Rinktinės profesoriaus Jono Kubiliaus publikacijos

Moksliniai straipsniai

  1. On the application of I.M. Vinogradov's method to solution of a problem of metrical number theory, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1949, 67(5), 783-786 (Russian).

  2. The distribution of prime numbers of the Gaussian field in the sectors and contours, Uch. zap. LGU. Ser. mat. nauk., 1950, 137(19), 40-52 (Russian).

  3. On the presentation of prime numbers as sum of two squares, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1951, 77(5), 791-794 (Russian).

  4. On some problems of geometry of prime numbers, Mat. sb., 1952, 31(3), 508-542 (Russian).

  5. An analogue of the theorem of A. N. Kolmogorov on Markov processes in the theory of prime numbers, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1955, 103(3), 361-363 (Russian).

  6. Probabilistic methods in the number theory, Uspekchi mat. nauk, 1956, II(2), 31-66 (Russian).

  7. On a metrical problem of diophantine approximations, LTSR MA Darbai. B ser., 1959, 2, 3-7 (Russian).

  8. Probabilistic methods in the theory of numbers, Amer. Math. Soc. Trans. (2), 1962, 19, 47-85.

  9. The method of generating functions in the probabilistic number theory, Liet. matem. rink., 1966, 6(4), 641 (Russian).

  10. On local theorems for additive number-theoretic functions, Abhandlungen aus Zahlentheorie und Analysis: Zur Erinnerung an Edmund Landau (1877-1938)}, New York, [1968], 173-191.

  11. The analytical methods of probabilistic number theory, Liet. Matem. Rink., 1969, 9 (2), 399 (Russian).

  12. The method of generating Dirichlet series in the theory of distribution of arithmetic functions, I, Liet. matem. rink., 1971, 11(1), 125-134 (Russian).

  13. On large deviations of additive arithmetic functions, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 1972, 128, 191-201 (Russian).

  14. The method of generating Dirichlet series in the theory of distribution of arithmetic functions, .II, Liet. matem. rink., 1972, 12(2), 65-76 (Russian).

  15. On the large deviations of additive arithmetical functions, Tr. Mat. inst. AN SSSR, 1972, 128, 163-171 (Russian).

  16. Probabilistic methods in the theory of distributions of arithmetical functions, In: The actual problems of analytical number theory, V. G. Sprindzuk (ed.), Minsk, 1974, 81-118 (Russian).

  17. On the arithmetical modelling of Brownian motion, III, Soviet-Japan symp. on the probability theory, Tashkent, 26.07--03.09 1975: Abstracts of communications, t.1, Tashkent, 1975, 79--80 (Russian).

  18. On the estimate of the second central moment for the arbitrary additive arithmetical functions. 1--2. Liet. matem. rink., 1983, 23(1), 122-133 (Russian).

  19. The refinement of the estimate of the second central moment for the arbitrary additive arithmetical functions. Liet. matem. rink., 1985, 25(3), 104-110 (Russian).

  20. On some inequalities in the probabilistic number theory, In: New Trends in Probability and Statistics. V.4: Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory. Proceedings of the Second Intern. Conf. in Honour of J.Kubilius, Palanga, Lithuania, 23-27 September 1996. Eds. A.Laurinčikas, E.Manstavičius and V.Stakėnas, Vilnius: TEV, Utrecht: VSP, 1997, 345-356.

  21. On some results in probabilistic number theory, Acta Applicande Mathematicae, 1999, 58(1-3), 157-168.

Monografijos, vadovėliai

  1. Probabilistic number theory, Vilnius, AN LitSSR. Inst. of physics and Math.;2, 1959. 162, [5]. (Russian).

  2. Probabilistic number theory, 2-nd extended edition, Vilnius, 1962. 221 p. (Russian).

  3. Probabilistic methods in the theory of numbers, Providence (R.I.), 1964, XVII, 182 p. - (Transl of Math. Monogr. / Amer. Math. Soc.; 11). - 2-nd print, 1968. - 3-d print with corr., 1978. - 4-th printing 1992. - 5-th printing 1997. - 182 p.

  4. Realaus kintamojo funkcijų teorija: Vadovėlis resp. aukšt. m--klų matematikos spec. studentams, Vilnius, 1970, 284 p.

  5. Tikimybių teorija ir matematinė statistika: Vadovėlis resp. aukšt. m-klų matematikos spec., Vilnius: Mokslas, 1979, 403 p.

  6. Tikimybių teorija ir matematinė statistika: Vadovėlis, Antrasis pataisytas ir papildytas leidimas, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 1996, 439 p.

  7. Ribinės teoremos, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 1998, 192 p.

Profesoriaus Jono Kubiliaus puslapis