Systems of linear equations

  1. Systems of linear equations
  2. The geometric meaning of systems of linear equations
  3. Augmented matrices
  4. The Gauss-Jordan elimination algorithm
  5. The Kronecker-Capelli theorem about solutions of systems of linear equations.
  6. Homogeneous systems of equations
  7. The theorem about solutions of homogeneous systems of equations.

A linear equation is an equation of the form

               a1x1+a2x2+...+anxn=b             (1)

where x1,...,xn are unknowns, a1,...,an,b are coefficients.


          3x-4y+5z=6                                   (2)

This equation has three unknowns and four coefficients (3, -4, 5, 6).

A solution of a linear equation (1) is a sequence of numbers x1,...,xn which make (1) a true equality.


       x=2, y=0, z=0

is a solution of equation (2).

A linear equation can have infinitely many solutions, exactly one solution or no solutions at all.

Equation (2) has infinitely many solutions. To find them all we can set arbitrary values of x and y and then solve (2) for z.

We get:

                                               x = s
                                               y = t
                                               z = (6-3s+4t)/5

These formulas give all solutions of our equation meaning that for every choice of values of t and s we get a solution and every solution is obtained this way. Thus this is a (the) general solution of our equation.

There may be many formulas giving all solutions of a given equation. For example Maple gives another formula:
> with(linalg);

This command starts the linear algebra package.
> A:=matrix(1,3,[3,-4,5]):b:=vector([6]):linsolve(A, b);

This command asks Maple to solve the system of equations.

The solution has two parameters t1 and t2;
x=4/3t1-5/3t2+2, y=t1, z=t2.

In order to get this solution "by hand" one can give y and z arbitrary values (t1 and t2) and solve for x.

A system of linear equations is any sequence of linear equations. A solution of a system of linear equations is any common solution of these equations. A system is called consistent if it has a solution. A general solution of a system of linear equations is a formula which gives all solutions for different values of parameters.

Examples. 1. Consider the system:

                                          x +  y =  7
                                         2x + 4y = 18

This system has just one solution: x=5, y=2. This is a general solution of the system.

2. Consider the system:

                                       x +  y + z =  7
                                      2x + 4y + z = 18.

This system has infinitely many solutions given by this formula:

                                        x = 5 - 3s/2
                                        y = 2 + s/2
                                        z = s

This is a general solution of our system.

In order to find a general solution of a system of equations, one needs to simplify it as much as possible. The simplest system of linear equations is

                                                x = a
                                                y = b

where every equation has only one unknown and all these unknowns are different. It is not possible to reduce every system of linear equations to this form, but we can get very close. There are three operations that one can apply to any system of linear equations:

  1. Replace an equation by the sum of this equation and another equation multiplied by a number.
  2. Swap two equations.
  3. Multiply an equation by a non-zero number.

The system obtained after each of these operations is equivalent to the original system, meaning that they have the same solutions.

For example consider the system

                                         x +  y =  7
                                        2x + 4y = 18

We can first replace the second equation by the second equation plus the first equation multiplied by -2. We get

                                          x + y = 7
                                             2y = 4

Now we can use the third operation and multiply the second equation by 1/2:

                                          x + y = 7
                                              y = 2

Finally we can replace the first equation by the sum of the first equation and the second equation multiplied by -1:

                                                x = 5
                                                y = 2

Since this system is equivalent to the original system, we get that x=5, y=2 is the general solution of the original system.

The geometric meaning of systems of linear equations

Consider an (x,y)-plane and the set of points satisfying ax+by=c. This set of points is either a line (if a or b is not 0) or the whole plane (if a=b=c=0), or empty (if a=b=0 but c is not 0).

The set of solutions of the system

                                        ax +  by = c
                                       a'x + b'y = c'


is the intersection of the sets of solutions of the individual equations. For example if these equations define lines on the plane, the intersection may be a point -- if the lines are not parallel, a line -- if the lines coincide, or empty -- if the lines are parallel.

A system of equations in 3 or more variables has similar geometric meaning.

Augmented matrices.

Consider the following problem:

Given the system of equations

                          x + y + 2z = a
                          x +      z = b                        (1)
                         2x + y + 3z = c,

show that it has a solution only if a+b=c.

In order to prove that, replace the first equation by the sum of the first two equations:

                                         2x + y + 3z = a + b
                                          x +      z = b
                                         2x + y + 3z = c

This system is equivalent to the previous one, so it has a solution if and only if the initial system has a solution. But comparing the first and the third equations of this system we notice that it has a solution only if a+b=c. The problem is solved.

Now suppose that we have that a+b=c and we want to find the general solution of this system.

Then we need to simplify the system by using three operations (adding, swapping, multiplying). It is more convenient to work not with the system but with its augmented matrix, the array (table, matrix) consisting of the coefficients of the left sides of the equations and the right sides. For example the system (1) from the problem that we just solved has the following augmented matrix:

[ 1 1 2 a ]
[ 1 0 1 b ]
[ 2 1 3 c ]

The number of equations in a system of linear equations is equal to the number of rows in the augmented matrix, the number of unknowns is equal to the number of columns minus 1, the last column consists of the right sides of the equations.

When we execute the operations on the systems of equations, the augmented matrix changes. If we add equation i to equation j, then row i will be added to row j, if we swap equations, the corresponding rows get swapped, if we multiply an equation by a (non-zero) number, the corresponding row is multiplied by this number.

Thus, in order to simplify a system of equations it is enough to simplify its augmented matrix by using the following row operations:

  1. Replace a row by this row plus another row multiplied by a number.
  2. Swap two rows.
  3. Multiply a row by a non-zero number.

For example let us simplify the augmented matrix of the system (1) from the problem that we just solved.

First we replace the first row by the sum of the first and the second rows:

[ 2 1 3 a+b ]
[ 1 0 1 b ]
[ 2 1 3 c ]

Then we subtract the first row from the third row (remember that a+b=c):

[ 2 1 3 a+b ]
[ 1 0 1 b ]
[ 0 0 0 0 ]

Then we subtract the second row multiplied by 2 from the first row. :

[ 0 1 1 a-b ]
[ 1 0 1 b ]
[ 0 0 0 0 ]

Then we swap the first two rows and obtain the following matrix

[ 1 0 1 b ]
[ 0 1 1 a-b ]
[ 0 0 0 0 ]

The last matrix has several important features:

  1. All zero rows (rows consisting of zeroes) are at the buttom.
  2. Every non-zero row starts with several zeroes followed by 1. This 1 is called the leading 1 of the row.
  3. The position of the leading 1 in the row with bigger number is further to the right than for the row with smaller number.
  4. Every number below the leading 1 is zero.
  5. Every number above the leading 1 is zero.

A matrix which satisfies the first four conditions is called a matrix in the row echelon form or a row echelon matrix.

A matrix which satisfies all five conditions is called a matrix in the reduced row echelon form or a reduced row echelon matrix.

It is very easy to find the general solution of a system of linear equations whose augmented matrix has the reduced row echelon form.

Consider the system of equations corresponding to the last matrix that we got:

                                       x +     z = b
                                           y + z = a - b

The unknowns corresponding to the leading 1's in the row echelon augmented matrix are called leading unknowns. In our case the leading 1's are in the first and the second positions, so the leading unknowns are x and y. Other unknowns are called free.

In our case we have only one free unknown, z. If we move it to the right and denote it by t, we get the following formulas:

                                       x = b - t
                                       y = a - b - t
                                       z = t

This system gives us the general solution of the original system with parameter t. Indeed, giving t arbitrary values, we can compute x, y and z and obtain all solutions of the original system of equations.

Similarly, we can get a general solution of every system of equations whose matrix is in the reduced row echelon form:

One just has to move all free variables to the right side of the equations and consider them as parameters.

Example Consider the system of equations:

                         x1 + 2x2 +         x4   =  6
                                      x3 +  6x4  =  7

Its augmented matrix is

[ 1 2 0 1 0 6 ]
[ 0 0 1 6 0 7 ]
[ 0 0 0 0 1 1 ]

The matrix has the reduced row echelon form. The leading unknowns are x1, x3 and x5; the free unknowns are x2 and x4. So the general solution is:

                              x1= 6-2t-s
                              x2= s
                              x3= 7-6t
                              x4= t
                              x5= 1

If the augmented matrix does not have the reduced row echelon form but has the (ordinary) row echelon form then the general solution also can be easily found.

The method of finding the solution is called the back-substitution.

First we solve each of the equations for the leading unknowns The last non-zero equation gives us the expression for the last leading unknown in terms of the free unknowns. Then we substitute this leading unknown in all other equations by this expression. After that we are able to find an expression for the next to the last leading unknown, replace this unknown everywhere by this expression, etc. until we get expressions for all leading unknowns. The expressions for leading unknowns that we find in this process form the general solution of our system of equations.

Example. Consider the following system of equations.

                      x1-3x2+ x3-x4 = 2
                          x2+2x3-x4 = 3
                              x3+x4 = 1

Its augmented matrix

[ 1 -3 1 -1 2 ]
[ 0 1 2 -1 3 ]
[ 0 0 1 1 1 ]

is in the row echelon form.

The leading unknowns are x1, x2, x3; the free unknown is x4.

Solving each equation for the leading unknown we get:


The last equation gives us an expression for x3: x3=1-x4. Substituting this into the first and the second equations gives:


Now substituting x2=1+3x4 into the first equation, we get

                    x1=1+3(1+3x4)+2x4=4+11 x4

Now we can write the general solution:

                                    x1=4+11 s
                                    x2=1+ 3 s
                                    x3=1-   s
                                    x4=     s

Let us check if we made any arithmetic mistakes. Take x4=1 and compute x1=15, x2=4, x3=0, x4=1. Substitute it into the original system of equations:

                            15 - 3 * 4 + 0 - 1 = 2
                                 4 + 2 * 0 - 1 = 3
                                         0 + 1 = 1

OK, it seems that our solution is correct.

The Gauss-Jordan elimination procedure

There exists a standard procedure to obtain a reduced row echelon matrix from a given matrix by using the row operations.

This procedure consists of the following steps.

  1. Locate the leftmost column which does not consist of zeroes.
  2. If necessary swap the first row with the row which contains a non-zero number a in the column found on step 1.
  3. If this number a is not 0, multiply the first row by 1/a, to get a leading 1 in the first row.
  4. Use the first row to make zeroes below the leading 1 in the first row (by using the adding operation).
  5. Cover the first row and apply the first 4 steps to the remaining sub-matrix. Continue until the whole matrix is in the row echelon form.
  6. Use the last non-zero row to make zeroes above the leading 1 in this row. Use the second to last non-zero row to make zeroes above the leading 1 in this row. Continue until the matrix is in the reduced row echelon form.

The Kronecker-Capelli theorem.

Theorem. A system of linear equations either has no solutions or has exactly one solution or has infinitely many solutions. A system of linear equations has infinitely many solutions if and only if its reduced row echelon form has free unknowns and the last column of the reduced row echelon form has no leading 1's. It has exactly one solution if and only if the reduced row echelon form has no free unknowns and the last column of the reduced row echelon form has no leading 1. It has no solutions if and only if the last column of the reduced row echelon form has a leading 1.

Homogeneous systems

A system of linear equation is called homogeneous if the right sides are equal to 0.


                                      2x + 3y - 4z = 0
                                       x -  y +  z = 0
                                       x -  y      = 0

A homogeneous system of equations always has a solution (0,0,...,0). Therefore the theorem about solutions of systems of linear equations implies the first part of the following result.

Theorem. Every homogeneous system has either exactly one solution or infinitely many solutions. If a homogeneous system has more unknowns than equations, then it has infinitely many solutions.