the needs of the beneficiary institutions. They enabled a smooth running of the project and a summer school.

    Equipment is used by students and teachers. The equipment is used for learning, teaching, writing textbooks, development of information system, for organisational tasks, etc.

    The tax exemption procedure in Lithuania is carried out at the Ministry of Finances. The procedure is complicated. The Ministry requests many documents from VU and VTU. This bureaucracy requires much more human recourses from staff involved in Tempus tha n initially expected.

  • Conclusions
  • 5.1 The key successes of the project is the development of:
    - contacts and international goal oriented teams, members of which can trust each other;
    - staff, that is able to take part in international events and projects;
    - students, that are able to use new schemes to obtain their education;
    - master programmes and restructured courses.

    The reasons for the key successes are the following:
    - partners are motivated and interested in the successes;
    - students involved in the mobility have intelligence that is above the average student level.

    Shortcoming: financial support from Lithuanian organisations is not as large as expected.

    5.2 Cooperating partners saw the situation at each site. Therefore the partners know what they can expect from each other. The gratifying aspect is that Western partners involved very intelligent teachers. One of the causes for difficulties in the intern ational cooperation is, that Eastern and Western societies face different problems.

    5.3 Involvement of professors from EU universities, that are not Tempus partners is worthy. A written consent from ETF to invite a limited number of such professors should be given directly to Coordinator. The same with money transfer from Mobility to Or ganisational Grant equipment item.



    as approved by ETF
    ACTUAL spent
    from Tempus
    UNSPENT from
    Paid from
    other sources
    1.Staff costs 22000 22000
      1.1. Administrative Tasks
    20 000 22 000
      1.2. Academic Tasks
    2 000
    2.Equipment 24 000 26 400 -2 400 940
    3. Other costs 4 150 2 030 2 120 2 224
      3.1. Travel within one country or between EU Member States
    500 50
      3.2. Printing and publishing
    2 000
      3.3. Exchange losses
    1 000 1 670
      3.4. Other costs
    650 310 2 224
    4.Overheads 2 850 2 570
    TOTAL Organisational Grant 53000 53000 3164
    1. Staff mobility 30 400 30 250 150
      1.1. Teaching/training assignments
    7 073
      1.2. Practical placements
      1.3. Short visits
      5 420
        1.4. Retraining/updating
      17 757
        1.5. Short intensive courses
      2. Student mobility 30 900 19 800 11 100
        2.1. Study periods
      19 800
        2.2. Practical placements
        2.3. Short intensive courses
      TOTAL Mobility Grant 61 300 50 050 11 250 11 250
      Exchange profits
      Bank interest
      TOTAL 114 300 103 050 11 250 11 250 3 164


      1. Staff costs
      2. 1.1. Staff costs for Administrative Tasks

      number of outcome
      Name of person Tasks performed Paid from Tempus
      (in ECU)
      Paid from other sources
      (in ECU)
      1,2,3,4,5,6 Vilnius University Project administration 11 000 0
      1 University of Twente Project administration 2 000 0
      1 Aalborg University Project administration 6 000 0
      1 TU Muenchen Project administration 3 000 0
      Total 1.1. 22 000 0

      1.2. Staff costs for Academic Tasks

      No expenditures

      Paid from TEMPUS
      (in ECU)
      Paid from other sources
      (in ECU)
      (1.1. +1.2.)
      22 000 0

      1. Equipment

      Reference number of outcome Nature Type and Specification Recipient institution (country code) Origin equipment (country code) Equipment costs (in ECU)(excl. V.A.T. &Taxes) Transport and installation costs (in ECU)(excl. V.A.T. & Taxes) Maintance and Insurance costs (in ECU)(excl. V.A.T. and Taxes) V.A.T. and Taxes Paid from Tempus (in ECU) Paid from other sources (inECU)
      3 Personal computer and a photocopy machine. Invoice no. 7-212 IBM APTIVA 2161 471, P200/32/4.2GB/17"
      Xerox 5025 Zoom/Platen
      VU(LT) UK 5 182 0 0 0 5 182 0
      3 Software license fee.Invoice no. O-97/3-02 Oracle 7 Designer/2000 for Windows95/NT for 10 users VU(LT) IRL 1 767 0 0 0 1 767 0
      3 5 personal computers and a printer. Invoice no. 1466 Microlink OP.P-133/32/1.2GB/2M, 5 pieces
      HP LaserJet 6MP



      6 700 0 0 0 6 700 0
      3 Personal computer. Invoice no. 1483 COMPAQ DESKPRO MT 5166 VU(LT) UK 2 986 0 0 0 2 986 0
      3 Personal computer. Invoice no. 97/03241 Pentium 133/32/1.6/CD/SB VU(LT) EE 1 658 0 0 0 1 658 0
      3 Software license fee. Invoice no. O-97/3-01 Oracle 7 server, platform PowerPC AIX VTU(LT) IRL 1 325 0 0 0 1 325 0
      3 2 personal computers, a printer (and accessories) and UPS. Invoice no. 97/03242 Pentium 133/32/1.6/CD/SB/17"
      Pentium 120/32/1.6/CD/SB/15"
      HP LaserJet 6MP
      Smart UPS V/S 650V




      4 775 0 0 0 4 775 0
      3 Books (purchased in the Netherlands by V.Cyras) Books on computer science VU,VTU(LT) UK,D,F 1 320 0 0 0 1 320 0
      3 Books (purchased in Aalborg by A.Saulis) Books on computer science VTU(LT) UK,D 100 0 0 0 100 0
      3 Computer memory. Invoice no. 1179 16 MB SIMM (4Mx32BIT) VU(LT) F 159 0 0 0 159 0
      3 Computer memory. Invoice no. 1055 8 MB SIMM (2Mx36BIT) VU(LT) F 117 0 0 0 117 0
      3 Books.Invoice no. 108 Books on semantics, Windows and MS Ofice VU(LT) LT 81 0 0 0 81 0
      3 A textbook with two CD-ROM's. Invoice no. 73 Longman English Works 2, The Grammar ROM VU(LT) UK 82 0 0 0 82 0
      3 Toner cartridge for a printer. Invoice no. 1444580 Toner cartridge for HP LaserJet 5L VU(LT) NL 54 0 0 0 54 0
      3 Books. Invoice no.2730145 M. Broy. Informatik. Teil 1,2,3,4 VU(LT) D 94 0 0 0 94 0
      3,5 Books donated by Aalborg University Finn V. Jensen. An Introduction to Bayesian Networks. VU, VTU, IMI (LT) DK 940 0 0 0 0 940
      Total Equipment 26 400 940

      1. Other costs
      2. 3.1. Travel within one country or between EU Member States (EXCLUDING STAFF COSTS)

      Reference number of outcome Dates
      From - till
      Name of person Home institution
      (town, country)
      Host institution (town, country) Means of Transport Travel costs paid from Tempus (in ECU) Costs of stay paid from Tempus (in ECU)
      1,2 15.10-
      V. Cyras. Travel to bookstores in Utrecht and Amsterdam in order to select books and arrange their package and post to Vilnius University. VU (Vilnius, LT) UT (Enschede, NL) Train 50 0
      Total 3.1. 50 0

      3.2. Printing and publishing (EXCLUDING STAFF COSTS)

      No expenditures

      3.3. Exchange losses

      Please provide us with a detailed calculation. Paid from
      (in ECU)
      1. Exchange losses at the University of Twente were caused by contractorship change to Aalborg University. The second Tempus installment 57 150 ECU was first transferred to the University of Twente and then to Aalborg University. The difference in r ate is 1943.10 Fl (950 ECU):
        • credit to the University of Twente from ETF, Torino, 24.12.1996, was 123 644.03 Fl
        • debit from the University of Twente to Aalborg University, 27.5.1997, 125 587.13 Fl
      1. Exchange losses at Aalborg University were caused by the transfer of the second installment 57 150 ECU from the University of Twente. The University of Twente transferred 57 150 ECU. Aalborg University received 56 944.81 ECU. Thus exc hange losses are 205 ECU.
      1. Exchange losses at Vilnius University were caused by ECU/litas rate. The calculation of expenditures at Vilnius University in Lithuanian litas was made under official ECU/litas rate. The actual price that was paid by East-West staff and students to by the equivalent of 1 ECU in cash or travel cheques (in Dutch guilders, Danish krona or German mark) when paying in litas was up to 5% more.
      Total 3.3. 1 670

      3.4. Other costs (EXCLUDING STAFF COSTS)

      Reference number of outcome Type of expenditure Purpose Recipient institution Paid
      (in ECU)
      from other
      (in ECU)
      1,2,3,4 1. Bank charges (banking costs) caused by bank transfers from the University of Twente to other partner universities. The bank charges total 470.10 Fl are documented in the financial report for the contractorship change from the University of Twente to Aalborg University. Bank charges collected by a bank. UT 230 0
      2. Bank charges caused by bank transfers from Aalborg university to partner universities and computer sellers in Vilnius. Bank charges collected by a bank. AAU 54 0
      3. Bank charges when money entered the account of Vilnius University at Vilniaus Bankas AB: 34.67 Fl (80 Lt, 16.43 ECU) and 10 ECU. Bank charges collected by Vilniaus Bankas AB. VU 26 0
      4. ECCAI travel grant programme to support travel of 4 non Tempus students to ACAI-97. Travel costs VU 0 1 000
      5. Lithuanian State Science and Study Foundation provided 6 000 Litas for invited lectures from Moscow and the Ukraine to ACAI-97 and for organisational expences. Travel costs, organisational expences VU 0 1 224
      Total 3.4. 310 2 224

      1. Overheads

      Type of expenditure Purpose Recipient institution Paid from
      Tempus (in ECU)
      Paid from
      other sources (in ECU)
      Stationery, photocopying, postage, telecommunication costs, etc. Performing the activities directly connected with the project VU, UT, AAU, TUM 2 570 0
      Total OVERHEADS 2 570 0


      1. Staff mobility

      11 stays East-West , total 51 weeks.
      9 visits East-West , total 8 weeks.

      1. Student mobility

      5 stays East-West , total 24 months.

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