Study Programme Software Engineering


Semester 1
Compulsory subjects (units) C L T S L K Ass
Requirements Engineering 7 48     32 2 E
Project Management 6 32   24   8 E
Software Systems Architecture and Design 6 48     32 2 E
Parallel and Distributed Computing 5 31 16 16 1 E
Research Work 6 6       8 D
Total 30  
Semester 2
Compulsory subjects (units) C L T S L K Ass
Software Engineering Methods and Tools 7 32   28 14 6 E
Software Process Assessment and Improvement 6 32   28   4 E
Optional subjects (units) A 6           E
Optional subjects (units) B 5           E
Research Work 6         8 D
Total 30  
Optional subjects (units) A
Software Acquisition and Maintenance 6 32   28   4 E
Human Computer Interaction Design 6 32   26 16 6 E
Optional subjects (units) B
Software Quality 5 32   30   2 E
Information Security 5 32   32   2 E


Semester 3
Compulsory subjects (units) C L T S L K Ass
Professional Practice 18         8 E
Optional subjects (units) C 6           E
Research Work 6         8 D
Total 30  
Optional subjects (units) C
Statistical Analysis in Software Engineering 6 32   28   4 E
Software Systems Testing and Configuration Management 6 32   24   8 E
Electronic Signature Infrastructure and Electronic Commerce 6 32   26   6 E
Semester 4
Compulsory subjects (units) C L T S L K Ass
Master’s Thesis 30         16 D
Total 30  


Designed by:  Rima  last update 2013.08.29
© VU MIF  Department of Computer Science, Department of Software Engineering