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Books, purchased in the frame of the project

Information systems and databases
Software engineering and object orientation
World Wide Web
Windows & Office


bullet New books

Information systems and databases
No. Name of the book Place
1. O'Brien, J. 1996. Management information systems: managing information technology in the networked enterprise , Richard D. Irwin Inc., Chicago, 620 p. VU, MaF, library
2. Avison, D. and G. Fitzgerald. 1996. Information systems development: methodologies, techniques and tools. McGraw-Hill, VU, MaF, library
3. Fallon, H. 1996. How to implement information systems and live to tell about it. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 291 p. VU, MaF, library
4. Wijers, G., S. Brinkkemper and T. Wasserman (eds.). 1994. Advanced information systems engineering. 6th International Conference, CAiSE'94, Utrecht, the Netherlands, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 811, Spring Verlag, Berlin, 420 p. Donated by the University of Twente. VU, MaF, library
5. Iivari, J., K. Lyytinen, M. Rossi (Eds.). 1995. Advanced information systems engineering. 7th International Conference, CAiSE'95, Jyvaskyla, Finland, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 932, Spring Verlag, Berlin, 388 p. Donated by the University of Twente.VU, MaF, library
6. Hirschheim, R., H. Klein and K. Lyytinen. 1995. Information systems development and data modeling: conceptual and philosophical foundations, Cambridge University Press, 289 p. VU, MaF, library
7. Green, S. 1996. Information Systems Design. International Thomson Computer Press, London, 452 p.
8. Brinkkemper, S., K. Lyytinen and R. Welke (eds.). 1996. Method engineering: principles of method construction and tool support, Chapman & Hall, 324 p. Donated by the author. VU, MaF, library
9. Plumpey, S. 1996. 10 minute guide to Lotus Notes 4.Que Corporation, Indianapolis, 193 p. VU, MaF, library
10. Date, C. 1995. An introduction to database systems. Sixth edition, Addison-Wesley, 839 p. VGTU, O. Vasilecas


Jon Barwise, Jerry Seligman. 1997. Information Flow: the logic of distributed systems Cambridge University Press, 274 p., 182.00 Lt.

 VU, MaF, 226


Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon. 1998. Management Information Systems: New Approaches to Organisation & Technology. Fifth Edition. Prentice Hall, 700 p.

 VU, MaF, 226


Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S. Sudarshan. 1997. Database Systems Concepts.

 VU, MaF, 226

Software engineering and object orientation
No. Name of the book Place
1. Pressman, R. 1993. A manager's guide to software engineering, McGraw Hill, New York, 526 p. VU, MaF, library
2. Pressman, R. 1996. Software engineering: a practitioner's approach, Adapted by Darrel Ince., UK, European edition, McGraw-Hill VGTU, O. Vasilecas
3. Jones, C. 1996. Patterns of software systems failure and success, International Thomson Computer Press, London, 292 p. VU, MaF, library
4. Martin, J. and J. Odell. 1996. Object-oriented methods: pragmatic considerations, Prentice Hall, 560 p. VU, MaF, library
5. Rumbaugh, J. Object-oriented modelling and design, Prentice-Hall International Editions, New York, 500 p. VU, MaF, library


Lawrence C. Paulson. 1996. ML for the Working Programmer. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, 478 p., 399.00 Lt.

 VU, MaF, 226


Craig Larman. 1998. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Prentice Hall, 507 p.

 VU, MaF, 226


Bo Dahlbom, Lars Mathiassen. Computer in Context: The Philosophy and Practice of Systems Design. 1993.

 VU, MaF, 226


Lars Mathiassen. Reflective Systems Development. 1997. Vol. 1,2. Donated by Author.

 VU, MaF, 226

World Wide Web
No. Name of the book Place
1. Peck, S. and S. Arrants. 1996.Building your own Website. O'Reilly and Associates, 500 p. VU, MaF, K.Lapin
2. Jepson, B. 1996. World Wide Web database programming for Windows NT, John Wiley. VU, MaF, K.Lapin
3. LeJeune, U. 1996. The new Netscape and HTML, The Coriolis Group Books, Scottsdale, 683 p. VU, MaF, K.Lapin
4. Thomas, M. et al. 1996.JAVA programming for the Internet: a guide to creating dynamic, interactive Internet applications, Ventana Communications Group, 780 p.VU, MaF, library

content Windows & Office
Windows & Office
No. Name of the book Place
1. Hart-Davis, G. 1996.The ABCs of Microsoft Office for Windows 95, SYBEX, San Francisco, 440 p. VU, MaF, K.Lapin
2. Salomon, C. 1996. Developing Applications with Microsoft Office 95, Second Edition. Microsoft Press, 609 p. VU, MaF, K.Lapin
3. Moseley, L., D. Boodey. 1996. Mastering Microsoft Office Professional for Windows 95, SYBEX, San Francisco, 1083 p. VU, MaF, K.Lapin


Steven L. Nelson & Peter Weverka. Microsoft Office 97.

 VU, MaF, 226

No. Name of the book Place
1. Goguen, J., G. Malcolm. 1996. Algebraic Semantics of Imperative rograms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 222 p. VU, MaF, library
2. De Bakker, J. and E. de Vink. 1996.Control Flow Semantics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 564 p. VU, MaF, library
3. Abrial, J.-R. 1996. The B-Book. Assigning programs to meanings, ambridge University Press, 779 p. VU, MaF, library
4. Jifeng, H. 1994. Provably correct systems. Modelling of communication anguages and design of optimized compilers, The McGraw-Hill International, London, 175 p. VU, MaF, library
5. Loeckx, J., H.-D. Ehrich and M. Wolf. 1996. Specification of abstract ata types, John Wiley & Sons Ltd and B.G. Teubner Publishers, Chichester, 260 p. VU, MaF, library
6. Jensen, F. 1996. An introduction to Bayesian networks, UCL Press, London, 178 p. Donated by Aalborg University. VU, MaF, library
7. Best, E. 1996. Semantics of sequential and parallel programs, Prentice Hall, 351 p. VU, MaF, library


Franz Baader, Tobias Nipkow. Term Rewriting and All That 1998, Cambridge University Press, 301.00 p., 232.00 Lt

 VU, MaF, 226


Glynn Winskel. The formal semantics of programming languages: an introduction. 1996, The Massachusets Institute of Technology Press, 361 p., 294.00 Lt

 VU, MaF, 226

No. Name of the book Place
1. Grefen, P. 1992. Integrity control in parallel database systems, University of Twente,159 p. Donated by the University of Twente.VU, MaF, library
2. Van Kuijk, E. 1991. Semantic query optimization in distributed database systems: a knowledge-based approach, University of Twente,187 p. Donated by University of Twente.VU, MaF, library
3. Steenhagen, H. 1995. Optimization of Object Query Languages, University of Twente, 207 p. Donated by the University of Twente.VU, MaF, library

content International Thomson Computer Press, 716 p.
No. Name of the book Place
1. Icove, D., K. Seger and W. VonStorch. 1995. Computer crime: a crimefighter's handbook, O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol, 437 p. VU, MaF, library
2. Schorer, P. 1995. How to create zero-search-time computer documentation, Peer-to-Peer Communications, California, 166 p. VU, MaF, library
3. Scientific Report 1991-1995.1996. University of Twente, Faculty of Computer Science. Donated by the University of Twente. VU, MaF, library
4. Stefik, M.Introduction to Knowledge Systems, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, 870 p.


Eve Maler, Jeanne El Andaloussi. 1996. Developing SGML DTDs From Text to Model to Markup. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey u.a., 532 p., 331.00 Lt

 VU, MaF, 226


J. Gruska. 1997. Fundamentals of Computing.

 VU, MaF, library


Kamrain Husain, Timothy Parker et al. 1996. Linux Unleashed. Second Editon.

 VU, MaF, 226


Bill Burchard, David Pitzer, Francois Soen et al. 1997. Inside AutoCAD 14.

 VU, MaF, 226


Stuart Russel, Peter Norwig. 1995. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.

 VU, MaF, 226


Andrew S. Tanenbaum. 1996. Computer Networks.

 VU, MaF, library

Books purchased in 1997/98


Name of the book



Bo Dahlbom, Lars Mathiassen. 1993. Computer in Context. The Philosophy and Practice of Systems Design.

 VU, MaF, 226


Lars Mathiassen. 1997. Reflective Systems Development. Vol. 1,2. Donated by Author.

 VU, MaF, 226


Andrew S. Tanenbaum. 1996. Computer Networks.

 VU, MaF, library


Stuart Russel, Peter Norwig. 1995. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.

 VU, MaF, 226


Roger S. Pressman. 1997. Software Engineering. A practitioner’s approach.

 VU, MaF, 226


Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S. Sudarshan. 1997. Database Systems Concepts: Third Edition. McGraw Hill, 821 p.

 VU, MaF, 226


Bill Burchard, David Pitzer, Francois Soen et al. 1997. Inside AutoCAD 14. New Riders Publishing, 1008 p.

 VU, MaF, 226


Steven L. Nelson & Peter Weverka. 1997. Microsoft Office 97: The Complete Reference. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 967 p.

 VU, MaF, 226


Kamrain Husain, Timothy Parker et al. 1996. Linux Unleashed: Second Editon.

 VU, MaF, 226


Aalborg University. Computer Science. 1996. Research Evaluation 1991 – 1995. Donated by Aalborg University.

 VU, MaF, 226


J. Gruska. 1997. Fundamentals of Computing. International Thomson Computer Press, 716 p.

 VU, MaF, library


Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon. 1998. Management Information Systems: New Approaches to Organisation & Technology. Fifth Edition. Prentice Hall, 700 p.

 VU, MaF, 226


Craig Larman. 1998. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. 1998, Prentice Hall, 507 p.

 VU, MaF, 226


Lawrence C. Paulson. 1996. ML for the Working Programmer. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, 478 p., 399.00 Lt

 VU, MaF, 226


Jon Barwise, Jerry Seligman. 1997. Information Flow: The Logic of Distributed Systems. Cambridge University Press, 274 p., 182.00 Lt

 VU, MaF, 226


Glynn Winskel. 1996. The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages: an Introduction. The Massachusets Institute of Technology Press, 361 p., 294.00 Lt

 VU, MaF, 226


Franz Baader, Tobias Nipkow. 1998. Term Rewriting and All That. Cambridge University Press, 301.00 p., 232.00 Lt.

 VU, MaF, 226


Eve Maler, Jeanne El Andaloussi. 1996. Developing SGML DTDs From Text to Model to Markup. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey u.a., 532 p., 331.00 Lt.

 VU, MaF, 226

Maintained by Kristina Lapin