Summer school is organized in the frame of TEMPUS Structural Joint European Project S_JEP-09752 "Introduction of courses of information systems". The objective of the project is introduction of master and doctoral level courses in information systems and knowledge engineering at the universities of Lithuania - participants of the project.(course programme)
Project coordinator : Vilnius University.
Other participants:

Summer school is sponsored by Lithuanian state science and studies fund.
Norway and Denmark sponsor participation of their lecturers.
The duration of lectures will be 2-6 hours and most of them will be given by scientists from foreign universities. The number of participants is limited to 50.
Non Vilnius participants will be lodged at Vilnius University students hostel (1- 3 persons per room). Price: 8 - 12 litas per day (4 litas=1 US dollar). Accomodation expences can be covered by organizers.
Lithuanian version