Country codes: be - Belgium; bg - Bulgaria; cz - Czech Republic; dk - Denmark; de - Germany; ee - Estonia; ir - Ireland; gr - Greece; es - Spain; fr - France; it - Italy; cy - Cyprus; lv - Latvia; lt - Lithuania; lu - Luxembourg; hu - Hungary; mt - Malta; nl - Netherlands; at - Austria; pl - Poland; pt - Portugal; ro - Romania; si - Slovenia; sl - Slovakia; fi - Finland; se - Sweden; uk - United Kingdom; cr - Croatia; tr - Turkey; ie - Iceland; no - Norway; ch - Switzerland; Definition of variables: el_cons - Final Energy Consumption, Electricity (million of tonnes of oil equivalent): Eurostat; pop - Average Population: Eurostat; sh_ind - GDP share of Gross Value Added of Total Industry (excluding construction): Eurostat; y_pps - Nominal Gross Domestic Product per capita (Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant): Eurostat;