Svarbiausios publikacijos= The main recent publications

  1. On certain class of infinite products with an application to arithmetical semigroups, Archiv der Mathematik, 1991, 56, 446-453 (jointly with K.-H.Indlekofer and R.Warlimont).
  2. Semigroup elements free of large prime factors, in: New Trends in Probability and Statistics. 2: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory (F.Schweiger and E.Manstavičius, Eds), Vilnius: TEV, Utrecht: VSP, 1992, 135-153.
  3. Remarks on the semigroup elements free of large prime factors, Lith. Math. J., 1992, 32(4), 400-409.
  4. Summation of the values of multiplicative functions on semigroups, Lith. Math. J., 1993, 33(3), 330-340 (jointly with R.Skrabutenas).
  5. Functional limit theorems for additive functions in short intervals, Lith. Math. J., 1993, 33(3), 217-226 (jointly with K.-H.Indlekofer).
  6. Distribution of the traditionally normalized additive functions, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos nominatae, Sect Comp., 1994, 14, 115-133.
  7. Additive and multiplicative functions on arithmetical semigroups, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 1994, 45(1-2), 1-17 (jointly with K.-H.Indlekofer).
  8. New approach to multiplicative functions on arithmetical semigroups, Lith. Math. J., 1994, 34(4), 356-363 (jointly with K.-H.Indlekofer).
  9. A proof of the Erdos arcsine law, Probab. Theory and Math. Statistics, Proceedings of Sixth Intern. Vilnius Conf., B. Grigelionis et al. (Eds), VSP/TEV, 1994, 533-539.
  10. Functional approach in the divisor distribution problems, Acta Math. Hungarica, 1995, 66(3), 343-359.
  11. Translates of additive and multiplicative functions defined on arithmetical semigroups, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 61 (1995), 105-122 (jointly with K.-H.Indlekofer).
  12. Natural divisors and the Brownian motion, Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 1996, 8, 159-171.
  13. Additive and multiplicative functions on random permutations, Lith. Math. J., 1996, 36(4), 400-408.
  14. Probabilistic theory of additive functions related to systems of numeration, in: New Trends in Probability and Statistics. 4: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory (A.Laurincikas, E.Manstavicius and V.Stakenas, Eds), Vilnius: TEV, Utrecht: VSP, 1997, 413-429.
  15. Functional limit theorem related to natural divisors, Acta Math. Hungarica, 1997, 75(1-2), 1-13 (jointly with N.M.Timofeev).
  16. On the largest degree of an irreducible factor of a polynomial in Fq[X], Lith. Math. J., 1997, 37(1), 38-45 (jointly with A.Knopfmacher).
  17. Functional limit theorems in the $M$-scheme, Lith. Math. J., 1997, 37(2), 108-118 (jointly with G.Bareikis).
  18. Multiplicative functions and random processes, Lith. Math. J ., 1997, 37(4), 310-319 (jointly with G.Bareikis).
  19. Sums of digits obey the Strassen law, Transactions of the Lithuanian Math. Soc., Supplement of the ,,Lith. Math. J.``. Vilnius: Technika, 1997, 33-38.
  20. The law of iterated logarithm for random permutations, Lith. Math. J., 1998, 38(2), 205-220 (Russian).
  21. The Berry-Esseen bound in the theory of random permutations, The Ramanujan Journal, 1998, 2, 185-199.
  22. A functional limit theorem for random mappings, Transactions of the Lith. Math. Soc., 2, Supplement of the ,,Lith. Math. J.``. Vilnius: Technika, 1998, 2, 49-54.
  23. A Tauber theorem and multiplicative functions on permutations, in: Number Theory in Progress (K.Gy/"ory et al, Eds), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1999, 2, 1025-1038.
  24. On analytic problems of combinatorial structures, Transactions of the Lith. Math. Soc., Supplement of the ,,Lith. Math. J.``. Vilnius: Technika, 1999, 3, p. 75-80.
  25. Brownian motion for random permutations, Sankhya, 1999, 61, 3, 312-327 (jointly with G.J.Babu).
  26. Random permutations and the Ewens sampling formula in genetics, Proceedings of the 7th Vilnius Conf., (B.Grigelionis et al, Eds), VSP/TEV, Ut/-recht/Vil/-nius, 1999, 33-42 (jointly with G.J.Babu).
  27. Stochastic processes with independent increments for random mappings, Lith. Math. J., 1999, 39(4), 393-407.
  28. On the frequency of multisets without some components, Lietuvos matem. rink., 2000, 40(Spec. No), 55-60.
  29. An analytic problem of combinatorial structures, Lietuvos matem. rink., 2000, 40(Spec. No), 61-67 (jointly with R.Skrabutenas).
  30. On random permutations without cycles of some length, Periodica Mathematica Hungary, 2001 42(1-2), 37-44 (jointly with K.-H.Indlekofer).
  31. Distribution of multiplicative functions defined on semigroups, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 2001, 24(3), 335-347.
  32. An estimate for the Taylor coefficients, Liet. matem. rink., 2001, 41(Spec. No), 100-105.
  33. Limit processes with independent increments for the Ewens sampling formula, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2002, 54(3), 607-620 (jointly with G.J.Babu).
  34. Mapings on decomposable combinatorial structures: analytic approach, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, 2002, 11, 61-78.
  35. Functional limit theorems in probabilistic number theory, in: Bolyai Society Mathematical studies. 11: Paul Erdos and His Mathematics., I, G.Halasz, L.Lovasz, M.Simonovits and V.T.Sos (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2002, 465-491.
  36. On probability of combinatorial structures without some components, in: Proc. Millennial Conf. Number Theory (B.C.Berndt et al. Eds), Urbana-Champaign, 2001, A.K.Peters, Natick, Massachusetts, 2002, 387-401.
  37. Functional limit theorem for sequences of mappings on the symmetric group, in: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. Proceedings of the Third Intern. Conf. in Honour of J.Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 24-28 September, 2001. A.Dubickas, A.Laurinčikas and E.Manstavičius (Eds.), TEV, Vilnius, 2002, 175-187.
  38. Infinitely divisible limit processes for the Ewens sampling formula, Lith. Math. J., 2002, 42(3), 232-242 (jointly with G.J.Babu).
  39. ] On permutations missing short cycles, Liet. matem. rink., 2002, 42(Spec. No), 70-74.
  40. Functional limit theorems for digital expansions, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2003, 98(3), 175-201 (jointly with M. Dromota, M. Fuchs).
  41. Value concentration of additive functions on random permutations, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2003, 79, 1-8.
  42. On analytic problems for additive arithmetical semigroups, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sec. Comp., 2003, 22, 269-285 (jointly with R.Skrabutėnas).
  43. Value concentration of additive functions on semi\-groups, Liet. matem. rink., 2003, 43, (Spec. No), 70-74.
  44. Iterated logarithm laws and the cycle lengths of a random permutation, in: Trends in Mathematics, Mathematics and Computer Science III, Algorithms, Tress, Combinatorics and Probabilities, M.Drmota et al (Eds), Birkhauser Verlag, Basel/Switzerland, 2004, 39-47.
  45. Harmonic Bernoulli strings and random permutations, Liet. matem. rink., 2004, 44 (Spec. No), 90-94.

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