Vilnius University Sun Microsystems

Sun Microsystems Day at Vilnius University

The Seminar - October 03, 2003

Topic: Computational Grids and Visualization

The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (MIF), Vilnius University, announces the Seminar "Sun Microsystems Day at Vilnius University" and invites all the individuals/organizations interested take a part in this event. The Seminar

  • will take place on October 03, 2003,
  • at the Faculty, address: 24 Naugarduko Str. 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • hall: Videoconference studio at the Information Technologies Center of the Faculty

The schedule:

  • 08:15-09:00 - registration of the participants
  • 09:00-09:10 - opening of the Seminar
  • 09:10-09:40 - Algimantas Juozapavicius (MIF) "Computing at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, VU" (presentation)
  • 09:40-10:40 - Michael Schulman (Sun) "Sun's Vision and Strategy for High-Performance Technical Computing (HPTC)" (presentation, followed by discussion)
  • 10:40-11:10 - coffee break
  • 11:10-12:30 - Wolfgang Gentzsch (Sun) "Sun Grid Computing, Vision, Strategy, and Technology" (presentation, followed by discussion)
  • 12:30-13:20 - lunch
  • 13:20-14:30 - separate meetings/discussions with individuals/institutions

The preregistration of participants (by e-mail or by phone) is very welcomed.


Please contact:
Dr. Algimantas Juozapavicius, vicedean for information technologies
phone: +370 5 2151586, +370 6 8613613(mob.)


Kent Åberg,
Sun Microsystems
phone: +46 8 631 11 01


  • Wolfgang Gentzsch:
    Sun Grid Computing, Vision, Strategy, and Technology

    Abstract: Recent advances in networking, hardware and software provide a powerful 'Grid' infrastructure for computing, communication and collaboration. Sun's grid software stack enables users to build grid environments in an evolutionary way, starting with Cluster Grids on a departmental level, to Enterprise Grids, and eventually to Global Grids as part of the Internet.

    In the presentation, we outline Sun's grid computing strategy, describe the grid technology, and present customer solutions.

  • Michael Schulman:
    Sun's Vision and Strategy for High-Performance Technical Computing (HPTC)

    Abstract: I will provide an overview of Sun's broad range of scalable solutions for high performance technical computing (HPTC) in scientific, engineering, and other technical computing environments. Our approach is to work with the customer to understand the breadth of technical challenges faced in high-end computation, data management, visualization and graphics.

    This talk will provide an overview of Sun's vision and strategy for HPTC and an overview of our integrated HPTC software and hardware stack.

    The stage will be set for a more detailed look at our HPC software development environment and our clustering, grid, TCP, high-end graphics, and other technologies, as well as an introduction to our life sciences initiatives.

  • Algimantas Juozapavicius:
    Computing at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, VU

    Abstract: The Faculty advances in computing, providing a modern infrastructure for studies and research. Having more than 2000 students, and about 100 professors, Faculty is offering studies and research in mathematics, computer science, software engineering, econometrics, finance and insurance mathematics, statistics. The computer network runs three platforms: Linux, Solaris, Windows. Scientific computation is in the area of numerical analysis, modelling and simulation in laser physics, biochemistry and electrochemistry, medicine, computer graphics and vision, econometrics. The Faculty has a leading role in Visoriai scientific park for information technologies.

Following the seminar, Wolgang Gentzsch and Michael Schulman will be available to meet with seminar individuals/institutions in separate meetings to further penetrate Sun's solutions for Compute Grids, Vizualization Grids, and High-Performance Technical Computing.

About the speakers:

  • Michael Schulman is the Product Line Manager for Media Tools and Graphics API's at Sun Microsystems. He is currently responsible for determining Sun's solutions in the HPTC and graphics area.

    Previously he was responsible for marketing and evangelizing of Java 3D, Java Advanced Imaging and other graphics products and collaboration products at Sun. He has also been involved in strategic planning at Sun with respect to high end display solutions.

    Previously, Michael had been at SGI for 12 years, in a variety of technical and marketing positions, all involved with the CAD and Manufacturing environments. He has spoken at many industry events, including Daratech shows and at SME-Autofact conferences. He has a BS degree from Cornell University in Civil/Structural Engineering and a MS degree from Cornell University in Computer Graphics.

  • Wolfgang Gentzsch is the Engineering Director for Grid Software at Sun Microsystems, Inc. He joined Sun in July 2000, with Sun's acquisition of Gridware, a US/German based software company exclusively focusing on distributed computing. He was cofounder of Gridware in 1999, and founder of its predecessor Genias Software, in 1990.

    From 1985 to 2000, he was Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg, Germany, and at the same time a consultant for many vector, parallel and distributed computing companies.

  • Algimantas Juozapavicius, doctor of science in mathematics, is an associate professor of the Faculty, and vicedean for information technologies. His area of research includes computer vision, search algorithms for multidimensional data.

Material covering Sun Grid Computing Solutions, White Papers, Case Studies,..

Sun also invites to attend a free technology webcast on September 24, 2003: Grid Computing: Optimize the Power and Potential of Your IT Resources

to the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, VU

to the Department of Computer Scinece II

to the Vilnius University