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Photon Noise

When the physical signal that we observe is based upon light, then the quantum nature of light plays a significant role. A single photon at = 500 nm carries an energy of E = h = hc/ = 3.97 x 10-19 Joules. Modern CCD cameras are sensitive enough to be able to count individual photons. (Camera sensitivity will be discussed in Section 7.2.) The noise problem arises from the fundamentally statistical nature of photon production. We cannot assume that, in a given pixel for two consecutive but independent observation intervals of length T, the same number of photons will be counted. Photon production is governed by the laws of quantum physics which restrict us to talking about an average number of photons within a given observation window. The probability distribution for p photons in an observation window of length T seconds is known to be Poisson:

where is the rate or intensity parameter measured in photons per second. It is critical to understand that even if there were no other noise sources in the imaging chain, the statistical fluctuations associated with photon counting over a finite time interval T would still lead to a finite signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). If we use the appropriate formula for the SNR (eq. ), then due to the fact that the average value and the standard deviation are given by:

Poisson process -

we have for the SNR:

Photon noise -

The three traditional assumptions about the relationship between signal and noise do not hold for photon noise:

* photon noise is not independent of the signal;

* photon noise is not Gaussian, and;

* photon noise is not additive.

For very bright signals, where T exceeds 105, the noise fluctuations due to photon statistics can be ignored if the sensor has a sufficiently high saturation level. This will be discussed further in Section 7.3 and, in particular, eq. .

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