Matematinės statistikos katedros darbuotojų publikacijos

2005 m.

  1. V. Bagdonavičius, M. Nikulin. Analysis of survival data with non-proportional hazards and crossings of survival functions. In: Recent advances in quantitative methods in cancer and human health risk assessment, ISBN 0-470-85756-0, Chichester: John Wiley and sons, 2005, p. 197-210.
  2. V. Bagdonavičius, A. Bikelis, V. Kazakevičius. Nonparametric confidence intervals for the number of spares required for a renewable system. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, ISSN 0361-0926, Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis Group, 2005, vol. 34(5), p. 1203-1212.
  3. V. Bagdonavičius, M. Nikulin. Statistical analysis of survival and reliability data with multiple crossings of survival functions. Comptes rendus. Mathematique, ISSN 1631-073X, 2005, vol. 340, no. 5, p. 377-382.
  4. I. Narkevičiutė, E. Kavaliūnaitė, G. Bernatonienė, R. Eidukevičius. Clinical presentation of pertussis in fully immunized children in Lithuania. BMC Infectious diseases [internete], ISSN 1471-2334, 2005, vol.5, [40], URL:
  5. V. Bagdonavičius, M. Hafdi, K. Himdi. Statistical analysis of the generalized linear proportional hazards model. Journal of mathematical sciences, ISSN 1072-3374, New York, 2005, vol. 127, no. 1, p. 1673-1681.
  6. V. Bagdonavičius, L.Gerville-Reache, M. Nikulin. Statistical modelling, planning and inference in accelerated trials. Qualitée et Sureté de fonctionnement, vol. 1, Actes du Congres, Bordeaux, 2005, p. 349-357.
  7. V. Bagdonavičius, A. Bikelis, V. Kazakevičius, V.V. Verbas, A. G. Smirnov. Estimation of tire reliability under covariates. Problems of tires and rubber composites, The sixteenth symposium., Moscow, 2005, p. 34-41.
  8. J. Turkuvienė. Limiting distributions for random sampling in finite populations. Workshop on survey sampling theory and methodology, ISBN 9955-588-87-X, Vilnius, 2005, p.160-164.
  9. R. Baronas, F. Ivanauskas, R. Paulauskas, P. Vaitkus. The classification of concentrations of mixture of analytes using total principal component regression. Lith. Math. Journal, ISSN 0132-2818, 45, 2005, p. 454-458.
  10. A. Bikelis, J. Turkuvienė. Transformations of random variables. Lith. Math. Journal, ISSN 0132-2818, 45, 2005, p. 335-338.
  11. J. Kruopis, A.Vaišvila. The Conytol using More Rigid Control Limits. Electronics and electrotechnics, ISSN 1392-1215, 2005, nr. 1(57), p. 62-66.
  12. J. Kruopis, R. Levulienė, S. Grobovas, A. Vaišvila. Kinescope Classification using Mathematical Statistics Methods. Electronics and electrotechnics, ISSN 1392-1215, 2005, nr. 5(61), p. 43-47.
  13. J. Turkuvienė, A. Bikelis. Generalized z-distributions and Cornish-Fisher expansions. Lith. Math. Journal, ISSN 0132-2818, 45, 2005, p. 380-384.