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Color Sensitivity

uman color perception is an exceedingly complex topic. As such we can only present a brief introduction here. The physical perception of color is based upon three color pigments in the retina.

Standard observer

Based upon psychophysical measurements, standard curves have been adopted by the CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) as the sensitivity curves for the "typical" observer for the three "pigments" . These are shown in Figure 13. These are not the actual pigment absorption characteristics found in the "standard" human retina but rather sensitivity curves derived from actual data .

Figure 13: Standard observer color sensitivity curves.

For an arbitrary homogeneous region in an image that has an intensity as a function of wavelength (color) given by I(), the three responses are called the tristimulus values:

CIE chromaticity coordinates

The chromaticity coordinates which describe the perceived color information are defined as:

The red chromaticity coordinate is given by x and the green chromaticity coordinate by y. The tristimulus values are linear in I() and thus the absolute intensity information has been lost in the calculation of the chromaticity coordinates {x,y}. All color distributions, I(), that appear to an observer as having the same color will have the same chromaticity coordinates.

If we use a tunable source of pure color (such as a dye laser), then the intensity can be modeled as I() = d( - o) with d(*) as the impulse function. The collection of chromaticity coordinates {x,y} that will be generated by varying o gives the CIE chromaticity triangle as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Chromaticity diagram containing the CIE chromaticity triangle associated with pure spectral colors and the triangle associated with CRT phosphors.

Pure spectral colors are along the boundary of the chromaticity triangle. All other colors are inside the triangle. The chromaticity coordinates for some standard sources are given in Table 6.


Fluorescent lamp 4800 deg.K
Sun 6000 deg.K
Red Phosphor (europium yttrium vanadate)
Green Phosphor (zinc cadmium sulfide)
Blue Phosphor (zinc sulfide)
Table 6: Chromaticity coordinates for standard sources.

The description of color on the basis of chromaticity coordinates not only permits an analysis of color but provides a synthesis technique as well. Using a mixture of two color sources, it is possible to generate any of the colors along the line connecting their respective chromaticity coordinates. Since we cannot have a negative number of photons, this means the mixing coefficients must be positive. Using three color sources such as the red, green, and blue phosphors on CRT monitors leads to the set of colors defined by the interior of the "phosphor triangle" shown in Figure 14.

The formulas for converting from the tristimulus values (X,Y,Z) to the well-known CRT colors (R,G,B) and back are given by:


As long as the position of a desired color (X,Y,Z) is inside the phosphor triangle in Figure 14, the values of R, G, and B as computed by eq. will be positive and can therefore be used to drive a CRT monitor.

It is incorrect to assume that a small displacement anywhere in the chromaticity diagram (Figure 14) will produce a proportionally small change in the perceived color. An empirically-derived chromaticity space where this property is approximated is the (u',v') space:

Small changes almost anywhere in the (u',v') chromaticity space produce equally small changes in the perceived colors.

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