Selected publications

  1. The compactness of distributions of a set of additive functions, Liet. matem. rink., 1987, 27(2), 369-382 (Russian).
  2. The probabilities of moderate deviations for arithmetical functions, Liet. matem. rink., 1988, 28(2), 224-235 (with G.Bareikis) (Russian).
  3. The integer-valued additive arithmetical functions and the Poisson distribution, Liet. matem. rink., 1988, 28(2), 384-398 (Russian).
  4. The distribution of values of additive function in rational arguments, Liet. matem. rink., 1988, 28(3), 565-581 (with V.Stakėnas) (Russian).
  5. The approximation of distributions of integer-valued additive functions by discrete charges. I, Liet. matem. rink., 1988, 28(4), 795-809 (with V.Čekanavičius) (Russian).
  6. The approximation of distributions of integer-valued additive functions by discrete charges. II, Liet. matem. rink., 1989, 29(1), 179-201 (with V.Čekanavičius) (Russian).
  7. The Kubilius inequality for additive functions in rational arguments, Liet. matem. rink., 1990, 30(1), 176-184 (with V.Stakėnas) (Russian).
  8. The Erdos-Wintner theorem for additive functions in rational arguments, Liet. matem. rink., 1990, 30(2), 405-415 (Russian).
  9. The von Mises Theorem in Number Theory. In: New Trends in Probability and Statistics. V.2: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. in Honour of J.Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24-28 September 1991. Eds. F.Schweiger and E.Manstavičius, Vilnius: TEV, Utrecht: VSP, 1992, 293-310.
  10. The convergence to the Poisson law. I. Integer valued additive functions, Liet. matem. rink., 1995, 35(3), 381-392 (Russian); LMJ, 1995, 35(3), 300-308.
  11. Convergence to the Poisson law.II. Unbounded strongly additive functions, Liet. matem. rink., 1996, 36(3), 393-404 (Russian); LMJ, 1996, 36(3), 314-322.
  12. On the convergence to the Poisson law, In: New Trends in Probability and Statistics. V.4: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. Proceedings of the Second Intern. Conf. in Honour of J.Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 23-27 September 1996. Eds. A.Laurinčikas, E.Manstavičius and V.Stakėnas, Vilnius: TEV, Utrecht: VSP, 1997, 389-398.
  13. The Poisson law for large prime numbers, Proceedings of XXXVIII Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society (a special supplement of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys), Vilnius: Technika, 1997, 50-55 (Russian).
  14. The products of independent random variables, Vilnius University Press, 1998, 143 p. (with G.Bareikis) (Lithuanian).
  15. The convergence to the Poisson law.III. Method of moments, Liet. matem. rink., 1998, 38(4), 491-511 (Russian); LMJ, 1998, 38(4), 374-390.
  16. The Erdos-Wintner theorem and Poisson law, Proceedings of XXXIX Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society (a special supplement of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys), Vilnius: Technika, 1998, 80-86 (Russian).
  17. On the distributions of additive functions, Proceedings of XL Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society (a special supplement of Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys), Vilnius: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 1999, 104-109.
  18. The von Mises theorem for Farey fractions Liet. matem. rink., 1999, 39(3), 425-439 (Russian); LMJ, 1999, 39(3), 336-347.

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